
Thoughts of magic 3

It is good when in a manga or visual novel, a person having insider information or a system can change the world. In reality, perhaps even with such information, but without power, this person would suffer an unenviable fate.

In the magical world, you can meet wild bananas or cocoa beans, use the knowledge of the modern world for cooking or desserts. But as I see it, not necessarily people, such as the 12th century or the unknown Middle Ages, the era of feudolism or military communism, would be ready to accept new food.

Moreover, in that era, everything new was treated with a great deal of suspicion, people were dark and ignorant. At the same time they often liked to inform on their neighbor. Most likely the hero would be in the torture of the Inquisition, or ended his days on the chain as a household slave.

But then the hero comes to the aid of the hero, the author! All the problems that arise on his way, the author himself composes him, he himself settles them.

In real life ... it's different. Therefore, we readers love to read visual novels, where at least there, justice and truth triumph over deception and injustice. It is in the stories, we see that a talented person can get what he deserves by the right of his mind, knowledge, effort, hard work.

In practice, it is possible that this happens in some developed capitalist and developing countries. But where there is a clan world, it is not there. Growth requires loyalty, loyalty, obsequiousness, servility, flattery, hypocrisy ... It is very difficult to live in such a country, but it's wildly interesting!

It is good when there is volcanism in the novels, it allows you to avoid the routine, running along the same cabinets in order to find out that everywhere you go there are not those cabinets. Bureaucracy does not work, volchebstvo changes everything.

Terrible doctors with purchased diplomas and lack of knowledge, easily solvable problems, there is a miracle magical products from which a person is recovering. In reality, they eat these foods, you need to eat them for a long time, at least six months, keep the diet, do not be nervous and then the cure comes. The main thing is to believe in it and not to disturb the diet.

And of course modern knowledge of cooking and health is also far from complete, today is right, but tomorrow it is no longer right.

A balanced diet, a separate diet, let them be offered to modern people, not everyone will refuse meat, salt, marinades, but what to say about the people of the Middle Ages?

Is it possible that magic will allow a hero from the modern world to have a voice capable of influencing consciousness? Hearing his people will believe him and follow what he says ?!

In real life, if nt connections are like those of Empress Tsisi ... then the cook of an ordinary eatery will not be able to make any impact on the powerful world ... he will not be allowed to them for 1000 meters. On the other hand, politics should be dealt with by politicians as well as financiers. We have such a proverb, if you need to cook a sparrow, then a butcher who knows how to carve meat prepares his way.

So from the historical experience of the same Qing Empire and the same Empress Tsisi, one could see how the cook advisors ... brought the empire to its end. Missed the territory of Siberia, the Far East. After that they completely lost the country's suverinite ...

Let a professional deal with each business, otherwise disaster cannot be avoided. This is my subjective opinion!

When non-pros get to work, it ends terribly ...

But it's good that there is magic!

It is interesting that all the great empires and the post-empires are very obsessed with the grammar of their imperial language. Of course, it is good to write correctly, with correct turns, sittex, grammar, phraseology, punctuation. The text is becoming more readable, but now is the time of the Internet, has developed its own type of text. People sometimes read texts not directly, but through machine translation ... and they understand nothing.

Many colonies know the language of the empire, some are better, others are worse, but they do not wallow in their superb knowledge of the language, this is not a reason for hatred or, on the contrary, pride. I wrote it correctly grammatically, well, well done, here's a chocolate for you, I didn't write correctly, well, what to say, you still need to work on the text ... But you have thoughts you want to share ... so write as you can, you will find your reader The content is still more interesting than the form. In ideal and form and content should be interesting. In the meantime, I think you can write, share ideas ... and then there may be an editor, a translator, maybe a co-author ... or maybe not! Maybe the reader, inspired by new ideas, will write his interesting novel, I hope that the first 200 chapters will not be premium. And we will be able to read this new story with great interest!

Then it will be possible to say that this work on the writing of unsightly novels with a good English grammar was not in vain. Sometimes altruism is also necessary!

I wonder if he is in the capitalist system?

You have not capitalism?

Not ... definitely not capitalism is a monster from pipes ... a fusion of a planned economy and its model of a market ... the more it is ... there is a terrible mutant monster ...

But we sometimes have altruism, even though it is surprising!

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