
Defend The Maidens Part 3

Even though Magna was sprinting through the forest while carrying two people, there was no sign of fatigue on his face.

The only concern he had now was about Amber. He occasionally would glance over at her to check her condition and what he saw was anything but good.

Her healthy tanned skin was quickly losing it's healthy glow, becoming more of a sickly pale. Sweat and tears were pouring down her face as her expression showed the pair just how much pain she was going through.

Magna couldn't even begin to image the pain of having his soul torn in two. Over the coarse of 6 years, Magna has had his fair share of injuries.

Sure, his semblance was strong but his aura reserves used to be relatively small. Qrow had nearly 3 times as much aura as he did now while his mother had nearly 5 times.

Anyway, thanks to his rather diminutive aura reserves, he's ended up in way more than one messy situation before. Fractured or sprained limbs, claw marks, poison.

While travelling with Qrow, he's experienced alot but he hasn't experienced having his soul torn in half. While looking at the unholy look of anguish on Amber's face, Magna sniffed the air a few times before taking off towards the familiar scent he locked on to.

After a few minutes, Magna found himself leaving the winter forest. The moment he crossed what seemed to be the threshold between each area, a sudden burst of humid air wafted over them as Magna and June started to feel uncomfortably warm.

'This is either the autumn forest or the summer forest… judging by the green and yellow leaves, I'd wager it's summer…' Mused Magna was sweat slowly formed on his forehead.

With a soft sigh, Magna was about to continue forward when June suddenly started to wiggle her way out of his grasp.

Before he could ask what's wrong, June slipped out from his arm and leapt over the threshold and fell face first into the snowy forest floor.

"It's… too… HOT!!!" June screamed into the snow.

She was lucky that her voice was muffled by the rapidly melting snow beneath her or Magna would've picked her up and dragged her away.

He just escaped one enemy and he didn't want to fight another. At least not while he was carrying an injured person.

Once she was done cooling off, Magna picked her up as he said, "Try and use your maiden magic to cool yourself down while we move. Please don't unleash too much cause I don't know if the enemy can sense magic or not."

Call him overly cautious but Magna had a point. The way how Cinder somehow managed to find Amber before anyone else baffled him.

If he had to guess, Doctor Merlot may have built a machine that locked onto and tracked traces of magic.

Obviously, it was impossible for Doctor Merlot to build it on his own but he was working with Salem now. Magna would rather be safe than sorry.

Receiving a small nod from the sweating spring maiden, Magna took off into the summer forest. Since there was no snow to hinder him, Magna was able to fully release the power of Zinorge's physique.

If he was an actually Zinorge, something as insignificant as snow wouldn't bother him but he was still human. While he was running through the winter forest, he would occasionally skid for a couple meters if he went too fast.

Now, he was like a fish in water. It only took him a minute to arrive at where the scent was strongest. And low and behold what he found.

His mother, Emily, was currently tossing around Hazel like a certain hulking monster did to a certain norse god.

Looking off to the side, Magna desperately tried to hold in his laughter as he saw Adam, with his faceplate destroyed, embedded through a tree with two black eyes and his horns grinded down into nubs.

While Magna was trying not to laugh, June stared at the sight infront of her with a dumbfounded look on her face as she softly muttered, "Holy shit…"

Magna gave the young maiden a bemused look before softly placing her onto the ground. Feeling the ground underneath her, June shook off her stunned state and stood up.

Both teens walked over to Emily as she just finished her battle, drilling Hazel head first into the ground all the way to his waist. She dusted off her hands and turned to the pair with a small, happy smile.

"How's my baby boy?" Before either could react, Emily disappeared as she somehow got behind Magna and brought him into a warm hug.

Magna blushed at his mother calling him 'baby boy' but he knew better than to try and ask his mother to stop. He's tried to get her to stop before and let's just say… it did not end well.

Shaking his head from his useless thoughts, Magna's sharp features morphed into a happy smile as he said, "I'm fine. Amber, however…"

As Magna's eyes trailed over to the injured maiden in his hands, Emily gave her son a confused look as she said, "Can't you just heal her?"

Magna shrugged, "Besides a couple scratches and bruises, she's physically fine. Her crippled soul is the reason why she's unconscious."

While he wasn't the most proficient at reading a person's aura, years of training with Kurama helped him out alot. Her aura reserves were basically half of what they used to be while certain areas of her body were completely void of aura.

Even though Magna said he wouldn't be able to help her, he did have a few tricks up his sleeve. The only downside would be the aftermath.

A cluster. This certain cluster was powerful. It was so powerful that he could change reality with nothing more than a whisper. However, with that power came an unbelievable aura cost.

One word. That was his limit when his aura reserves were around 80%. Not only was it not fuel efficient, but after he used his power, he would be assaulted by an extremely painful headache before falling unconscious.

What's worse was the fact that Magna technically hasn't used this clusters power before. When he first gained this cluster, he felt an almost instinctive fear towards using its power, like something was telling him that he would die if he used it.

As he gained more clusters and, in turn, gained more aura, the instinctive fear of death dimmed yet never disappeared. Even now, as he thought about using its power, Magna felt a chill travel up his spine as he subconsciously shuddered.

Shaking off his jitters, Magna decided he would first stabilize Amber's body and worry about fully healing her later. Who knows? He might get lucky and somehow free Amber's powers and soul from Cinder's grasp.

Taking a few deep breaths to calm down Zinorge's instincts, Magna quickly changed clusters. However, the moment he did, his body trembled as a distinctive feeling of weakness washed over him.

While this was normal whenever he changed from Zinorge or the other monster cluster he has, this time was world's different from the others.

Firstly, his aura dropped by at least 10 clusters worth. The sudden and abrupt sense of loss was different from the aura loss when he used a technique. His aura just expelled itself from his body and dissipated into the air and land around him.

The second, and probably the biggest problem, was how he somehow became the wrong cluster. Magna wanted to switch to Usato's cluster so he could at least heal Amber's body.

But he instead ended up switching to the lazy pineapple of team 11, Shikamaru Nara.

Magna was stunned because this was the first time he's ever switched into the wrong cluster. Just as he was trying to figure out why he messed up, the words of the jellyfish grimm echoed in his mind.

'Interesting… This mist is supposed to destroy a person semblance yet yours is far too powerful to destroy. Hmmm… but there is damage done to it. I guess that will have to suffice for now...'

Swallowing all the vulgar words Magna wanted to say, he instead opted to try again. Forcefully calming himself down, Magna tried to switch cluster when he felt a chill travel up his spine.

Magna's eyes became a beautiful amber as he instantly crouched down low and clasped his hands together, "Shadow possession justu!"

His shadow trembled softly before shooting towards his mother and the two maidens. Once it latched onto their shadows, the trio were swallowed up by his Amber's semblance.

Back when Magna unlocked Shikamaru's cluster, Magna almost instantly combined Shikamaru's shadow style with Amber's semblance.

When both shadow abilities were used in tandem, Magna became rather hard to track because even while inside the shadow world, he could still control his shadow in reality.

That meant that the sun had no effect on Amber's semblance and it's mobility. The best part was that shikamaru could make his shadow tangible.

Magna could literally ensnare an enemy and then beat them up from the within the shadow, sending his arms out to attack while remain safe within the shadow world.

Though, he couldn't keep this combination up for long. Again, his aura reserves weren't large enough to support the combination's aura expenditure.

Anyway, just as the trio were taken into Magna's shadow, an arrow made of flames struck the ground were they just stood.

A soft 'tsk' reached his ears as a crimson figure came out from within the treetops. Magna couldn't help but softly swallow as this was the first time he's actually properly looked at Cinder.

And let's just say… she was very 'hot'.

Doning a dark-red, off-the-shoulders, v-neck mini dress with yellow designs, Cinder seductively strutted over while frowning.

Magna tried but failed to stop himself staring at the blue feather-like accessory on her right hip, just above the open portion of her dress. The dress ended in an upside-down triangular tail in the back, ending just above her knees

All in all, she looked fine as hell and Magna could tell she knew it. She easily caught Magna's eyes scanning all over her body as she sneered at him.

She rolled her eyes at Magna as she angrily growled, "What did you do with the maiden? Where is she!?!"

Her eyes glow in a light orange flame but Magna noticed something was off. Her flame seemed dim, almost like flame waning against the wind.

Raising an eye at her, Magna stayed silent as he clasped his hands once more. Cinder didn't even know what happened as she suddenly found herself unable to move.

A smirk found it's way onto Magna's face as he couldn't stop himself from saying, "Shadow possession jutsu, now complete."

Slowly standing up from his crouching position, Magna slowly reached for his hand. Cinder, who was freaking out, tried to stop herself from mimicking Magna's actions but found herself completely unable to resist.

Cinder slowly removed the glove on her hand and revealed a small grimm that seemed to be fused into her hand.

With bloodshot eyes, Cinder glared at Magna with an unholy amount of anger and hate as she roared, "WHY DO YOU KNOW ABOUT MY HAND!?!"

Magna felt the pressure from his shadow possession increase by twofold as he almost slipped up. Luckily, he managed to hold himself together.

Rolling his eyes at her, Magna replied, "I saw the grimm when your were gloating about your victory. Honestly, I'm not blind."

Cinder froze as her cheeks became a soft pink. Because she lost focus and wasn't trying to resist, Magna moved fast as he made her grab onto the grimm parasite and pull.

Suddenly, Cinder screamed out in pain as she tried to make herself stop. However, Magna's shadows were far stronger than her will.

The grimm parasite started to stretch, like a piece of crusty gum that got stuck to someone's shoe. While it was trying to resist being torn off, the grimm's mouth opened wide as it released an ear piercing screech.

Magna ignored the ringing in his ears as he grit his teeth and pulled harder. Just as the grimm started to peel off of Cinder's hand, a flood of Beowolves and Ursas charged into the clearing.

Softly cursing to himself, Magna gave one last pull and tore the grimm parasite from Cinder's hand. He had no idea if pulling the grimm off her hand would do anything to help Amber but it was better than nothing.

As the grimm horde closed in on him, Magna made Cinder toss him the grimm parasite before releasing her from his jutsu.

Cinder could do nothing but watch as the grimm parasite flew through the air and into Magna's palm. Her eyes glowed in rage yet it was plain to see that the maiden powers she possessed were way weaker than they originally were.

If Cinder in the original series had about half of Amber's powers, this Cinder probably had about a quarter. However, that still made her dangerous as the maidens could wield the elements without the use of dust.

Before Cinder or any of the grimm could attack him, Magna just smirked at them as he turned into a black blur and disappeared into the trees.

The grimm stopped for a second before following after an alpha beowolf that seemed to have locked onto Magna's scent.

Cinder, with wrath and hatred in her eyes, leapt off the ground and mounted the alpha as she roared, "WHEN I FIND YOU, I WILL WATCH YOU BURN!!!"


Running through the treetops at high speed, Magna held the grimm parasite firmly in his hands as he contemplated his next move. Originally, they were all supposed to wait for reinforcements.

Now, however, everyone was split up and Magna had no way to get in contact with them. His scroll was still on the fritz and the communicator was destroyed when they bombarded Amber's house.

To top it all off, Magna hasn't seen any sign of Emerald or Raven. Not finding any sign of Raven was something he could understand. She's a bandit chief, she probably has experience with covering up her tracks.

But Emerald probably had next to no experience with that type of thing. Sure, she was a theif before they met but she was also still a child at the time.

He tried to push the building panic to the back of his mind as he softly muttered, "We just reunited with each other after 6 years… I will NOT let them take her again…"

Suddenly, Magna came to a halt as he felt something stir within his shadow. Pulling both his mother and June from the shadow, Magna was about to ask what's wrong when his mother cut him off.

"Magna! Amber's body just went cold!" Emily said in a mixture of panic and worry.

June's eyes lit up in a floral green as she said, "I saw what was happening to her… there's 'something' eating away at her soul. And whatever it is, it has something to do with that grimm in your hand."

Everybody's focus fell on the grimm. It squirmed in Magna's hand, trying to free itself to no avail. The pair said that they should kill it while Magna disagreed.

They had no information on this grimm, nor did they have any idea on what affect it would have on Amber should they kill it.

In the end, Magna was the voice of reason as he said, "Let's take it to Ozpin. He might be able to find out what the grimm did to Amber."

June smiled happily as she agreed while his mother seemed to be hesitant. After she mulled over the options for a few minutes, she sighed as she begrudgingly approved.

While his mother's actions made Magna have a few questions, he pushed them aside as he had more pressing issues.

"Mum, June. I'm going to send you back into my shadow. Take care of Amber and try to make sure her condition doesn't take a turn for the worst. Also, take the grimm with you."

Clutching the grimm in her hands, Emily looked at Magna in concern as she grabbed his shoulder, "What about you? What are you going to do?"

Magna chuckled as a confident light appeared in his eyes, "I'm gonna find Emerald and Raven. Raven should be able to open a portal to Qrow and from there, we meet up with the reinforcements and leave this place."

Seeing her little boy so confident in his plan, Emily couldn't help but smile lovingly at him. As she and June slowly returned to Magna's shadow, she felt a warmth in her chest as her baby boy has grown into a fine young man.

From now on, I will no longer write about the abilities that each cluster possesses. I will only write about the number of the cluster and the name of the cluster. When all the clusters are decided, I will be uploading a auxillary chapter containing a list of every cluster. I hope to use every cluster at least once.


Star Cluster #033: Shikamaru Nara

Nexusprime117creators' thoughts
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