
And Sold!

Distracted by watching Layla disappear, the second lady came up and stabbed me in the neck with something sharp. I yelped out from the pain, and my body instantly fell to the ground.

What the hell was going on? My body... I can't move it. I need to move! Get up, sky! Stand up!

I heard the lady call out and seconds later I saw a man come over. I have never seen this man before, yet he still picked me up. I could feel him put my limp body over his shoulder. I didn't want this man touching me with his gross hands "Let me go!" I yelled.

Why can I hear, see, feel, and talk but I can't move? What kind of drug did they give me?

Moments later I was put down onto a flat-bed with white sheets but stained with what looked like blood.

What am I doing here? Why are they putting me on this disgusting bed? I want to get out of here. I don't like it. The bright light that's staring down at me is hurting my eyes.

All I could do was close my eyes. It was cold in the room, it was making me shiver. Not long, the woman came back and grabbed ahold of my arm. Her movements made me open my eyes to see what she was doing. She held what looked like a long black metal stick with a metal circle at the end. The mental circle wasn't black but a bright orangish-red, and as she got closer with it, I could feel the heat.

It's so hot, I don't like how close she is getting with that thing. It's gonna hurt, it's gonna hurt, it's gonna hurt!

I felt the end of the hot metal stick touch my arm. It burns! I started biting down onto my lip until it started bleeding. I can't let them hear me scream. They want to hear my screams.

The hot metal was burning into my skin even more. The smell of my flesh was filling the room until she finally pulled the thing away. I was panting and breathing heavily as if I just got done running a race. I was sweating from the heat, and my eyes were teary from the pain. My body was shaking and I couldn't stop it from doing so.

I want Vincent back... Vincent wouldn't have let this happen. No... I am glad he isn't here. This stuff could happen to him, but it's to me. I rather take this pain for him instead.

The woman called the same man back in. He stared at me with his lifeless eyes. This man gives me chills... Seconds later his fist met my face, and all I saw was darkness.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around quickly. I looked down at my hands and moved them each one of my fingers "I can move again" I stood up carefully. Why am I back at the mansion? I can tell by the long hallway, wooded floors, old yellow floral wallpaper, and the pictures of Vincent and his parents. I was standing right in front of Vincent's door, slowly I opened it up. There I saw little child Vincent and little me playing dress-up.

"Sky, this outfit fits you so well!" Vincent smiled as he stared at the mirror with Sky next to him. Sky looked over at Vincent and smiled happily "You think so?" He asked as looked back at the mirror. Vincent nodded before Sky continued to speak "I feel like a real prince, like in the books."

"To me, you are a real prince like in the books" Vincent commented. Sky quickly turned to Vincent again "Is it true that I can't marry you? Why can't two boys get married? Why can't two princes get married?" Vincent sighed after hearing Sky's questions "In my books it says-" Sky interrupted Vincent "This isn't a book Vincent! This is real life!" Vincent gently held onto Sky's shoulder "Calm down, You heard what Ms. Lizzy said"

"Ms. Lizzy?"

"The maid"


"Ms. Lizzy said that I have to marry a girl. I can't marry you Sky"

Sky's bottom lip started quivering and his eyes were tearing up. He quickly ran out of the room crying. "Wait Sky! Come back!" Vincent ran after him.

"Wow... I was a big baby as a child" I mumbled as I followed them both into another room but as soon as I opened the door, I was surrounded in black darkness. I slowly opened my eyes again to see my hands cuffed together. I was able to move all of my fingers too. I guess the drug wore off finally. A different lady came by and helped me up, walking me through the curtains. I was on stage with a bright light shining down on me. There were people gathered in front of the stage, all wearing fancy outfits and dresses with masks upon their faces.

the well-suited man from before was holding a microphone as he announced "This is our last item of the day!" the man shouted into the microphone as he pulled me closer to his side and down to his knees. It took me a while for I realized I was staring at the eyes of perverts and people who wanted slaves to work for them... I didn't think such people still existed...

"As you folks can see, he has beautiful bright blue eyes and dark black hair which is a rarity around here." The man rubbed his thumb against my cheek and I quickly pulled away from him. Still, the man continued to speak "His skin is as soft as a rose and he is untrained, which means you can train him yourself. He has never been owned before so he is fully new and unused. He is 15 years old, a very good a great age to be at! He starts at 500,000 dollars!"

What was this man saying? I'm not 15, I am almost an adult! I was going to say that out loud but when I was about to speak, I realized my mouth was covered with tape. I don't know how I didn't notice it before. Almost the whole crowd raised up a sign with numbers on it. It looks like all these people were pretty rich. "Okay, what about 1 million!" the man shouted. This time, only half of the crowd kept their signs up. I didn't want to be with any of these people. Maybe Vincent might be in this crowd! Maybe Vincent will come and save me.

As I was lost in my thoughts, I didn't pay any attention to what was going on around me. The numbers kept rising and fewer people kept their signs up. Until finally I heard the man yell "And Sold! Congratulations sir! Please come up to claim your prize!"

I felt my almost body tense with nervousness and excitement. What if this man was Vincent? As the man walked up to the stage, he took off his mask reviling his mid-30s looking face. His hair was a natural brown with a couple of gray streaks. He didn't smile either. The man didn't look bad though, he was in great shape for an older man and he dressed well. I still didn't like him, He could do something to me and I would have to accept it. The man gave the money to the announcer and the announcer gave the man some keys. Those keys were probably the ones for my handcuffs.

He grabbed my arm firmly and lead me off the stage. We went through the crowd of people and he helped me into his car. The man was very quiet which gave me the creeps even more. Although, he didn't try to do anything... yet...

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