
Sans Abris

*Herald enters the Gate...*

'Inside the Castle,

The 6 Atlanteans and The 3 Masters are all on a walk arround the different components of the Castle.

Basically, the Castle is divided into 3 Major parts.'

'The 1st, situated in the Southern part there is the Mansion.

A large dwelling house built in a very Aesthetic Classic way, that has 3 floors.'

'The ground floor has a beautiful large dining room, similar to the dining rooms of the victorian age, white royal chairs and a loong narrow table.

It also has a very big library that had all the new comers astonished of its size and beauty.'

'The second floor has everything you can ask for, rooms, bathrooms, kitchens, it even has two balcony gardens...This is a rich man's place.'

'The third floor, for some reason they weren't let inside.'

Wisdom declared. "Nobody has the access yet to reach that floor, It is forbidden!

I hope you'll respect this law."

Sebastin asked. "..Why is that? Is it dangereous?"

Wisdom. "You will know one day, just don't go there.

Whomever does should take his own responsibility for the consequences"

Sebastin. "..And what are these consequences? May i ask!"

Power. "there is only one. Death!"

Everybody sensed that Power was not kidding. It put them all on notice.

Wisdom. "Sigh.. Well there you go! If that's going to keep you away from it then so be it."

'Oumad said in his mind'

"..What possibly could be in that floor that is forbidden to see?

Or is it just one of their tests to see what we'll do?"

'Not only Oumad, all the rest were overthinking about what is the nature of this third floor.'

'But anyways..

The introduction to the mansion was finished and everybody went out to wander and wonder in the aesthetic roads of the Castle, that leads into It's second part.

The Training Space.'

'Very similar to the modern Sports Complexes.

Pitches of football/Basketball/Handball etc.. Surrounded by a Running racetrack.

Giving it the Olympics type of looks.

It also had one of those places in which Asian Martial Arts practice, train and fight in. It is even bigger than the other pitches.

All decorated with trees and plants everywhere arround it. helping the Oxygene levels to stay high and stable.

This part of the Castle is situated in the middle of it.'

'After that, they went to the third part of the Castle, a Building very large and tall, again built in the same away as other buildings, but this time it's painted in Blue/Yellow and Red.'

Love. "Now, the only part left to introduce is this.

This Tall Building is your School. Here you'll be taught history, science, philosophy..

Whatever you feel like being taught, we will teach."

Wisdom. "This is the place where we'll share knowledge and thoughts with each other. Count it as ur free space.

It certainly is not of the same system that you have studied in before."

Power. "You may think, why is it this tall and big? The building constitutes of 7floors

Each floor is for a specefic field.

For example.

The 1st Floor is for Psychology and Philosophy.

The 2nd is a free space for everyone to practice his hobbies, it got every material you guys would need.

The 3rd is for Science, Astronomy and so on..

The 4th is for Art.

The 5th Floor is for History.

The 6th is for Mind games.

The 7th and the last is for Religion and Mythology.

Wisdom looks towards Power with a sarcastic smile.

"Again. Thank you for taking the longest part Hehehe."

Power holding his arms together and with his eyes closed.

"Not the first or last time i'll do so.."

Wisdom. "Well. Not to forget that every Floor has a Library like no other..

Books that go back in time beyond what is humanly thought... Books that were seconds away from being burned and taken in wrong hands.. All these Libraries are one of the most precious things we got here in our Association. Taking great care of them is a must! I am sure all of you will understand and go by this word."

Love. "That's it..That is The Luxic Paradigm Castle for you. Your home from now on!

Since today is your first day. No Classes, training or teaching will take place.

And ofcourse it is better to wait until our dear Herald joins us."

Oumad liked what Love had just said, it did put a little feeling of relief that they do care about him as well.

Wisdom. "So? What do you all think of this place so far?"

Beazly is the first to reply.

"Well... I had never been in a place so beautiful and with divine atmosphere such as this.

It doesn't even feel like it belongs to this world.

I like how it is divided to three major parts and the roads to all of them are all related and beautiful."

Wisdom. "Yes indeed! This Castle was built on the concept of Beauty and comfort.

As God says through one of his prophets "God Is Beautiful, He Loves Beauty"

Power jumps in and says while holding his arms.

"Power lays in Beauty...Beauty isn't just about the physical appearance."

Ayla. "I love the feeling that The Castle gives me. It feels like ive been born and raised in here for some reason..."

Love smiles and replies.

"Well You did Baby."

Ayla. "Hum?? What do you mean Master Love?"

'Ayla is surprised by both the reply and calling her baby...'

Love. "Hahaahha! Don't call me Master. Love is enough."

Ayla. "...Okey"

'Love did not reply to her question, Ayla is still not used to her to ask again so she decided to just shut up and think about what she meant..'

Joshou. "The Kung fu battlegroud is very well built. Looking forwards training in there."

*Power opens his eyes to look towards Joshou*

"Looking forwards training you as well."

Sebastin. "Which one will be our room though?"

Wisdom. "When it comes to that, you all are going to share the largest room in the Mansion.

Not that we lack rooms or anything, but it is necessary in the first month to pass as much intimate time and space with each other as possible.

This will help create a bound very strong between all of you."

Everyone looked at each other with weird faces until a voice so unique was heard..

It's none other than Elara.

"I refuse!"

*Everybody looked towards her in a shocked manner.*

Wisdom. "Hmm.. I can clearly see why you would!

It is for that same reason that you will have to undergo that. Elara."

'It is understood among the rest why she refused, a woman that pretty can get a mind lost from afar let alone from up close.. She surely got some bad experiences from that in her life..

But None of the 5 Male Atlanteans would dare harm an innocent woman no matter the condition. They can fight their humanly desires, those desires aren't the most important thing in this case for sure.'

*Elara stays silent after what Wisdom said*

Beazly took the chance to say what he thinks.

"Elara...You don't have to worry!

We're on the same team, fighting for the same goal.

Trust should be built between us so i think the idea is worth trying..

We all here are brothers and sisters."

'Elara still looked down with a worried face but shortly after that, she looked towards Beazly and smiled. In her beautiful low voice she said.'

"Okey..I understand!

Sorry for refusing earlier."

'Beazly had never seen such beauty in a woman before.'

'But he truly looks at her as a sister, this type of behavior is very common back in his home village, they disciplined their desires very well to achieve a level of humanity that is unmatched..

All the rest should follow! They already share the same concept, just not as strong as Beazly does..'

Wisdom. "Very well said, Sir Beazly! I appreciate your spirit"

Beazly. "..Thank you!"

Love. "You were all specifically selected for this journey. While it will be tough not to have any kind of problems during the next 3months.. I am sure they won't be a major kind of problems.

You can all wander arround the castle on your own now if you want.

I am aware that you all must be very hungry. Dinner will be served in about half an hour from now at the Dining room of the Mansion.

Be there."

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