
The feeling cannot be expressed

A layout was spread on the table and everyone stood surrounding it. Xiu Mei explained the secrets entry-exit points of the third base and a few other things as disclosed by Yang Zian. She was aware they've to come up with their own plan instead of depending on the information given by Yang Zian as Yang Sheng already knows Yang Zian had joined hands with XM.

Xiu Mei looked up from the layout, "I'll left the planning to Feng Jin as he is the master of the field. But please pay attention to the latest development. The granddaughter of Mr. Petrov is kidnapped and is kept in Jaguar wilds. Before anything, we have to save the little girl first in order to get the military support of the Country Z."

Feng Jin nodded. "We'll stick to our original plan. Let Lu Xion and big brother come after you to the Smoke Island while I'll rescue the girl in Jaguar wilds with my team and will later bring back the military support to the Smoke Island."

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