
chapter 5

The brat spoke,"Don't hurt me, like the bad men! I promised that I will be a good boy this time."

The boy was so scared that he pissed himself, so he had to have another bath.

Momma spoke,"I will never hurt you and neither will the any of the others will. We will have our good days and our days, but at the end of the day will come together as a family. You know what my little man?"

He said with both tears in his eyes and a smile on his face,"What is that?"

She respond, while redressing him said,"Fred, the boy you hurt needs to made felt better. How

do you that?"

He shrugged his shoulders with both palms of his hands facing up.

She said,"You go to them the next time you see them and tell them that you are sorry. You need

to hug him as well, to show that you would not do it again."

The brat spoke, Okay!"


The two exited out of the master bathroom and into the master bedroom and fell asleep on the bed. Momma and the brat slept for four hours, the world flew around them. The five sisters were about finished with the dinner and were getting the tables ready for eating.

The tables nearest the kitchen were covered in table length pizzas, garlic bread, cheesy bread, and many kinds of desert pizzas.

A fat woman name Martha comes into the room after knocking on the wooden door.

"Momma, dinner is about ready and the kids are chopping at the bit."

The brat jumped out of the bed towards the smell of food. Momma threw on some slippers and came running after. The brat was staring at the food and was going to eat it, when one of the older kids

grabbed him by the arm and held him up into the air.

The brat spoke,"Let me go, you hussie!"

Before the girl could react, Momma and Martha came into the room.

Momma spoke,"We have a new boy here, who needs a name. We need to be nice and welcome him into our family. Oh! There he is!"

The girl puts the brat down as all eyes are upon him.

The brat thought he was in trouble, as he was prepared to run for safety, when everybody yelled,"Welcome to the family!"

The boy wanted to cry at the sight, but he did not want to shed tears in front of this many


Momma spoke,"We let the new person in the family get the first slice of pizza from the table and move on. Once everybody has had their plate filled, then it is fare game after that. Do you understand that?"

The brat put a fist up in the air, and yelled,"Yeah!"

Momma blessed the food and the brat had a piece of pizza from each table and stacked his food, like a tower. He was walking once he saw the boy he attacked.

The brat walked over to the boy handed the stack of pizzas.

Fred spoke,"I can't eat all of this! I need some others to help me with it."

The brat spoke,"I can do that to help you after being so bad to you. I am sorry that I had hurt you. I didn't know that being mean to others was wrong, until Momma found me."

Fred spoke,"I am been hurt by you and you made me mad. But, you are one heck of a fighter for a small guy. You wanna learn to box after dinner?"

The brat spoke,"Yeah, I would like that. But what is boxing?"

Fred gasped,"It is just the greatest gentleman sport in the entirety of Flinkaz. You learn to defend yourself with just your two fists."

The brat was excited about the thought of learning to box. The two boys were deep into their

pizza eating feast, when Momma finally got eye shot of the tender lad and she was surprised to see that he had so easily made up with Fred. She was still a little nervous, since the elder lad was not one to let matters of payback go undone. She did not believe in preemptive punishment, since no wrongdoing had been carried out. Momma would still keep near from now, yet not interfere in the new brothers' relationship. Sometimes, you just need to let kids figure it out for themselves.


The whole orphanage had eaten and the few leftovers had been placed back into the kitchen.

Most of the kids took a nap, and some even went to sleep for the night. Fred and the brat were now

inside an old fourteen by fourteen foot boxing ring. It had been donated to the orphanage by the local

boxing gym, along with kid and teen sized boxing gear.

Fred was in a red pair of boxing gloves, while the brat was wearing some small golden gloves with a red face guard. The young boxer was starting to get into a fighting stance and was starting to move.

Fred spoke,"In boxing there is up to fifteen six minute rounds, but today there will be only one round, There are three ways you can lose, you are knocked down three times in a round, if you are unable to stand up before the count of ten, and finally if the other boys see that you are too hurt to go on."The brat spoke,"It will not come to that, since you are going to give up!'

All the kids laughed at the brat, which made him mad as a charging bull. One of the kids rung a bell and the fight was on.

The brat was charging at Fred to only being punched in the face for his trouble. The attacking was holding back, due to battling a young child. He did not want to get in trouble for beating the little turd black and blue.

The brat was getting madder and madder at his foe, since he was completely under the control of Fred.

Then the bell rang as the children yelled out,"Fight is over! That is enough for today! Guys, it is time to hit the showers!"

The brat had somehow managed to stay on his feet, but he was now on his butt gasping for air.

Boxing was an endurance sport through and through and it took it's toll on the young boy.

Fred walked over to the brat and helped him to his feet.

The victor spoke,"You were always Johnny on the spot, when it comes to keep coming at me."

The brat spoke,"Thank you!"

The young lad begun to cry to the dismay of all those involved. Everyone but, The two boys in the ring, due to fear of potential punishment from the adults.

Fred put a hand on the boy's shoulder and said,"You do not need to cry over just one loss, because today is still your first day in the ring.'

The brat spoke,"Thank you for giving me a name! Nobody has ever given me a name before!


Back at Johnny's former hellhole deep inside the mafia associates' hideout, the thugs were starting to wonder where the brat had gone.

One of the thugs spoke,"Wildrun had you heard anything about the boy is up to?

Wildrun spoke,"No, he went off the grid about seven days ago. Has he tried to run away again?"

Jopo spoke,"I don't know what is doing, because that is why I asked you."

A wild looking man smoking a joint in his mouth spoke,"I heard that some kid ate the entire menu of Mcfatty's in one sitting without puking once. Funky Mumkey thinks that the kid there could had been our brat."

Jopo spoke,"I will beat him black and blue, when I see him.

Funky Mumkey spoke,"Let's make him have sex with a horny stallion, when he gets back! That will teach him to never leave us again!"

Wildrun spoke,"That will kill the brat most certainly. We had him sleep with the biggest dick pedophiles, we could found when he failed to bring in five thousand Bucks a day."

Jopo spoke,"That was most days, am I right fellows?"

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