
Plans to my empire

Now inside my bedroom 12 of closest friends. They are part of the group that will help me build my DIY inspired empire.

"Guys now we will finally start our plan. In the upcoming month I plan to open our department store, 2 restaurants and a tea house"

Opening the blueprint of the department store I started to explain to them how i envisioned the store.

"Sarah, Jaimes, Lily, Carl, Iris and Liam, you will be responsible for this project. We will build the department store in that 5 floor building on the east. The first floor will have a cafe and a place to leave the children. This cafe will serve our special pastries, like the quiche, croissant, cheese-bread and etc. and will serve those drinks developed from the bilue plant and dony plant. We will call the respectively cafe and chocolate. Also let's serve some sweets like the cakes Lily invented and brigadeiros"

Searching for plants that were equivalents to the ones I knew, I found the bilue plant (cafe) and the dony plant (cacao). Although They don't taste exactly the same, it's pretty close and have the same properties.

"On the second floor we will have the beauty products. This floor will be divided in three parts. Customized products, bath essentials and perfumes, and make-up. In the customized section, the clients can choose what fragrances to mix and put in their final product and the recipient they want to . He will be charged by the price of the fragrance+the basic cost of the product+ recipient. If he has a membership he can also choose to save the recipe of his final product so that he can buy again in at a later date. The other two sections are the products that we developed. We will sell 3 lines per month. If one of the lines sells too well in one month, it will be put again in the next month. Also-"

"Wait, What is a membership?"

Ah right they don't have this concept here. I will use the chalkboard for a better explanation.

"Oh, right. Sorry. A membership will be a form to have exclusive pecks on our stores. There will be 4 types of membership:

Silver: 10% of discount on all stores. Can save his customizations. Can access the private rooms in the tea shop if not reserved. Valor: 1 silver/month

Gold: 20% of discount on all stores. Can save his customizations. Can reserve private rooms in the tea shop and restaurant. Will have access to some exclusive lines. Valor: 10 silver/ month

Platinum: 25% of discount on all stores. Can save his customizations. Can reserve part of the tea shop or restaurant for some kind of event. Access to all exclusive lines. Valor: 1 Gold/ month or 30 gold for three years.

Black: this is the employees membership. They will have access to all perks of the silver membership, 30% of discount and access to the exclusive line. Valor: be an employee."

"Any questions?"

Liam, Jaimes and Lily raised their hands at the same time.

Teacher mode ON.


"How can we know who has the membership?"

"We will distribute emblems with the correspondent color. I didn't thought of the emblem design yet though"


"How will the people pay and we will know who paid?"

"Right, I thought we could work with the Royal Bank. Every member must have an account in the Royal Bank. So every month the membership fee will be withdrawn from their accounts and put on the conglomerate's. We will receive every month a list with the names of the payees from the bank and when the customer use his emblem the cashier will check the number engraved on his emblem, if it matches with some number in the list it means that he can enjoy his membership. Because you learned how the bank system works, you can improve something with plan if you think something will not work. Also go negotiate with the Royal Bank. They can have 5% of the fees maximum"

How I wish we had some cards with chips here, my life would be much easier, boohoo.

"*sigh* do you know how stubborn and scheming are those bankers my princess? But, oh well, what I wouldn't do for you"

Liam FIGHT! I will make your favorite strawberry cake when this finish.


"Miss why I'm always the last?"

"Because you are older"

"This is discrimination against the eldery. Alas. Don't you think you are given to many advantages to the employees?"

"Nah. We want our employees happy, also because they can have exclusive lines they will make free advertising for us, since it is in the human nature to brag"

They will be our ambassadors in the commoner population and I will only pay a normal salary and give them some discounts. I think that is not a bad deal.

"So continuing, the customers who had their products customized if they wish wait in the cafe or go shopping in the 3rd floor of the building they can, once finish the clerk will deliver the product to them"

"In the third floor will be the clothes store. Divided in two parts feminine and masculine. Each of them will have a exclusive line and the normal lines. We will also provide a service of stylist. This service will consist on helping the client with cloths that fit them better according to their style. It will cost 5 silver coins."

"And the fourth floor we will have accessories and shoes. Divided the same way as the clothing store. We will have jewelry, watches, canes, hats, and shoes. And the last floor will be your offices, the rest room and a common area for employees"

Oh, thank you very much Mary, my throat was starting to get dry. This green tea is truly the best.

"So Lily and Jaimes will be responsible for the cafe, Iris you will be responsible for the second floor, Sarah you will be responsible for the third and fourth floor. Liam you will manage the finances of the store and Carl you will be responsible for the security of the building"

Their positions correspond to each of their specialties. I am sure they will do a good job.

"Sarah and Iris take this list. It contains the people/ stores that I think we should employe to work for us. You have a week to convince 30 of these individuals. Good luck"

Making a face that they would collapse at any time they took a list containing 100 names... what can I say money doesn't wait for anybody darling.

"Miss can we go and start the task?"

"Yes, I want the store open with all the product within a month. At the end of the week you most report your situation"

"We will be excused them"

Saying so the department store crew left to accomplish their duty. Fly dear lil' birds.

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