

As soon as Hajime and Shuichi ended their conversation, Hajime looked at his wristwatch. "Oh, it's already 8 PM. If you don't have any more questions, then that will be it for today's session". "So, we are having one of these sessions every day?" Shuichi asked.

"Yes, but we held today's session quite late, because of the announcement and the pairings. Usually these sessions last from 10 AM to 12 PM, well that is depending on the tutor as well." Hajime stood up from his spot and started looking around for other people. "Well, I think no one came here for their first session huh?" Hajime said with a little smile on his face. He turned around to look at Shuichi who was still sitting on the grass. "What are you waiting for? Let's go! Today our chef made a special dinner for all of you, so let's get to the inn before it gets cold, shall we?" Shuichi quickly stood up and followed Hajime.

While Shuichi followed Hajime around the islands that formed Jabberwock, he started asking Hajime questions about the island such as "Do you ever get bored?", "How do all of you kill time here?", "How long have you've been living here?". Hajime happily answered all his questions, as he did, he recalled that the past generations that went through this orientation did not ask him questions this freely, maybe because of his looks that some people found terrifying. As they chatted and walked, they crossed the bridge from the main island to island number one. The inn was not far away from where the bridge was located so it took them around five minutes to arrive at their destination.

As they entered the inn, they did not waste any time looking, however, Shuichi found interesting the huge number of cabins by the entrance. They walked straight to the restaurant located on the second floor of the inn's main building. Hajime opened the door to discover that everyone was already present and the only ones missing were him and his student. "I'm sorry everyone, our session took quite a while" Hajime apologized to everyone as they entered the restaurant and found their sits. There were two large tables in the middle of the room one of the tables had room for 16 people, in this table all of Shuichi's classmates were located plus Rantaro and Tsumugi, and the other table had 17 chairs in them, that was the tutors' table, Shuichi noticed 2 unrecognizable faces in the tutors' table, as well as one empty seat, he wondered if someone was missing, but he did not worried about it.

"Hey, Shuichi! Over here!" Kaito called Shuichi from the student's table, he had saved a place for him in between him and Kaede. Shuichi walked to his seat and started chatting with his friends.

As soon as everyone gathered around Rantaro stood up from his seat and cleared his throat as if he was going to give a speech for everyone present. "Now that everyone is present and back from their first orientation session, I believe that you got to know your tutors and their story, the majority of you have come to understand them, or at least that is what I hope" Rantaro gave off a gloomy smile as he spoke. "Well leaving that topic behind, I have two more people from the tutors' team that I will like to introduce" The two unfamiliar faces stood up from their seats, "Both of them were not chosen to be your tutors, but will still help you if you ever need them, first I would like to introduce the person who prepared this delicious feast for all of us, Teruteru Hanamura formerly known as the Ultimate Cook" Everyone gave a round of applause to him.

"And next I would like to introduce to you the remaining tutor he was known as the Ultimate Animator, creating animations that were out of this world, please give a round of applause to Ryota Mitarai" Once again everyone gave the remaining tutor one last round of applause, before Rantaro's last announcement "Now I would like to inform you that you all will be living in the cabins we have at the entrance of this inn, but since both tutors and students live in those cabins we have to at least put two students in one cabin, but there is a slight twist into it" All of the students were looking at each other in puzzlement, "The cabins are co-ed" When the students heard this they remained in silence as their brains processed what they just heard and suddenly "EHHHHHHHHHHHH????" Some of these screams were full of shock and remorse while others were full of joy mainly the male ones.

"I know this is kind of shocking to everyone but is a rule from Hope Peaks Academy, this will let you guys get to know each other better as classmates" Rantaro explained.

"Ahem ahem or maybe something more than that…" Tsumugi slightly exclaimed.

"Also, I'd like to announce a little reward for the highest score in the Danganronpa Simulation. Since Saihara-kun had the highest score he gets to decide who his roommate is" Shuichi's face went pale as he heard Rantaro's voice. "As to the normal procedure to choose roommates, we put all of the student's names in a small container and pull out two papers, the names that come up will be paired up and given their cabin keys, also you are not allowed to change roommates, unless of an extreme situation. But before starting the election process please enjoy this fine dinner that Hanamura-san prepared for all of you."

At that moment everyone's thoughts were in unison "Worst possible timing!" All of the students lost their hunger either from remorse or excitement.

Hello everyone! This is Sado! Thank you all for following this story I come up with, I hope that everyone is enjoying it! Also as Rantaro in this chapter I have a few announcements to make. First of all, I'm sorry for not uploading in this couple of days, the internet in my laptop is not working and I am currently studing abroad so the only way to access web novel is in my phone. However!! I will start posting more chapters daily as before, so stay tuned!!!

Thank you all!!!

Sado13creators' thoughts
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