
Forgive me wifey

Kuro pov

He was surprised to see that his wife was still awake when he reach their inn room . Both of them stare at each other, but none of them say anything nor make any move.

He noticed that his wifey was not talking not because she doesn't want to start it but because she doesnt know how to start it. Her helpless look made her look so endearing, and he was more than happy to step forward and man up. For the sake of their new marriage future.

Yes. That was enough for him to lead. Just when he was about to open his mouth, she push a plate of something dark on the table.

"For you" It seems she had finally come up with something, to break the ice between them. Is it wrong to say that right now he wanted to pinch that cheek and wrapped her inside his embrace?

My wife is is strong, matured and eccentric, but there were some rare moments where she's could be really adorable and made me want to spoil and treasure her more. Like now.

Even if she offer him a bowl full of poisonous snake, he would still be happy. And yet, here she offered him a plate with a chocolate cake on it, one of his favourite flavour that he had come to love. It seems a new kind Of recipe. When he slice the small cake with a spoon, a gooey chocolate flow out from the inside of the cake, making his appetite doubled. He taste it and found something crunchy inside, some type of nut with a little bit sprinkle of cinnamon. The chocolate was mixed with coffee, which was surprising. It was so delectable and made his tongue and tummy happy.

He took out a bouquet of flowers and gave it to her. Thinking about the sweet that he bought, it doesn't hold a candle on any of her worst sweet if there are any. He made a mental note to give it away.

"I am sorry, Iiana for making you angry."

Iiana eyes gaze at the flowers, before her hand shoot out and wrapped around him. She hid her face on his chest.

"Don't spoil me. You have nothing to be sorry about. I know I'm the one who did wrong. I am sorry, please forgive me" her muffled voice made his heart thawed the left over reservation he had over her, and it made him smile.

"Is this cake your way of saying sorry to me?"

"Is it working?" She lean away a little bit and look me over her long lashes.

"Yes." He smiled gently. "I love it. Thank you"

She nodded and went back hugging him. He was more than content. Truth to be told, he was afraid that their marriage will be short lived. His wife wasn't on board with this marriage in the beginning and though she is showing a positive feedback lately, but the foundation of this newly marriage is still shaky, at best. He wouldn't say that he doesn't have any ego. But he was ready to lower himself and grovel.

It completely surprised him that his wife turned the situation and made him preserve his dignity as a man. She is definitely aware of it and choose not to step on the line where my ego slumber most of the time. He had a scored a great wife, he thought.


Early morning, Kuro, Iiana and Luka ate their breakfast in one big table. Iiana had explained it to Kuro last night before going to bed and Kuro got the gist of it. Luka showed a reservation toward Kuro. It seems he had fear toward men, in general and Kuro is not an exception.

Kuro had a bitter smile on him. The boy remind him of Iiana when they just met. A well masked fear and disgust, yet they had this fierce unyielding gaze that held strength and burning will to fight if they're cornered.

"No need to worry. My husband is straight. He wont do stuff like that you"

Kuro who was just about gulp down his tea, coughed couple of times. He couldn't decide whether his wife is joking or making fun of him.

He really want to ask where does she got that confidence to say that when she never even slept with him, he wondered. The boy nodded but still his stay on the table. Iiana knocked the boy's head. The boy rubs his head and frown, looking at Iiana.

"Don't lower your gaze. Heads and eyes up. You are free now."

Iiana grinned and then tapped her chin couple of time.

"From now on, call me mom and him dad. We will be your new parents. He may not look like it but this man over here is actually.." she lowered her voice and lean toward the little boy ears. "A shoa tribe heir. He is filthy rich."

His lips twitched. Of all the things, that is what her definition of shoa? She must be joking. The prestige, fame and power that our tribe hold definitely would make anyone grovel down and wish not to be on our family bad side. Yet his wifey only think our family is a bunch of rich family that flaunt their wealth around huh?

It didn't slipped pass his notice that the boys eyes flickered in recognition, and he saw the boy had this some sort of respect look on him. Kuro nodded and close his eyes. Yeah, this is how people normally should act when they heard his family name. Trust my wife to not know the norm of this world and made my family name sounds petty.

After we're done eating, the boy retreat to his room. While his wife had disappeared to god know where to. He had a feeling that she went to find that Arya again.

What is he going to do now? He guess he's back to being a shadow of Iiana. He'll would not hesitate to cut Arya hand if he touch his wifey again. Or.. he raised his eyebrow in deep thought.

Iiana seems to be an expert in making the worst torturous situation. Maybe, he should left his wifey do it, and let him entertain his wifey.

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