
Louis POV (2)

My three other friends who were coming to Albert's aid stopped in their tracks and averted their eyes. Humph, if I didn't know that you guys have to follow his every whim, I would trash the three of you.

"Why are you not helping me?"

"It's unavoidable when it comes to bunny-chan Prince~"

"You were wrong"

"... what about you Tomas?"

Tomas scratched the back of his head.

"No matter what that bit- Miss Cecile did, she is still a young lady. She shouldn't be dealing with this type of thing"

"*hmph* what you guys know? She is an accomplished miss. If she didn't refuse my invitation, she would now have Louis's position"


Did Albert's brain become a paste? He wanted my lovely sister to get her hands on the dirty of this kingdom. Hehehehe. I will kill this dude; we have William to take his position, anyway.

Just as I was about to beat him senseless, Lukas held me back.

"Jacob, Tomas, take His Highness to the infirmary to treat his eye. We can't have the Crown Prince appearing in the parade with a black eye. And you, My Dear Brother, will calm down"

Jacob and Tomas dragged Albert out of the room. Tsk. Too cheap for him.

"You can let go now"

"Shouldn't you be happier now that you came back to your lovely family?"

"How could I possibly happy when my little sister is freakin' ruling the Underworld? I'm mad that everyone is okay with it"

"*sigh* although I hate to agree with the Prince, Cecile is indeed capable enough. Because you were not here, you couldn't see how she turned from a merely noble's daughter to a force to be reckoned with by anyone... she has a terrifying potential. I bet your family is receiving many marriage proposals"

"Don't even start, I just met one of this suitors *hmph* there is no way I'm giving Cecile so soon to anyone"

"... I can always wait until then"


"Nothing. Don't you want to see Julia? It will delight her to see that you are back"

"Julia... sure. I need to talk to her, anyway"

Lukas walked with me and told me everything that happened in my absence. I can only say that my sister is as perfect as one could be! And Albert... hehe. Let's just say that he would get more than one punch if he was in front of me.

As we talked about the time we spent apart, we quickly arrived at Albert's quarters, where he and Julia live together. No, don't! Don't get me started to how improper it is. I know, you know, they know. However, our overbearing Prince won't ever hear the voice of reason when it comes to Julia.

*knock knock*

"Julia is Lukas. I have a surprise for you"

Immediately, the room's door opened. We could see a petite lady with her trademark fluffy hair that would remind one of a squirrel. Surprise was written all over her face, and with a big smile, she threw herself at me.

I was so surprised with her move that I subconsciously step aside and... well... our future Queen reunited with the ground. I had to suppress my laugh and immediately asked for forgiveness, helping her get up. I could see that Lukas, like me, was having a hard time not laughing too.

"Why did you did that for?"

"Sorry Julia, it startled me"

"Poor Louis, that border must be scary if only a hug would startle you this much! I'm so sorry for having you suffer that much!"

"It was nothing. I had a great time there, everyone was nice and I could know- "

"Oh Louis, you don't have to be considerate! How can someone live a nice life in a barren and cold land? It's good that you are a back from that poor place. Come in."


Sorry, I don't think I heard right. She is calling our best trade routes poor?

How could the future Queen of our country show so much distaste and ignorance for one of our lands like that?

Besides, those people there live a very happy and fulfilling life, sometimes even more than us from the capital.

Although I was outraged, I let it slip. Maybe she was not educated about the border yet and how it is one of the major entries for imported products.

"Did you bring any presents for me?"

Sparkling her childishness Julia looked like a little girl waiting for candy.

"Why are you staring at me? Is there something on my face?"

"Sorry, I got distracted. Sadly, I didn't bring any gifts for you"

Weird. I used to be attracted to her because of this childishness, but now I only feel that is kind of stupid.

"That's okay. Did you come to tell your suffering? I have nice chocolates from Miss Cecile's store. It's a good complement to stories don't you think?"

"Sure is. But I only came to pay a quick visit to see how you are doing"

"Fufu~ you are considerate as always! At least accept the tea"

"Sure. Thanks, Julia"

We sat down and the tea smell permeated around the room. How should I ask her about Mayne?

"Juli-chan I'm sooooo jealous"

"What happened Lukas?"

"I heard rumours that you are now close to that Mayne guy! You can't Juli-chan he is a well-known womanizer!"

Nice Lukas! Although it's hypocritical of you to be complaining about womanizing, you did a good job!

"Fufu~ don't be jealous, Lukas. Mayne is a nice kid; He just lacks love, so he chases after girls. It's a pity that Al doesn't let me befriend with him mon~ ne, Louis, couldn't you talk about it with Al later? He aaaalways gives in when you talk with him. Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease"

"Julia, do you know who is his father?"

"Yeah. Isn't Duke Fournier? So?"

So? So he is just the one who is trying to hurt your beloved.


How could I ever think this stupid girl was anything like my perfect princess?

"Do you know who is trying to hurt Albert?"

"Hmm... I think I heard him saying was some Duke that started with an F... no way!"

At least she realized the situation she is in...

"But don't worry! There is no way that Mayne would do something bad. He is a good kid after all"

Oh, Lord. Can I survive to be the Prime Minister with Albert as a King and Julia as a Queen?

Maybe I should resign from my position as an aid and apply to Cerberus's boss. At least this way I could peacefully deal with the annoying bugs that are attracted to Cecile, like that shit*y secretary of hers...

Daydreaming so I didn't yell at the future Queen, I couldn't possibly imagine a peaceful future ahead of me.

Just cuz I thought it was too mean to not post it soon, here is the second part of Louis POV.

Hope you all enjoy it

Amoracreators' thoughts
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