
Chapter 7

I ride a taxi, cause obviously, I don't know where I gonna go, so that's why I'm in the taxi.

"Near hair salon," I told the taxi driver.

After 15 minutes of the drive we got into the salon, I pay the taxi driver before I got out.

I enter the salon shop, and one of the workers greet me, which I responded with a smile.

I sat on a stool, and they give a catalog where you would look what kind of hair would you like.

I pick this hairstyle. (Look at the picture on the top, except the color of hair just the style of it okay.)

So that's what my hair cut to look like.

After my haircut, all the people inside of the salon is jaw-dropping.

Why did they react like that? I look at them with my left brow is up.

It seems that they wake up into their trance, one of the employees spoke.

"Your just too pretty sir," she said breathlessly.

I notice her mistake I'm handsome, not pretty you know but well I just let her go.

After I paid, again I get another taxi and go to the shopping center, to buy clothes.

When I am looking for clothes, everyone is looking at me (I'm not conceited, okay.)

When I look at those girls they would squeal and giggle, but I just ignore it but when I look at some guys....some of them look like smitten, on what, I don't know. I just ignore them.

After I pay for my clothes I change in one of them, a blue long sleeve which I like its comfortable and simple and a white pants that had chain in the left side pocket connected at the back of my pants where you hook a belt, a Nike shoes with white and blue stripes, and a silver watch and necklace with a pendant ring with blue stone.

So its not just one outfit okay, but I think 6 pairs of them, thanks for the dad who gave his son his own credit card with $100000 which I found out when I open the wallet inside the backpack and a cash of $10000, the total I spent in everything $16000 which I have a remaining $84000 in credit card and $10000 cash.

After this, I need to talk to Dad, lie to him. *Sighs* I am feeling guilty right now. Hope things will gonna be fine.

After I shopping I went back to the house and arrange what I need to arrange.

And heck will this guy stop bothering me, he keeps giving me a call, didn't he understand break up is break up.

Well, I still feel sorry for him, but dude I ain't-a gay man! (>3<)/

Hope you like this chap.

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