
Guess Who's Back...

When Goku and Piccolo were arguing Krillin forgot to ask Guy. "Hey Guy quick question... How come you Protected me from his tail attack?"

Guy closed his eyes and said "I made a promise to Yamcha back in the 21st tournament to protect all of us from tail attacks. Yamcha said he should be the last one to suffer a tail to the face..."

After Guy said that Goku and Piccolo were getting ready for their tough battle with Raditz. The fight was just about to go down until Roshi said. "If your going to fight go to that inhabited island over there"

Roshi pointed towards an island off into the distance. Raditz scoffed but still flew to that island while Goku called his flying nimbus. Goku and Raditz flew over there as Piccolo looked over at Guy for a second before flying after them. Guy watched them all fly to the island but he felt someone tugging on his pants. He looked down to see a scared Gohan who was asking "Is my dad going to be ok uncle Guy?"

Guy got on a knee for Gohan and said with a smile. "Don't worry about it Gohan if anything bad happens I'll step in and stop them"

Gohan still didn't look convinced and just said "Ok..."

Guy knew Gohan was just scared about his dad so he stood up and looked at everyone else and said. " I'll be heading over to make sure nothing bad happens."

Guy flew off towards the island where Raditz, Goku, and Piccolo were fighting on. Meanwhile, as Guy was flying over there everyone started talking about what just happened. But them talking about it made Gohan even more scared. Gohan starts to cry a little but Bulma picks him up and says with a somewhat soothing voice "It's going to be ok Gohan your dad will be fine"

While all of this was happening the battle between all 3 of them got very intense. Goku and Piccolo took off their weighted clothing while getting ready for the tough battle ahead. They teamed up as they synchronized their attacks to have a much better chance against Raditz.

Goku and Piccolo charge towards Raditz while yelling out "HAAAA"

They approach the grinning Raditz as they both throw multiple blows at him. Raditz easily blocks all the attacks and just keeps toying with them. All that did was annoy them further and increase the speed of their attacks even more. The battle keeps going on but Raditz finally attacks with 2 quick punches which sends them flying back. When they were sent flying back Raditz looked at his fist with a big grin as he keeps thinking. 'That senzu bean Kakarot gave me is useful... I will have to make sure to get some more before we take over this planet'

Goku and Piccolo regrouped and were talking about what to do. They ended up deciding they need to corner him and shoot an energy beam with everything they have at him. Goku hated to admit it but Raditz was too strong for both of them so they can only use strategy to win. Goku nods to Piccolo as he charges towards Raditz while Piccolo puts his 2 fingers to his forehead. While he starts to focus his energy on his fingertips. Goku and Raditz traded many blows but again Raditz sends Goku flying away except Goku uses this to his advantage as he got sent flying he started to yell out.

"KA!!!!! ME!!!!!"

A dense blue ball of energy starts to form in his hand as continues to yell out

"HA!!!! ME!!!!"

The ball of energy continues to expand as it covers both of his hands he shouts out.


A blue beam of energy shot from the sky goes towards Raditz who used his scouter was shocked by his little brother's attack. Raditz started to run away from the energy beam as it chased him until he gave up and raised both of his hands to tank the blow. As the beam clashes with Raditz's hands a small explosion occurs leaving a slightly winded Raditz with a pissed-off look as he gathers energy into his palm and shouts out. "THIS IS HOW IT'S DONE KAKAROT HA!"

Raditz throws an energy beam at Goku as it blows off half of his gi and sends him flying to the ground with some injuries across his body. Since Raditz was so busy dealing with his annoying little brother he almost didn't notice the green man finishing charging up his attack. He turned around to see Piccolo with a dense green beam on his 2 fingers with a little lighting surrounding it. Piccolo gave Raditz a grin which only further annoyed Raditz as he roared out. "WELL COME ON GREEN MAN HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST SHOT BEFORE I KILL YOU!!"

Piccolo's grin grew even further as he says "Not yet"

Before Raditz could even ask why he suddenly felt very weak almost as if he had lost all of his strength. He slowly turned around to see Goku grinning saying. "It was just a guess but just like me your tail is your weakness."

Piccolo aimed his 2 fingers at Raditz as he said to Goku "Goku don't let go of his tail"

Raditz knew what was about to happen so he started to plead to Goku "Kakarott are you going to let him kill me your flesh and blood!"

Goku hesitated and almost let go of his tail but immediately stopped when he heard Piccolo yell out "NOT AGAIN GOKU YOUR NOT ABOUT TO MAKE US LOSE AGAIN!!! SPECIAL BEAM CANNON!!!!!"

Piccolo shot out his energy attack to Raditz who still pleaded and hopefully, the naive brother of his would let him go. Goku did let go of his tail at the last minute... But it was too late as the energy beam went right through his stomach taking a huge chunk out of his body. Raditz gripped his hole of a stomach and grunted out. "If only I had another one of those Senzu beans they would heal me right up"

Piccolo walks over to the dying Raditz and says. "You won't be getting another Senzu bean because we now know to never give Goku a Senzu bean ever again"

Goku got on one knee and said "Even without the senzu beans even if you died we could wish you back but since you tried to hurt my friends and family I can't do that"

Raditz was still coughing blood as he asked with his almost last breath "How would you even wish someone back Kakarott?"

Goku nonchalantly says "You just have to gather the 7 dragon balls and you can make any wish"

When Raditz heard that he laughed a little as he coughed more blood as he says with an evil smile. "Kakarott see this device on my face? It is also a transmitter so my Saiyan comrades heard every single word you said so they will come here and you will all be powerless to stop them!. They will destroy everything in their path."

Goku shakes him as he yells out "How long!. How long until they get here"

Raditz grunts in pain as he says "1 year and they are even stronger than me!"

As Raditz says his last words he dies leaving Goku and Piccolo surprised and slightly scared knowing of the threat coming to earth. Guy was watching the fight from a distance and when he saw the fight was over he flew down and saw they were surprised and scared they won. When Guy was about to ask what happened. Piccolo filled in Guy what happened and after everything was told Guy had a thoughtful look on his face as he looked at both of them and said "We need to get back and tell everyone what happened."

Guy and Goku start to fly off but see Piccolo didn't move so Guy asked "Why aren't you coming with us, Piccolo?"

Piccolo gives Guy a look as he says " I do not need to explain it to the rest of them. I am going to start training and I'll see you both in a year"

Piccolo begins to fly away but stops midway as Guy shouts out. "Ok Piccolo but remember if you ever need help training I'll let you use my gravity chamber. It's like your weighted clothing but more effective."

Piccolo glances at Guy and says "I'll consider it"

He flys off into the distance to start his training. While Guy and Goku fly back to Kame's house to see everyone relived they both came back. But their looks of relief went away when Guy said. " Ok so in 1 year we are going to be invaded by some strong aliens"

Everyone besides Goku said. "Wait what?"

I am back... From my semester of classes and gaming after passing/acing my classes. Hope you enjoy the chapter. If you have any suggestion or comments to make the story better lemme know cause not gonna lie haven't written a chap in a good minute so I hope it's good lol

HuskyWarriorcreators' thoughts
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