
Yuerui and her imagination

He is a gay!!!" Yuerui was grinning from ear to ear and rolling on her tiny little bed.

After leaving the office early that day Yuerui returned straight to her apartment.

Although she gave the excuse of changing her glasses but actually she lied. She has a variety collection of glasses as in her wardrobe.

Even if she broke her glasses she doesn't need to bother about buying a new one. The habit of her wearing glasses has made a hobby of collecting glasses of different styles in her.

After freshing up she wore her favorite black and white bunny pajamas and lied on her bed.

After recalling the incidents of the day she couldn't stop laughing.

"Oh God... Damn this day was so dramatic."

"I actually can't believe he is a gay. May be that's why he likes to dress up a lot."

"My life has never been this dramatic before."

"So much drama!!!"

"I wanna know what they do when they are alone."

"Ah....." Yuerui held her flustered chins and let her thoughts run wild.

"I have heard Secretary Si is always by the side of CEO, I wonder if he also picks up his dresses..."

"Or.... if he... Ahheemmmmm"

She immediately slapped herself,"Seriously Yuerui. you haven't seen any drama for a while right? that's why your thinking has gone wild."

"But I must say at least for entertainment purpose, I should stay here." The small silent apartment of Yuerui became full of her chuckles.

"I wonder how am I gonna face them tomorrow. Only thinking about them is making me shy."Yuerui's cheeks turned red again.

"I wish I don't end up laughing in front of them."

A sudden thought crossed her mind.

"Should I tell my friends?" She murmured.

But immediately shook her head.

"No... Even if it's a breaking news but it's his personal matter. I should not meddle with it." She became thoughtful of her boss.

"Ah... Forget it. Now let's see some drama series. Oh.. I haven't seen any of my *oppas since I joined in this hectic office. Today I am in good mood. So let's meet my *oppas."

The cheerful Yuerui put everything aside, took her laptop and began to watch drama.


It's been 2 weeks since Yuerui has started to work under Xianwang.

After that incident whenever Yuerui would see Xianwang and Si ying together she could not but chuckle while hiding her face with whatever she had in her hands.

On the other hand, Xianwang was always giving her various kinds of work even if that was not actually her work. Like making her clean his office, bringing tea or coffee, picking up his clothes from laundry, etc etc etc. All this work was not related to her training at all. This resulted him to get numerous kinds of cursing from Yuerui.

'Bloody weirdo, jerk, a**hole. What the hell does he think of himself. Does he think I am his assistant?' Yuerui was wiping a black colored coffee cup and cursing her favorite (sarcasm) boss.

She looked at herself and murmured,"And what the hell am I doing?"

She put the cup aside and rested her arms on the table.

'How is this supposed to be my training?"

'That jerk is absolutely playing around with me.'

'Should I also reveal his secret?' a devilish smile appeared on Yuerui's face.

But she immediately shook her head.

'No no no... Even if he is doing this inhuman behavior with me, I should at least show some conscience.'

"I should not mock with his sexuality." She murmured.

"Whose sexuality?" A familiar voice came from Yuerui's behind and made her tremble.

*Oppa=Generally 'big brother' in korean.Here is used as 'bias'

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