
Mark and Katherine

~ New York ~

Sophia and Felix are in the apartment.

It's almost noon on the East Coast and they are getting ready to go to office. Well, Felix is getting ready. Sophia is sitting on the edge of the bed and fidgeting her fingers nervously.

JoAnna called Sophia in order to remind her to tell Felix story about Mark and Katherine because he will find out about it one way or another. She knows she needs to tell him, but the question is how.

She is thinking how to tell him about Katherine and the role she played six years ago. She needs to tell him, because later in the evening they will have a virtual conference call, and she does not want him to find out about that in front of everyone else.

"We will be late at this rate. Don't you have meeting at one o'clock?", Felix reminded her.

'Oh, yes. I have meeting…', Sophia sighed.

Felix watched Sophia as he buttoned up his shirt. "Are you feeling unwell?"

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