
Chapter 378: Grandpa... Someone tried to take my innocence today...

Manuela Smith felt her heart rate increase, she didn't know where to run, she just kept flying without direction, she and her family were new to the Florentine City and because of that, she didn't know who she could trust and if it was someone next door Abidiel? She also couldn't go to Emperor Morpheus' palace, since it was possible that Abdiel was there, or had someone waiting for her.

Regardless, she continued to flap her wings made of lightning, heading out of town, she tried to call her father and mother, but it didn't work, she could only hope that after her parents finished talking to Emperor Morpheus to be able to call her parents.

"I knew we shouldn't have left the Emerald City..." Manuela murmured as she cried softly.

As she was about to leave Florentine City, a group of people wearing a black cloak appeared.

"Stop right there, Lady Manuela!" Said the leader of the group.

Soon the group surrounded Manuela, leaving no escape route for her.

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