

"Just like that, it's over?"

"How could it not be over?"

The new bishop had announced the end of the competition and proclaimed Konrad the victor. Thus, giving house Kracht the Holy Flame Baptism quota, and causing some of the spectators to feel a sense of loss for not getting to see the last battle.

Although the confrontation between Saints was awe-inspiring, it was by far too dangerous for the likes of them to enjoy. With a single mistake, the entire city could be razed. Such battles only produced fear and no appreciation.

Compared to them, the competition between the younger generation was much more appealing.

The twelve dukes exchanged glances that shared the same confusion.

"His majesty made another breakthrough. Cultivation becomes harsher in the later stages. The higher your realm, the more difficulties you experience in making progress. So why is that his speed has only been increasing since he reached sainthood?"

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