
Fourth Phase

This phase is fun..... to watch if you're Satan. It consists of diffrent parts, and each and one of them is very annoying and painful, this phase is for people who are steryotypes, they really like to offend other cultures, If it was unconcious, or they don't relise they're offending anybody they get into the first and second part, but if they relise it, they get into the third and fourtg part. If the steryotype isn't that offensive they will go to the first or third part, if it is really offensive, the get into the second and fourth part of the phase. Then their punisment will have a clone of their steryotypes depending on which they are at. The deeper you go the worse the punishement is. Then you will hear your anxiety talk and it will annoy you. The anxiety will appear as the person you often talk about, or just really hate and jealous at them. And every century, you will get migranes for a year, and probably be lit on fire, if you're that unlucky. And an extra bonus, if you talk about your anxiety or your clones with other souls, they will personally annoy you with lots of ways, and demons will take the form of you, and make more of your clones, after that you'll just have to survive an eternety over there, and hope your migranes would stop earlier.

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