
29 Kitty's Hope

Kitty walked out the door and walked down the hall and knocked on Will's door. "Wake up and come have breakfast with us, Will."

Will wakes up from hearing Kitty's voice he gets up and walks to the door. "I was up late last night and I wanted to sleep more." He says this and opens the door. "I'll be down in a little bit. You just woke me up."

"Okay, we will see you in a bit." She turns and walks down the hallway. 'Julie and Grant are probably already up and downstairs. So that takes care of everyone.'

Cindy watches the interaction between the two. 'He treats her really well. Maybe I am worrying too much. It's still better to be safe than sorry.' She follows Kitty out of the room and stays quiet for the trip down to the restaurant.

Leo followed after everyone was out of the room. He watches kitty bang on the door and wakes Will up. "My dear, do we need to wake up Julie as well?"

"I would imagine Julie is already up and downstairs. There is a lot for her to get done in a short period of time." She answers and walks down to the elevator. She pushes the button to call up the elevator. "Since most of our work is done all we need to do is leave. I can still keep in touch with Julie and give directions even if I am not in the town. I want to be able to save as many people as I possibly can." She looks down sadly. 'I still do not know how many will leave. I hope that the younger generation will leave and go settle down elsewhere.' She sighs.

"I'll help while I am able to. I might not be able to do much but I will try my best." He watches Kitty. The elevator doors open and Leo holds his arm over the door until everyone has entered, then follows in afterward.

"I don't think you will have enough time to help out, as you will have a lot driving to do." The doors close and Kitty hits the button for the main floor. She sighs. 'Why? Does this honestly have to happen? The worst possible moment.'

Cindy followed Kitty. 'I hope this doesn't get out of hand. I am glad that Kitty is leaving today. The stress from this is hard on her and the baby. I can't tell her what to do but I at least can advise her.'

"Ah, yeah. I will have a lot of driving to do. I'll still do what I can." He rubs her back when he hears Kitty sigh. "Kitty, I know this is hard on you but I hope that you will be able to sleep while I drive us to our place."

"I doubt even if I wanted to stay awake I wouldn't be able to. It is rather inconvenient to be tired all the time." The doors open and Kitty leads the group to the restaurant. She spots Julie at a table. She walks over to her. "Good morning, Julie. Thank you, for getting the table for everyone. Will is on his way down. If not I will have Leo call him."

"Good morning everyone. It is no problem dear. Also, I ordered a mix of breakfast items. It shouldn't be long before it arrives. I hope that everyone had a good sleep." She smiles at the three of them.

"Thank you, for ordering the food already. All I've been doing is eating and sleeping. I did, however sleep well though." She sits down and drinks some of the water in the cup in front of her chair.

"Good morning. Thank you, for doing all this Julie. I slept well." He takes the seat next to Kitty. He places his hand on her thigh and pats her leg.

I am closest to my mother, as she is my rock, my pillar of strength, and my world. Not only has she stood by me through all times - happy, sad, and otherwise - but there have even been moments when I had completely lost hope, and her immense belief in me had lifted me up.

--Amruta Khanvilkar

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