
Additinal member?

Kiara and Nathan are couple by then but Jean and Scott were just like close friends. As Jean was insecure with relations back then, it literally took some one and a half year for Scott to make her fall for him. Later they got graduated and already had their own companies to run by the time they started living in. By then, Jean's mentor was not there with them so another person who was close to her mentor sold this house to them. 

Naturally, this house actually belongs to Jean because this is their parents house and that was the reason, they wanted to give it freely for her. By then, Jean was not ready to know the truth so, they didn't tell her the truth. But indirectly they already gave her a hint that she has a special connection with this house.

But what confused him is, if their parents are owners to this house, them how can this mentor come into the picture?

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