

He tried to move his hand only to feel soft skin laying on it. Surprised, Xiao Tianyao glared at the woman beside him, her hair covered half of her face as she was fast asleep.

In the next second his contorted face became soften, he brushed away her strand hair and looked at her sleeping face intently.

Xiao Tianyao realized their situation, with him half naked and her scattered dress laying helplessly on the floor, the answer was only one thing, even though he didn't remember he had laid a hand on her body, it didn't matter anymore, because he want her.

He kissed her forehead and smelled her sweet scent. The spark was there, the feeling of completion. He stroked the girl's rosy cheek on his arms, traced down her jaw line to her bare shoulder, feeling her skin under his.

His movement woke up the girl from her slumber, Luna eyelashes fluttered opened. In her drowsiness she looked very enchanting. And there, the beautiful pair of her eyes came to live, the best part of her that Xiao Tianyao couldn't take his eyes off of it.

Xiao Tianyao's eyes lit up when he saw her reserved attitude. No words between them have been said when he lower his head and seized her soft lips with his. The kiss was so demanding, but not rough enough while his hand traced her body down.

Luna shuddered the moment Xiao Tianyao went from her lips to place butterfly kisses all over her body. She knew there was no way to run when this ended. She could stop him, yet she didn't.

Sacrifice was needed for greater future. That was what her father planted in her mind and it has rooted to her bone. She looked at the ray of the moon that trespassed from the open window and felt the breeze that swept her face as she surrender the idea to back away and let herself to be devoured by him.


Xiao Jun smacked the table in front of him as he stood up and roared. "Tianyao what!?"

Liu Wei knelt by Xiao Jun outburst, this was the first time he watched his Master lost his calmness. Never, he saw him acted like this, he bowed down as though it was his fault when he repeated his words.

"Prince Xiao Tianyao took a young woman from the palace and disobeyed Imperial decree."

"Jun, calm down, let's talk about this matter through." Ye Xiu stood up and pushed his shoulder so he could sit, he signaled Liu Wei to leave.

Liu Wei gave another respect bow before he excused himself and didn't forget to close the door when he left the room.

"Tianyao wouldn't do something so stupid like that." Xiao Jun was in dismay by his younger brother action, it wasn't like him to be infatuated by a woman. "There must be something happen there."

"I do think the same." Ye Xiu gave his opinion. "Took a woman is one thing, but to disobey imperial decree is another different thing."

All of them knew about the imperial decree that mentioned to kill all of the palace residents, yet Xiao Tianyao had taken a woman from the palace.

"I will look for Tianyao." Xiao Jun couldn't wait to know what exactly happened to his brother. It wasn't his personality, there must be something went wrong somewhere. No matter what beauty that he had faced all this time no one could manage to froze Xiao Tianyao's brain to this level of irrationality.

"Be careful, no one knows that you are here." Ye Xiu warned him.

Xiao Jun nodded in response and took his sword before he left the room in haste.

Ye Xiu just let Xiao Jun leave because there was nothing that he could do by only waiting for another news. This was simply so strange and Xiao Jun need to clarify it by himself.


Xiao Jun traveled with Liu Wei, both of them heading to the remaining Xinghe Palace.

To take down a Kingdom like Xinghe without an assistant from him and Elder Dam, Xiao Tianyao proved himself as a great leader and man.

As his older brother of course Xiao Jun was very proud of Xiao Tianyao's achievement, Xiao Tianyao also managed to live his expectation and carried their plan well. However given the circumstances now, nothing in Xiao Jun's mind except to see his brother and clarify the news.

When Xiao Jun and Liu Wei arrived, he got off from the horse and headed straight to the palace. He knew this place like the back of his hands.

When his parents were still alive, because of the alliance between the two Kingdoms, seldom he would visit Xinghe with his father. But, it was another old story that shouldn't be brought back now.

Liu Wei had informed him that Xiao Tianyao occupied the room of the late Xinghe Emperor, so he went directly there.

With guards were all over the place, it was impossible for Xiao Jun to approach Xiao Tianyao without got caught or made a scene. So, he pulled down his hood when ten guards were surrounding him.

"Inform Xiao Tianyao to meet me now!" Xiao Jun said it loud and clear.

The ten guards fall into confusion, they looked at each other, because Commander Xiao Jun shouldn't be here, he had been forbidden for leaving Azura.

But to disobey his command wasn't the right things to do. In the end, because Xiao Jun didn't give indication to leave nor to force his way in, one of them went to inform Xiao Tianyao.

Not long after that, Xiao Tianyao came with sword hanging on his hips. It seemed he had known his brother's intention. His expression was nothing but calm, as well as Xiao Jun.

"Everyone leave!" Xiao Tianyao said.

As every soldiers including Liu Wei were leaving the scene and both brothers where left alone. They stared at each other.

No one started for long while, as though they were assessing one another and couldn't find the right words to begin.

"What bring you here Jun?" Finally Xiao Tianyao broke the staring contest between them, yet he still not put his guard down and only turned colder.

"You know why I am here Tianyao." There was no playfulness or joviality in Xiao Jun's voice like he used to be, only seriousness and urgency.

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