
Magna VS Kurama

"Urgh! Finally done!" Groaned Argo.

After dust studies with Professor Peach, which was their final class, Team MAEL were faced with a difficult task.

Decorating and Modifying.

It took them all 2 hours to decorate the room, with the girls taking up 90% of the room with their personal items.

In left corner of the room, closest to the door, were Argo's and Luna's things. Their combined things consisted of a wooden desk covered in books, art supplies and various medical tools.

There was also a large crate next to the desk, filled to the brim with medical supplies.

The other corner housed an intricate indoor garden. The center piece was a metal rack with ten pots of mint while on the sides were two raised planters that were covered in strawberries.

This garden belonged to Emerald and it was her pride and joy. She actually begged Magna to help her bring it to Beacon. Hell, she even uses dust to keep the plants healthy and checks them every second day.

Magna's things, which weren't actually alot, were placed just under the window between the area they designated as the bed space.

A multitude of photos, all showing Magna with his family and friends, were placed on a black, wooden draw. Next to them were a couple of cook books with tabs sticking out of the pages and a basket filled with various different threads and needles.

Now, onto the beds themselves. Those took Magna an hour to make since he modified them using the cluster containing the memory, skills and abilities of Hashirama Senju.

Wood-style was overpowered and coming from Magna, that really meant something.

You see, Hashirama's wood-style had the ability to suppress and absorb charkra. And since Magna's cluster changes whatever energy the skill uses to either aura or stamina, his wood-style suppresses and absorbs aura.

Luckily, he could choice whether to absorb aura or not. Another plus was the fact that wood-style was easily moldable, changing itself through the user's imagination.

However, this was also a minus since it took Magna an hour to create the perfect bunk bed. It was actually a bit difficult since he sometimes made the bed too long or too short.

Anyway, Magna was resting on his bed, ignoring the sound of Nora's screams that came through the wall.





"Sorry Nora!~"

Magna chuckled before sitting up on his bed. Emerald was in the middle of trimming her mint plants, putting a leaf or two into her mouth with a wide smile.

Argo was at the desk, sketching a drawing of their team fighting against a horde of grimm. Luna, who was sitting on Argo's bottom bunk bed left of the window, was rolling around on the bed.

Shaking his head with a smile, Magna stood up and stretched as he said, "I'm gonna be out for a bit. Be back in an hour."

"See ya~." Replied the girls.


After walking to a secluded area, Magna's hands blurred as he called out, "Wood-style: Wooden hut jutsu!"

Slamming his hand on the ground, a small hut quickly sprung out from the dirt. The hut was a small, single room building with one door and no windows. It was also giving the ability to suppress aura.

Nodding, Magna quickly walked inside before locking the door using wood-style. Seeing that the inside was pitch black, he rummaged through his storage bracelet before pulling out four flashlights.

Magna whistled a cheerful ditty as he turned on the flashlights and put one in every corner of the room.

Now, with the place lit up, Magna switched over to Naruto's cluster and sat down in the middle of the room.

Taking a deep breath, Magna slowly closed his eyes and waited. Once he felt a pull, he opened his eyes and was now face to face with a large, grin maw.

"Hey brat! Are you ready for your monthly beating!?!" Roared Kurama.

Magna, in response, raised his clenched fist at Kurama. Then, he slowly pretended to crank something next to his fist as his middle finger slowly popped up.

Faking a surprise look, Magna said, "Would you look at that! What a surprise!"

Kurama's brow twitched as he slowly stood up, cracking his bones, as he smirked, "I'm going to enjoy this…"

Now you might be wondering, what reason could there be for Magna and Kurama to fight each other. The answer? Bijuu cloak.

Since Kurama wasn't going to give Magna his charkra without a fight, the two of them have been fighting each other every month, just after Magna's cluster cooldown finishes.

And so far, Magna hasn't won a single battle. The reason he hasn't won is because of who this Kurama was.

The Kurama he has to fight is always at his peak. And to make matters worse, he doesn't have Kushina's help.

Magna's only tools were his weapon, his aura, Naruto's abilities and his secondary semblance. Sadly, that wasn't enough.

However, there's no doubt that Magna was getting closer and closer to beating Kurama since he has managed to grab Kurama's charkra in the last 6 fights.

Anyway, Magna quickly embodied Ruby and ran towards Kurama. The nine tailed fox merely grinned as he launched himself upwards, spinning a few times before slamming his tails down at Magna.


Magna stopped and infused his aura into his legs before jumping upwards. Just as Magna was about to get intimately acquainted with Kurama's tail, he burst into rose petals and curved around it.

"GET OFF ME!!!" Roared Kurama.


Ignoring Kurama's angry roar, Magna scaled the furry trail. Once he made it to Kurama's back, Magna jumped and pulled out his scythe.

However, Kurama wasn't just going to let Magna attack him and spun, creating a vortex of charkra.

Magna flew across his mindscape, twirling in the air while screaming. He crossed his fingers and yelled, "Shadow clone jutsu!!!"

A small army of clones appeared. "Forward March!", Roared one of the clones as he and the others ran forward and caught Magna, breaking his momentum.

"Thanks guys."

"No problem, boss."

The clones disappeared in a cloud of smoke as Magna shot forward. Kurama smirked and inhaled a deep breath, hurling forward a barrage of mini tailed beast bombs.

Instead of panicking, Magna's body spilt apart in a flurry of petals. Three blurs dipped around, over and under the tailed beast bombs.

Two of the three blurs arrived infront of Kurama, revealing two shadow clones. Both quickly aimed at Kurama and fired shot after shot, covering the towering beast in ice and stone.


Enraged, Kurama swiped at the clones with his claw, tearing them apart with ease. The third blur, seeing that Kurama was focused on the others, sped towards the kyubi's back.

As his petal body reformed into his human form, Magna burst forward and roared, "Odama Rasengan!!!"

Kurama roared, his larger frame reeling backwards. However, that was all that happened. Once he regained his footing, Kurama grinned, "You need to do better than that!"

Magna rolled his eyes. With a flick of his wrist, his weapon Cresent Moon shifted into it's railgun form as he loaded a shard of gravity dust into the chamber.

A shiver went through Kurama's body as he leapt back, his eyes wide opened as he noticed a blackish purple glow.

As Kurama turned to flee, Magna smirked and fired, launching a pulsating purple orb.


The orb slammed into Kurama's back and became stationary, suddenly creating an extremely powerful attraction force.

All nine of his tails were pulled into the orb while his head was slowly being pulled backwards. Kurama roared in pain as his charkra leaked from his body.

Magna's eyes lit up as he ran forward, "Chance!"

Summoning his aura, Magna reached out and grabbed Kurama's charkra tails and pulled. Veins pulsed on his forehead as he roared, "FUCKING… MOVE!!!…"

The orb suddenly flickered as Kurama kicked out and booted Magna away. Luckily, Magna was still holding onto Kurama's charkra.

Feeling the attraction force weakening, Kurama forced the ambient charkra back into his body and roared.

The gravity dust shot shattered as the charkra in Magna's hand tried to escape, slowly dragging him towards the enraged tailed beast.


With his feet buried into the ground as he resisted with all his might, Magna smirked and yelled, "OH REALLY!?!"

Magna's aura surged to his feet, rooting him in place as he yelled, a bright glint in his eyes, "NOW!!!"

A literally horde of clones leapt out from Kurama's own shadow, a ball of violently rotating aura in their hands as they roared in unison.


Kurama's body lifted off the ground and flew through the air, his charkra seperating from his body as he visibly withered.

However, the barrage didnt stop. Instead, the clones pushed forward in an even fiercer manner.

Watching Kurama being manhandled by his clones, Magna quickly focused on the task at hand.

Even though he managed to get the charkra out of Kurama's body, he now needed to absord the chrakra. And that, was hardest part.

The charkra itself was semi-autonomous, and would respond to any attempts to absorb it with violence.

Gritting his teeth, quickly summomed another clone. Once it appeared, the clone nodded towards Magna as it's hair and eyes turned white and blue respectively.

The clone moved in a dancer-like fashion, summoning glyph after glyph, slowly covering the chrakra construct in black snowflakes.

Spinning in place, the clone kneeled down in place as a white glyph appeared beneath him, freezing the roaring beast in place.

Both Magna and his clone groaned in strain as they slowly dragged the unwilling beast towards them.

At the same time, the last of the clones had finished their attack and Kurama was slowly gathering his bearings.

He shook his head and frowned, "Damn brat… I hate that bloody clone technique…"

As he turned back towards Magna, his eyes widened as he roared and leapt forward.

Seeing the incoming tailed beast, a crazy light glimmered in Magna's eyes as he grinned, "ALL OR NOTHING!!!"

The clones eyes mimicked Magna's as he stood up and waved his hand. The black glyphs holding Kurama's charkra in place turned white.

Suddenly, the rioting charkra felt a repulsing force so strong that it's body turned into a blur.

The original Kurama could only helplessly stand there and watch as his charkra slammed into Magna's body with enough force to send him out of his mindscape.


Back in reality, Magna awoke with a scream as his body ignited. The aura wafting off him seemed to affect the wood-style building he was in as branches slowly started to sprout from the walls.

Magna couldn't hold back anymore and roared, aura pulsing off him in waves as the wooden hut exploded.

Once his roar died down, Magna panted while observing the changes in his body and appearance.

He felt energy literally bursting out from every cell of his body, covering him in a dense, armour-like aura construct.

The aura construct flickered like fire, it's yellowish orange glow giving off a sense of warmth and comfort.

Shaking, Magna threw his arms high into the air and leapt of the ground, screaming, "YES!!! I FINALLY BEAT THAT LAZY ASS FOX!!!"

Without him noticing, Magna's body turned into a stream of light as he raced around the forest in happiness.

The ground was set ablaze, trailing behind him as Magna unconsciously started laughing. He continued to run faster and faster, his laughter becoming hysterical as his light orange aura coat slowly shifted into a dark ominous red.


Magna jumped at the roaring voice in his head, coming to a grinding holt. He skid across the ground for a few meters before dropping to his knees, laughter still escaping for his panting mouth.

"K-kurama… whats happening… to me! Hahaha!?!" Panted Magna, his aura flickering between orange and red.

[There's an imbalance in my charkra and it's causing you to go out of control. You're using too much Yang charkra.]

Magna winced as he said, "But I only know how to use Yang charkra!"

Kurama sighed as he briefly told Magna to hold on. Suddenly, Magna felt an ice cold chill spread throughout his entire body as the light orange and dark red disappeared, leaving a dark orange in it's place.

Magna gave himself quick scan and grinned, "Now I look like Minato did when he used the kyuubi form."

This form made him feel… calm. The urge to laugh was replaced with a cold, collected calm. Slowly standing up, Magna gently brushed the dirt off himself and asked, "What did you do to me, Kurama?"

Kurama snorted, [I pumped my Yin charkra into your system. Your at about 60% Yin and 40% Yang, which is way better than the 90 - 10 split you had going.]

While idly odserving his body, a growl came from the nearby bushes, catching Magna's attention.

He glance towards the source of the sound and saw ten beowolves, crouched down and waiting to pounce.

Suddenly, the world began to slow down in Magna's view, slowing down to the point that he thought everything froze in place.

"Interesting…" Magna muttered as he slowly walked towards the closest beowolf.

Stretching his hand outward, a slightly bigger than usually rasengan formed with three slightly smaller rasengans orbiting the first.

Reeling back his arm, Magna rammed the rasengan right into the beowolf's chest cavity before slowly walking away as he said, "Planetary Rasengan…"

The world quickly became to move once again as the boewolf that Magna struck exploded, sending a vortex of energy and wind behind it.

The other beowolves didn't even get the chance to blink as the vortex completely wiped them out, as well as some of the forest.

Magna yawned, his senses picking up 4 people quickly zeroing in on his position.

'Ozpin, Glynda, Port and Oobleck. Well, I've had enough fun for one night. Time to leave.'

Magna quickly turned into a dark ornage blur as he sped towards Beacon.

What he didn't know, however, was that a certain headmaster and his deputy managed to catch a glimpse of his aura clad figure before he disappeared.


Magna quietly walked through the door to his dorm room, the chakra/aura cloak disappearing into wisps of light. Argo and Emerald were still awake, chatting together in a low voice.

Luna, on the other hand, was asleep on Magna's bed while in her pajamas. He could also see a book tightly held in her arms.

"Hey," Whispered Magna, "Why is Luna asleep on my bed?"

"She was looking at our photo album and fell asleep. I just dont know when she got on your bed since she was reading it on her bed." Said Argo.

Magna thanked her before walking over to Luna. Picking her up off his bed, Magna walked towards and up the wall while holding her.

Luna's bed was directly above Argo's so Magna walked across the roof to her bed. Once above her bed, Magna flipped down.

He opened the quilt and gently laid her inside while taking the photo album. Glance at Luna's sleeping face, Magna softly ruffled her hair and smiled.

"Girls," Said Magna, flipping back to the ground without making a single sound, "Bedtime. We have classes tomorrow."

Argo gave him a mock salute before tiptoeing into the bathroom with her pajamas. Emerald, merely yawned as her clothes transformed into her pajams.

Magna raised an eyebrow at her and said, "Were you wearing your pajamas the whole time?"

"Yeah~. I've been wearing them ever since you left to go do… whatever it is you did. By the way, what did you do?" Emerald said as she climbed up to her bed.

Magna quickly changed his clothes, ignoring Emerald's gaze as he said, "I was working on my semblance. Made some progress, which is good but…"

Emerald popped her head out from her bunk, not even trying to hide the heated look in her eyes as she said, "The progress you made sets back your control over your semblance, right? That always happens when you make progress. It's like the saying goes. Two steps forward…"

"And one step back," Sighed Magna, "I know. But this is how my semblance grows. The more abilities I have, the stronger I get."

'Not to mention the boost in aura I get for every cluster.' Mused Magna.

And boost his aura it did. He had about 9 and a half people's worth of aura and his aura regeneration was far quicker than a normal huntsmens.

Heck, Magna outclassed most first years and some second years when it came to aura reserves. The only person with more aura than him was Jaune.

The world was both fair and unfair. A few years ago, Magna discovered that a person's aura reserves grew until they reached a certain point?

However, his didn't. His reserves only grew with the amount of clusters he had, which was why he constantly switch clusters every month.

If his aura reserves didn't grow, his aura wouldn't be able to keep up with his usage during battle. Let's take Steven Universe's powers as an example.

If he had less aura than he did when Cinder and her group attacked Amber, his bubble shield wouldn't have lasted nearly as long as it did.

Speaking of changing clusters, Magna hopped into his sheets and decided to switch his cluster. Closing his eyes, Magna found himself standing infront of a familiar sea of stars.

Over the years, Magna became more and more familiar with the sea of stars and how it work. Without moving, Magna held out his hand as a star shoot towards him and landed in his palm.

He didn't know what this cluster carried or who's life he'd be able to view but he didn't care. He just hoped that it wasn't the memories of someone evil.

The memories of some of his more… negative clusters were rather hard to swallow. Hell, some were down right revolting.

Anyway, Magna crushed the cluster as memories flooded his mind. He could feel it. The memories of how he was strapped to a medical table.

The pain of how he was torn apart, only to be put back together. Only, there was always a piece missing.

Magna exited the sea of stars and opened his eyes, panting a little from the influx of memories and feelings.

He slowly reached his arm towards his head and grabbed at the new appendage.

A small horn.

Magna rumaged around on his bed for a second before taking out his scroll. He activated the camera option and took a couple photos of his face.

Scanning the photo with a smile, Magna tapped the small, brown horn and said, "I actually kinda like it…"

Magna willed the new power inside him to activate as the small horn on his head grew. It grew until it reached a few centimeters, a white and yellow glow glimmering around the appendage.


Happy with his new cluster, Magna pulled the sheets up and moved to go to bed when…



The now longer horn smacked into the wall, sending a wave of painful vibrations down the horn and through his skull.

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