While Kendra, Isaa, and Fluffy had a wonderful time at the sea in the city happened so many changes.
Down under the city palace the city Lord and Xara walked silently down the stairs. They found out shortly from one of the nobles that there is more than one secret path in the palace. They let him go as he was not directly in the ring of horrors as they call those people.
He felt grateful and told the story that one of the noble she knew told him while they were drinking. Under the castle, there are many rooms and caves. This was in ancient time secret part of one sect and some nobles still had the knowledge of it.
He told the Lord about deep cave deep under the palace and with the help of earthen powers he found entryways to many of the rooms and caves. The strange thing is most of those rooms are just big and dusty but some were made like sleeping quarters or training places.