
203 Letter From Ryan

Yuki grazed her fangs against Naomi's neck. "Because that is what your body has decided. I will not force you to drink more than once but drink this once for me and brand him, please?"

Cedric stood back and watched Adam's facial expression. "You look like you are actually delighted over this. is this something that you were expecting all along?"

"Yes, I was told that if I followed orders I would have my blood drunk. You must know what it feels like for a demon to have the excess blood removed from your body." Adam closes his eyes and finally feels the fangs sink in.

Naomi feels the flesh below her and she sinks her fangs in. She drinks lightly and then the blood starts to rush into her mouth. She drinks deeply before stopping and licking the wound. She turns and looks at Yuki. "I think, I understand now."

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