

Well, to say that I was surprised by this sudden development was an understatement. It was one thing for us to hold hands as if we were pursuing a romantic relationship. It was quite another matter for Kalistra to pledge her allegiance to me in my pursuit of the crown. I received another pop-up and pushed it aside. "Um, thanks?" I replied with uncertainty. I wasn't sure what to do. Frankly, I was embarrassed that someone so arrogant and haughty (and powerful) would agree to serve under my banner. Moreover, I was humbled by her pledge.

Kalistra slowly returned to her feet. "I'm sure you have just gained enough experience points to advance several levels. But I ask that you delay advancing to the next few levels. The reason is that when you're at level one, you can earn experience more easily than if you are at a higher level," she explained. "Also, with your divine blessing still active, you may be fortunate enough to unlock more innate abilities, too," she added. "It is said that King Merlin himself had at least a handful of them. Thus, the more innate abilities you own, the stronger your claim as his rightful successor in the eyes of the common folk."

"I understand and I'll delay my advancement as you suggested," I readily agreed. "However, how will I survive my next street fight? I'm sure Ebenthal has friends looking to prevent me from testifying at his upcoming trial," I pointed out.

Kalistra turned her head back and motioned for Gendun and the female student to join us. When they arrived, my teacher introduced the woman. "This is Sister Maisen. She has graciously agreed to serve as your bodyguard until you are officially enrolled in our dojo. However, her service charge is one gold coin per day and payment is due in advance."

I looked at the female warrior. Up close, she was even more intimidating than I thought. She was actually taller than me; her physique resembled a wrestler's such as the late Chyna. I didn't mind having a "governess" to look after me during the early stages of my player character development. However, I wasn't happy with the idea of paying for a bodyguard since I was trying to enroll in the dojo precisely to avoid this expense.

But then again, Kalistra had presented me with a way to power level my character at the cost of only one or two days' worth of Sister Maisen's services as my bodyguard. And with this swordswoman watching my back, I could proceed with my business plans to make money while my divine blessing was still in effect. The sooner that occurred, the sooner I could start making money. Therefore, hiring Maisen was the right decision. I held out my hand to the fighter. "Thank you for agreeing to become my bodyguard," I said.

Sister Maisen nodded slightly as she shook my hand with a firm grip.

Yup, she was as strong as she looked. Her grip was very strong but her touch was soft like a woman's. I felt the rough calluses under her fingers and on her palm and my respect for her jacked up ten-fold. To earn those calluses she probably spent thousands of hours holding that sword in the blue-colored scabbard, with the requisite butterfly adornment, at her waist. She looked the part and felt the part of a strong fighter; I couldn't wait to party with Sister Maisen and discover what her actual character level was. The memory of the discomfort that Kalistra felt when I read her player stats flashed across my mind. I wondered if my bodyguard will react similarly. Gee, I felt like a peeping tom!

Without comment, Kalistra held out her right paw with her palm facing up.

This time, I knew what she was asking for. I quickly fished out a gold coin and handed it over to her. When the coin changed hands, I received another pop-up which I pushed aside again. See, I was a fast learner!

Once my instructor put the coin in her pouch, she nodded once at Maisen.

The senior student walked over to the exit from the dojo and sat down. She started meditating.

Kalistra turned to face me. "Maisen will accompany you when you leave our dojo. In the meantime, I want you to resume your conditioning until the town bell indicates noontime. Today, we'll do something a little different. Since the two of you are friends, I'm going to have Gendun assist in your training. He's wearing a harness right now. You are to put him on your back and run around the compound until you increase your strength. Hopefully, it won't take you the entire day to accomplish this or else you'll miss lunch and dinner. Well, good luck, boys!" She grinned and walked away from us.

Dang! The evil cat girl had appeared once again! I looked at Gendun and shrugged. He was indeed wearing a leather harness with long straps for me to pull over my shoulder as if I was wearing a backpack. "Let's get started," I said with a false cheer. I knelt in front of the boy, turned around and pulled the straps over my shoulder. I then pulled myself back to my feet, lifting the boy up. My lower back started sagging under the extra weight.

"Am I too heavy?" Gendun asked. He was thoroughly embarrassed; he would never imagine this was what Kalistra had in mind when she asked for the boy's assistance in training his friend. The last time the boy was carried on someone's back was probably when he was a still a baby.

"Nah, I'm much stronger than that," I lied. If my back didn't lock up again today, it would be a miracle! I gripped the shoulder straps and started walking slowly around the compound. My steps were small and slow at first. But after I took a minute to adjust my body to the added weight, I started taking bigger strides and walking at a faster pace. The point of the exercise was to push my body to exhaustion (again) in order to get the increase in strength. I needed one more point in strength and one more point in dexterity to meet the prerequisites to officially enroll in the school. I was afraid to find out what my dexterity training will entail.

As I marched around the compound, some students grinned while others openly laughed at me. Yeah, I definitely looked ridiculous. Honestly, I would feel better if it was a female on my back; at least that way, I could pretend that I was in a wife-carrying competition.

As I passed by the exit, Maisen had a slight smile on her face even though her eyes were closed. For some reason, I found her expression annoying. It was as if she was looking down on me. I knew it was irrational to reach that conclusion but I did and I became very angry. "YEARGH!" I yelled out a battle cry and started charging like an angry bull. I simply ran and ran and ran some more until I slipped and fell flat on my face.


I lost consciousness.



I felt someone slapping my face lightly. I opened my eyes and the world started spinning. "Whoa!" I blurted out.

"Easy," someone cooed.

I felt my head resting on a pillow and lost consciousness again.

Dong! Dong! I counted the bell tolling twelve times and I instantly opened my eyes.

"About time you woke up," a female voice said.

I looked up and I saw Maisen looking down on me. I turned my head and saw that I was resting on her lap! I immediately pulled myself off her legs and sat up on the ground. I looked around and saw that I was still in the courtyard at the dojo.

"Ah, the raging bull is finally awake," a different female voice said.

I recognized the haughty voice of my nemesis; I slowly turned my head and saw my instructor looking at me with great amusement.

"Well, at least you did it," Kalistra continued.

"Did what?" I asked in befuddlement.

My instructor rolled her eyes. "Perhaps, you should check your stack of pop-ups," she suggested.

Oh right! I was so gung-ho into my training that I had totally forgotten about those pop-up messages. The first message read: "Title ACQUIRED: Pursuer of the Crown. +2,000 Reputation, +4,000 XP." My jaws dropped. My mind turned back to the time when Kalistra returned from her consultation with the Grandmaster. I believed that my divine blessing had convinced the two to recognize my bid for Kingship. The Kissed by Lady Luck blessing itself had only cost me one platinum coin and the blessing was still in effect for another six and a half days.

My second pop-up was a "-1 Health" alert from Kalistra's poke at my right shoulder. I shrugged and read the third pop-up message: "Title ACQUIRED: Liege of the Butterfly School of Swordsmanship. +1,000 Reputation, +2,000 XP." Ah! That was when Kalistra knelt down and kissed my hand like I was the pope. Hmm . . . I wondered if being recognized as her liege meant that I could boss Kalistra around now?

The fourth pop-up message read, "Major faction quest COMPLETED. +100 XP, +1 Strength, +50 XP." Oh, yes! I became delirious with happiness at my increase in strength because I really wanted to hit 15 Strength today. While experience points were relatively easy for me to obtain, I suspected that specific increase in attributes was trickier to pull off. I pumped both fists in the air as if I had won the lottery. I grabbed Maisen's hands and started dancing like an idiot.

"AHEM!" Kalistra's eyes gleamed.

I immediately stopped moving and realized that I was holding the bodyguard's hands. "Oh, sorry!" I blurted out as I released Maisen's hands.

The bodyguard's eyebrows rose as she looked at Kalistra.

The cat girl grinned. Suddenly, she held out her right paw and wriggled it in the air.

The senior student made a thumb down gesture with her right hand and sighed. Maisen opened the pouch at her waist and fished out a gold coin. She put the coin on her right thumb and flicked it over to Kalistra.

The cat girl easily snatched it out of the air.

"What was that about?" I asked in puzzlement.

"She lost the bet," Kalistra grinned as she started tossing the shiny coin in the air and catching it with her right paw. Repeatedly.

My eyes narrowed at her. "You guys were betting on whether I would get the increase in strength attribute?" I growled.

"Well, there was a particular condition—it had to occur before noon, which you managed to pull off. So, thank you!" the cat girl beamed in delight. She started pondering what to have for dinner at The Noble Lady tonight.

"So, am I done for the day? I'm still short one point in Dexterity," I noted.

Kalistra finally stopped playing with her newly won wager. "You deserve a lunch break, Lawrence. Please return in one hour and we'll finish up your training today. Sounds good?" she asked in a sweet tone of voice.

The evil cat girl must be in a great mood right now. She had never asked for my opinion before! And her tone of voice was creeping me out! "Sure," I shrugged.

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