
1998 ACC Tournament 6

The companies that sponsored Jake like Tiffany's company and also Clara's company had excellent sales in the last few days, many fans who liked the Tar Heels team, who liked Jake or who simply liked basketball started buying products that they knew had an endorsement contract with Jake.

These companies even renewed some agreements with television companies to show the commercials that Jake had recorded again, this made the companies that had a verbal agreement with David happy to have continued and the other companies that were negotiating wanted a contract again.

Just as Jake had said before, if these companies really wanted a new deal with Jake they would have to pay twice what the deal was a few weeks ago, they had to pay $ 2 million a year for a maximum of 4 years.

Naturally, these companies questioned why the contract hadn't even started and some companies that agreed earlier would only pay half of what they did, but David didn't care.

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