
The Vegetables Are Here...

Guy nods and explains to his friends how to use the gravity chamber. After he told everyone how to work it he went out to see Popo waiting with a neutral face as he says "Are you ready for the real training Guy?"

Guy nods and says with such youthful energy "YES!"

As Guy said yes with his youthful energy he begins the next year of training with Mr. Popo and his friends. The year passed fast for everyone as they all trained harder than they have ever had before. All of them had similar Motivation. To protect their planet from the aliens or later known as the Vegetables...

On the lookout, you can see everyone training. Tien and Goku are sparing with each other. Krillin and Yamcha were testing out their new attacks. Guy was meditating while under a lot of gravity pressure. Finally, Mr. Popo was laying down on his comfy chair while eating some toast. This all continued for a while until Mr. Popo got up and announced

"Alright you maggots your training is complete get your belongings and leave"

Everyone besides Guy shakes in fear and runs to get their stuff as fast they could. But Guy stays behind as he bows slightly and says

"Thanks for the training Mr. Popo"

Popo gave Guy a stoic look as he nodded and went back to relaxing. Guy walked to get all of his stuff and everyone started flying back to their place for now. On the way back to capsule corp Guy couldn't stop grinning as he felt the massive Improvements he made over this one year. Guy's power was more controlled as it showed as he could handle up to the 5th gate now.

But Guy's greatest accomplishment was teaching Gohan how to fight with Piccolo. While Guy knew Piccolo was a good person deep down. He could tell Piccolo was a natural teacher from the way he cared for and taught Gohan. Over the past year, it was a constant change from his training/Tinkering some of his Inventions and training Gohan with Piccolo.

Even though Piccolo did train Gohan a good amount he still did his training in one of the spare gravity chambers. Eventually, Guy arrives at Capsule Corp and goes inside to see Bulma watching the news with a somewhat sad look on her face. Guy sits next to her and asks with concern. "Bulma what's wrong"

She doesn't answer as she stares at the screen which gets Guy's attention as he begins to watch the show too.

You can hear the sound of a banjo being played as a bigger built older man was walking up a hill with a basket in his hands. When he reached the very top you could see a large autumn tree on the top of the hill. The older man takes in the beautiful sunset around the city for a moment before he takes off his straw hat to see the face of an older man with a sad smile on his face. The older man turned around and got onto his knees as he took 2 rocks and placed them against the tree. As he makes a makeshift pedestal. He brought out a soft cloth to put on top of the rocks as he put a small bag of full money a candle holder and 3 apples from the left to the right on the cloth to keep the cloth from blowing away.

The older man reached into the basket to take out a picture as he closes his eyes for a second for then puts it on the makeshift pedestal he made. Finally, he brings out 2 candles and he lights them up with his fingers. The older man put the candles in the candle holder as he says with a sad voice. "Happy birthday my son"

The old man closed his eyes as tears came down his cheek as he mutters "If only I could have helped you"

The old man opened his eyes as he sang through the tears " Leaves from the vine... Falling so slow... Like fragile tiny shells... Drifting in the foam... Little soldier boy Come marching home Brave... soldier boy Comes marching home"

The song ends as you see an In Honor of Mako at the end of the episode. As Bulma wipes away the tears she had from seeing that she felt her leg was wet she looked to see Guy crying a stream of tears. But to Guy, these were not tears of sadness they were tears of appreciation. No tears of YOUTH. He stood up with his fist clenched and said "His voice was filled with such Youthful passion even in the end he gave it his all"

Guy after watching this episode with Bulma. He decided to increase his training even more. He went immediately off to start training again as Bulma is there still confused about what happened but just put it off as another (Guy) moment. While Bulma was thinking that and got back to watching the next episode of that great show. Guy was already heading to the backyard to train even harder. He reaches the backyard and looks at his gravity watched that said 150 g's. He dialed that up to 160 and clicked enter. Guy felt the gravity increase even more on his body as he began to start training. Hours begin to pass as Guy still kept at training even when he was close to hitting his limits. But his inner fire of determination was so bright that even after many years of training he knows with the power of youth he can surpass his limits and become even stronger.

It wasn't until it was almost midnight did Guy stop training. Bulma tried to get Guy to stop earlier but he was too motivated to keep training after seeing Uncle Iroh sing that song in that show. So after Guy finished up training he ate a quick senzu bean and turned off all the gravity as he got ready for bed. Guy took a quick shower and finally fell asleep ready for the next day.

Guy woke up feeling very refreshed mostly because in the past year when he was following Popo's training he couldn't take off the gravity unless he was told to do so. It wasn't much different from his usual training but Popo had other plans for training. But before Guy could think about that he headed down to get ready for the day.

Bulma woke up earlier than usual just so she can finish the shoe she was watching last night. She cut it short because the last episode really got to her and mostly Guy. But she started to binge-watch the show and only noticed a few hours passed when Guy came down to see her watching the show again.

Guy walks into the living room to see Bulma watching that great show again. He sits down next to her and starts watching the show with her. A few more hours of past of them watching the show together. Even though Guy didn't watch the first half of the show he understood most of it and was happy he got to watch this show. Although he was Confused who was the young childhood with the tattoos. But he'll save that question for another day.

They both saw it was getting later in the day so they decided to do their own thing. Both of them were about to go until Gut stopped in his footsteps and looked intensely in a certain direction. Bulma noticing Guy's weird demeanor asked with concern. "Is everything ok Guy?"

Guy kept looking in that direction with a concerned look as he says. "They're here"

Bulma paused for a second until a look of fear came across her face as she muttered. "You... don't mean the...?"

Guy nods without looking at Bulma and said: "Yes The aliens."

A few seconds pass until Guy goes to Bulma and hugs her and says. "I'm going now Bulma stay here and be careful ok"

Guy goes to leave while he can hear her scream. "Stay alive Guy"

When Guy heard this he turned around gave Bulma one of his big smiles that caused a little sparkle of light to appear when his teeth appeared. "Don't worry I'll be fine this shouldn't take long"

Guy finally heads outside and flys to their location he sensed their energy. On the way, there Guy gripped his fist as he thinks 'Don't worry everyone the springtime of youth has not ended.'

Hey everyone I am back... Yet again and yes as you can guess I still am lazy. Just that but hey hope you still like the chaps even though I barely update. Have a noice day and enjoy the Superbowl

HuskyWarriorcreators' thoughts
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