

Azaire blinked heavily as he looked around and realized he was back in his dream realm as he'd taken to calling it and in the next second he heard the tinkle of a bell from above as he spotted a familiar figure leaning lazily against the tree he realized he was sitting against with the same lazy smile as usual.

In the next moment in a flash of electricity another familiar towering figure appeared with a gentle and slightly worried expression. Jared appeared and examined Azaire as if he would find some type of injury.

Azaire rolled his eyes at the silly giant. "I'm fine Jared." Vaguely Azaire realized he had passed out but he could hardly remember anything besides the monotony of refining his weapon. "I worry." Jared proclaimed this as he hugged Azaire squeezing tightly. Azaire laughed as the miniature giant worried over him. "Okay, okay I'm sorry to worry you I should have taken some breaks while refining." He said this but in his mind he knew that he wouldn't have stopped even if he had the choice.

("Well Butterfly what kinda trouble have you gotten into now?" )

Azaire glared at the tinkling man imagining striking his head and ringing it like a bell for a moment before rolling his eyes and replying, "I didn't get into trouble thank you very much, and don't patronize me!"

Chime laughed at Azaire's response coming out half alluringly deep chuckle and half bell-like tinkling. It was both disturbing and attractive at the same time. Ignoring him Azaire slipped from Jared's arms and called out mentally and the chakram appeared in his hands in all it's ancient glory.

Chime's attention was attracted to it immediately.

("What's that you have there Butterfly? Something nice? Can I play with it? Oh that's *ring-ding-ring*)

Once he noticed what Azaire was holding Chime couldn't help but exclaim and Jared shook his head at the man in exasperation. He had a good idea what Chime was going to say already yet the poor man was constantly interrupted by those freaking bell sounds! Jared slid down on the tree next to Azaire and Chime followed his lead on Azaire's other side.

Azaire was nearly transfixed by his new toy...er....weapon...right. However he did hear Chime's unfinished thought and looked at him in confusion. Sighing Jared translated, "I believe he was going to say that's a chakram, the weapon that can seal fate!" At this proclamation the wood seemed to shine as if in acknowledgement.

Seeing the young man Azaire's confusion Jared further explained himself. "You know how different weapons have a particular purpose they were born with right? This purpose forms their dao and will reflect on their attitude if it gains a soul."

Azaire nodded as he had read as much in his studies about cultivation. After ensuring he was following Jared continued with a nod of his head.

"Well a chakrams purpose is to seal. This purpose resonates better with magical and spiritual artists but outstanding martial artists can rarely become just as proficient.

A chakrams ability to seal increases with it's user's skill and affinity and the further down the path of the chakram one walks the more powerful this ability becomes.

There is a legend that a Sage who had yet to become a God mastered the chakram in it's entirety and managed to seal fate itself during a battle with several pantheons. At the end of that battle almost every God from those pantheons were forced to serve him or perish and the various God's of fate quivered at his mention.

After that there have only been four others who mastered fate but even now those four can't compare too the original!"

Azaire couldn't believe his ears as he looked down at the weapon in his hands with a new light. It seemed to warm up and shine as if pleased by his admiration. A light of curiosity sparked in his eye's as he looked up at Jared and asked:

"What were their names? The ones who mastered the chakrams?"

An answer came in the form of tinkling from Chime instead of Jared, and the tone that came through sounded grave.

("They're called Fate Masters. The three sister's of the Greek pantheon. Title: The Three Fates. The beloved magic mistress Isis of the Egyptian pantheon. Title: Rainbow Fate. The unknown Apex who conquered the pantheons. Name: Uknown. Title: Grand Fate")

Azaire just stared at the feline-like male for a second before looking at Jared with a bewildered expression before asking, "Why does he sound like a AMI?" (A.M.I. Artificial Magical Intelligence)

Jared tried and failed to hide a snicker and Jared glared at him. He couldn't believe it did this little butterfly just equate him to an automaton? A magicell? Did he look like he was made of technology! Wronged! He was wronged you hear!

Jared patted the pouting chime on the shoulder and gave him a sympathetic look. Chime knocked the offensive hand away before grumble chiming.

("Well don't come *ring-ding* for *ring* next time you *tink-ring-dsng* you little....)

Azaire gave Chime a semi-embarrassed shrug. He wasn't really a people person so sometimes he would offend people just by opening his mouth although it generally wasn't on purpose. He absolutely would not apologize for it but out of pity he still gave the man a friendly pat on the back for a truce.

Chime glared a little longer before cheering up and regaining his lazy smile with a hint of self-satisfaction as he could feel his back were the smaller man's hand had touched.

"What's with the title's," Azaire asked after thinking for a second. This time Jared answered:

"When someone master's a weapon completely they are bestowed a title by the heavens and they're weapon's name becomes divine. This is the ultimate goal of a martial artist who specializes in a weapon dao and after that come creating they're very on school and legacy.

You don't need to know what that is yet as no one except those old monsters who reached that point can actually understand it anyway."

Azaire leaned against Jared's arm lost in thought and paid no mind as Chime took his legs and pulled them onto his lap causing Azaire's head to fall onto Jared's lap. There was a peaceful and companionable silence as Azaire became lost in a flurry of thoughts.

Hey I'm here to say I'm "Almost" back. I was forced into an UN-forewarned hiatus due to sudden trouble at work but I'm taking vacation to move to a new place and starting next month I should be able to post more regularly. I missed writing this book and I can't wait to get back into it.

StormGodlingcreators' thoughts
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