
First Battle

After dropping off professor Oak's package and securing our room for the night, Riolu and I began walking around Viridian city to explore since we hadn't been able to last time we were here.

"Was it just me, or did anything seem 'off' about Nurse Joy just now?" I asked Riolu after we had walked a few blocks away from the Pokemon Center.

"Ri." He replied with a shrug, making my brows furrow in thought.

Though her expression and demeanor never changed, I could see Nurse Joy's aura shift the longer we talked. It shifted from what seemed to be melancholy when we first arrived, to shock, and then it seemed to cling to me possessively throughout the rest of our conversation.

If Riolu hadn't noticed anything out of the ordinary though, then maybe I had imagined it. I hadn't entirely mastered reading someone's aura outside of identifying them, so it could very well be that I was just mistaken.

Putting Nurse Joy out of my mind for the moment, I looked around at Viridian city with wide eyes as I took in its sights for the first time. All around me I saw a city full of vibrant life, children playing, couples walking, families shopping, and even the odd Pokemon prowling through the alleys.

However there was also a slight darkness that I could feel in the air, posters on the walls warning people of Team Rocket, sinister eyes watching us from just out of sight, and dark auras beneath our feet.

There hadn't been another incident in Pallet town for the last two years, but I couldn't help but wonder if Giovanni would try something while I was in Viridian. After all, I was the one that started the rumor about his gay relationship with Lt. Surge, which was still hilariously circulating to this day.

But as we walked about in broad daylight, and I even noticed a few sinister auras stalking us a bit, none approached us as Riolu and I explored.

We first went to see the Pokemon Academy, a majestic building where many new trainers went to study to obtain their League licenses. And from there we went to see a battle at the Trainer House, a unique location where trainers from all over the world would visit to compete, ran by a man named Cal.

As the sun began to set we made our last stop before returning to Pokemon Center at the Pokemart, a building with a trademarked blue roof where trainers could find almost every necessity needed for raising and caring for their Pokemon. However they also had several other necessities for people, one of which I was here to pick up while I was away from Pallet.

"Yes, I'd like one hundred packages of large condoms please." I asked the attendant, a girl of about nineteen who's jaw dropped at the request.

"Pft!" A fit of giggles behind me made me look back to see a trio of cute girls, all looking a few years older than me, who were giggling while watching me place my order.

I openly eyed them up and down, making no attempt to hide where my eyes wandered, before looking them in the eyes and saying to the attendant,

"Make that two hundred packages." Three sets of eyes widened incredulously at my words, before one of the girls stated,

"Pretty ballsy for a brat."

I just smirked at her comment before retorting,

"A little TOO ballsy if you know what I mean. But certainly enough for three lovely ladies if need be." That triggered another round of laughter from the ladies, but there was more humor than mockery in it.


"Right, right." I said to my partner as the attendant set everything I asked for onto the counter. The list consisted of Potions, a few Full Heals for different status effects, new treats for Riolu to try out, all with chocolate in them of course, and a few other items I had a harder time getting ahold of in Pallet town.

"That's an interesting Pokemon." One of the girls, with bright red hair styled into twin braids, said as she looked longingly at Riolu.

I ruffled my partner's ears at her comment as I replied,

"Yeah, he's my Riolu." The girl's eyes shined as she stared at him eating some chocolate.

"I don't suppose you'd be willing to trade?" Despite how cute she was, my expression hardened as I stated firmly,

"Riolu hatch to their chosen partner, and no one else. You can offer me Mew itself and I'd still tell you to stuff it."

"Ri!" Riolu declared proudly, saying he'd never fight beside a trainer that wasn't me. He just appeared more cute to the girls though with chocolate smeared on his face.

I could see the surprise in not only her, but the other two girl's faces as well from my firm declaration. Instead of scorn or annoyance like other trainers may show when given such a rejection though, all three of the girls looked at me with approval and respect in their eyes for not giving away my partner so easily.

"That's a good answer." Said one of the other two girls, with long straight light blue hair. As the third girl, with curly light green hair, walked up to the counter to order their stuff, the blue haired girl said to me,

"I'm Sapphire, that's Ruby, and the girl getting our stuff is Emerald. What's your name ballsy kid?" Though my brow twitched in annoyance from being called a kid, I replied,

"I'm Ace, and this is my partner, Riolu."


Looking back at my partner with all the smeared chocolate, I shook my head before saying with exasperation,

"Come on bud, let's get you back to the Pokemon Center and clean you up."


There was another round of giggles as Emerald rejoined us, before Ruby stated, "We're headed back there ourselves, want to tag along kid?"

My brow twitched in annoyance from being called a kid again, and I made my decision right there to thoroughly ingrain it in all three of their bodies that I was NOT just a little kid...later.

So the five of us headed back to the Pokemon center, chatting as we went. I learned from them that they had just graduated from the Pokemon Academy that I had gone to see earlier, and were about to start their League journey alongside their boyfriends, the poor soon-to-be cucks.

Soon enough we returned to the Pokemon Center, where I obtained some wipes from one of the passing Nurse Joys, the one I'd talked to earlier was apparently on break or something, and began cleaning Riolu's face and paws in the commons area.

"So what about you Ace?" Emerald asked as I wiped him down.

"I still have to wait three years before I can begin my journey. Until then I plan to work with Riolu to make him as strong as possible." Sapphire's eyes lit up when I mentioned my journey, as she asked,

"So are you taking classes at the Academy then?"

"No, I'm currently learning from-"

"What the fuck is this?!" A loud and obnoxious voice suddenly shouted at us, making me look up to see a trio of guys approaching us, who I immediately delegated to the mob characters file.

"Looks like a snot-nosed rat is trying to cozy up to our women." The second guy said as all three of them sneered at me, before Ruby stated irritably,

"You know that jealousy looks really ugly on you, right babe?" The second man however snorted at her words as he stated,

"I wear it however I want, especially when there's a brat who needs to learn to keep it in his pants!"

I frowned as I watched all three of the girls cringe and react to their boyfriend's presence, and a quick look at my partner told me he didn't like the scene any more than I did. So, with a sigh, I stood up and said,

"How about this." Everyone turned to look at me, with the girls appearing apologetic and guys looking at me with contempt, as I continued, "let's have a battle then. I win, the three of you buzz off for the night while I show these lovely ladies what a REAL man is like. You win, I'll back off."

The three guys looked at each other then back to me, who stood half a foot shorter than them, and burst out laughing with amusement.

"Riiiiiiiiiii..." Riolu growled lowly while clenching his paws, but he didn't move, even when the ringleader of the trio grabbed my shirt and snarled,

"How about you beat it before I beat your ass instead?" The guy then tried to lift me up to emphasize his threat, but found he wasn't able to due to my weighted clothes.

"Either way works for me." I said with a smirk as I grabbed his arm, tightening my grip until the bones within began to creak from my strength, and the guy flinched slightly.

All the while the three girls were worrying about the developing situation, when a new voice barked out,

"What is going on here?!" I flinched in recognition as the guy and I released each other, and we both turned to see Nurse Joy standing there angrily. Not the nice Nurse Joy I had been chatting with earlier, but another one who had a Chansey beside her that smiled at us sadistically.

"Sadistic murder egg." I said dryly, while Riolu even took cover under the table as he prayed the Chansey didn't see him. Coward.

"See!" The Chansey said happily, but the gleam in its eyes told me it would Double Slap the shit out of us if we didn't settle down.

"Just a bit of a friendly disagreement Nurse Joy!" The guy said as he tried to brush me off like we were friends, only for me to swat his hand away in disgust.

"It didn't seem like that to me. And I thought I heard a battle being mentioned, did I hear wrong?" She then directed an obviously fake smile at the guy who rejected my challenge, who quickly shook his head as he replied,

"N-no, you didn't! We were just going to head up to the field now, weren't we?" The two guys behind him nodded eagerly in the face of Nurse Joy's potential wrath, before she stated with a clap of her hands,

"Ok then!" She then turned to me and asked, "which one would you like to battle?"

The words were barely out of Nurse Joy's mouth as I responded with a malicious smile,

"All three."


A short time later we found ourselves standing on the small battlefield behind the Pokemon Center, where a small crowd had gathered to watch the battle.

"Are you sure about this Ace? All three of them graduated the Academy, and are qualified to take on the Pokemon League." Ruby stated anxiously, while Sapphire and Emerald nodded behind her in affirmation.

I just smiled back at the reassuringly, and said with a voice full of confidence,

"Win or lose, it'll be a good experience. And besides, they're only qualified to challenge the League. That doesn't mean they're automatically Pokemon Masters."

"Ri!" Riolu chirped in agreement, even as he psyched himself up for his first ever real battle.

"Saying your goodbyes brat?" One of the guys asked as he stepped forward, going first out of the three since they'll battle me one at a time.

I saw him eyeing Ruby angrily as we waited for Nurse Joy to begin the match, so I waved her over before it started.

"What's up Ace-!?!" Ruby's entire body tensed as I suddenly kissed her, before she got what I was doing as she began to kiss me back with eagerness, even pushing her tongue into my mouth.

"YOU LITTLE-!" The man snarled in outrage as he saw me making out with his girlfriend, which made me wonder why the girls started going out with them to begin with. Questions for later.

When we finally broke off the kiss I stepped forward with a gait full of confidence, making him even madder as I heard whispered voices behind me, with Sapphire and Emerald asking Ruby about the kiss.

"The match will be Ace Ketchum versus useless mob characters one, two, and three! One Pokemon each, and the round will be over if they are switched out!" Nurse Joy cried out as the match was finally about to begin.

She then turned to me and said, "as the challenger, Ace Ketchum will send his Pokemon out first."

Without a single word passing between us Riolu stepped out onto the arena, his aura burning brightly as he anticipated the coming battle. Before Nurse Joy could tell my opponent to chose their Pokemon though, I told him,

"Riolu, take it all off."

"Lu!" Giving me a sharp look, Riolu protested my command. Under my firm gaze however, he relented and stripped off his black Gi in front of everyone.

Needless to say that what they saw shocked them, as numerous Power Anklets, Bands, Belts, Bracers, Lens, and Weights weighed his small body down, which he began to throw off in rapid succession.





As each weight hit the ground a cloud of dust was kicked up, shocking the spectators as my partner began rolling his shoulders and stretching to loosen his muscles up.

For a moment no one said anything as they watched my partner, before Nurse Joy turned pointedly to my opponent.

"Right! You'll be sorely mistaken if you think some little weights are going to make a difference! Graveler!" Throwing out a Pokeball as he spoke, a red light escaped it to take the form of a living Boulder with four arms and two legs.

"Gravvvvvvv!" The Graveler shouted as it made its appearance, flexing its arms threateningly as it glared down at Riolu.

"Battlers ready? Begin!" Nurse Joy cried out, beginning the battle.




Dead silence.

That's all there was until Graveler fell to the floor from the wall, where Riolu had sent it flying with a single hit.

"Riiiiiiiiiiii..." Riolu growled as his eyes glowed with a menacing amber color, same as mine I bet as we synchronized our auras.

"G-Graveler is unable to battle! Riolu wins!" Nurse Joy declared after it became apparent that Graveler wasn't getting up, and my opponent had to return him to his Pokeball.

"H-he's cheating!" The guy cried out indignantly, pointing to my glowing eyes as he did so. Though I was about to refute him, Nurse Joy then stated,

"Pokemon battles are to determine the strength and bonds of both trainers and Pokemon. People with Psychic powers are allowed to use their powers during battles since it shows the strength of ther bed with their Pokemon, and Ace's powers are not any different."

Nurse Joy then directed a sharp look at him as she stated firmly,

"You lost. Please step back so the next battle can begin." The man clenched his fists irritably at the situation, before doing as Nurse Joy said and stepping back for his friend.

As the next guy stepped forward and pulled out a Pokeball he glanced at his friend and sneered,

"How pathetic, you instantly lost against a snot nosed brat. I'll show you though, the power of a League trainer! Go Scyther!"

"Scyyyyyy!" The Scyther cried out as it appeared opposite of Riolu, looking down at him with contempt.

"Battlers ready? Begin!" Nurse Joy cried out yet again, prompting the second guy to cry out,

"Scyther, use Swords Dance!"

"Scy!" The Scyther cried in response as it began to move in a particular pattern, which created numerous illusionary swords as its attack sharply rose.

Not a single word escaped my mouth as Riolu and I were completely in sync, the need for verbal communication nonexistent right now. And as we watched the Scyther strengthen itself, that's all we did. Watch.

"Alright!" The guy cried out as Scyther's Swords Dance ended and its attack shot upward, before he cried out,



The Scyther disappeared from view as it shot forward at Riolu, it's scythe-like arms glowing with energy as it prepared to deliver a devastating hit.


With nary a word passing between us, Riolu's body gained a slight amber glow as he instinctively avoided the Scyther's first Slash.

"Scy! Scy! Scy! Scy! Scy!" The Scyther cried out as it furiously unleashed a barrage of Slash attacks onto Riolu, who avoided every single one with Detect by a hairs width.

Unfortunately Detect wasn't fool proof since it became harder to use the longer one used it, but thankfully that didn't happen to Riolu as the Scyther gave him the opening he was looking for.

Dodging a particularly wide Slash, Riolu's paw was suddenly engulfed in lightning as he delivered a powerful Thunder Punch directly to its side.


Riolu cried out before the sound of thunder filled the arena, the flash forcing everyone to avert their eyes briefly, before they looked a moment later to see Scyther burnt up and collapsed on the ground.

"Scyther is unable to battle. Riolu wins!" Nurse Joy declared, making the three girls behind me squeal with excitement as sapphire this time came forward and gave me a passionate kiss.

Having been defeated, and seeing his girlfriend kiss me the guy opposite me flew into a frenzy as he shouted,


While I wasn't even going to bother responding to the barking of a mad dog, Nurse Joy however stated bluntly, "Ace is one of the three trainers currently being tutored by professor Oak himself. If you recall the incident from two years ago with the Houndour, that was Ace."

Every eye in the hall went to me in shock when they heard what Nurse Joy said, including the three girls as Emerald stated,

"You didn't say anything about that to us Ace!" I just shrugged nonchalantly as I replied,

"I was going to say I was learning under professor Oak before, then these three interrupted me. But, we got one more to go. Ready partner?" I asked Riolu, who nodded confidently as we both prepared for the next match, and our final opponent stepped forward.


"Ace....." A certain voice whined with longing and admiration as the owner stared at the monitor before her, which showed the battle currently going on in the arena.

Nurse Joy had been busy after Ace left earlier, and was putting the finishing touches on her project when she discovered that he was going to battling a trio of buffoons. And now she was watching the battle through the Pokemon Center's security cameras in her private room, though watching him beat down the three losers wasn't nearly as fun as she thought it'd be.

"Who are those skanks!?!" Nurse Joy snarled as she watched the three whores hang all over HER Ace, making her accidentally break her pen out of frustration.

She was so mad at the three of them, that Nurse Joy barely even enjoyed watching Ace and Riolu beat the last trainer as well with his Drifblim.

With the battle ending with Ace and Riolu as the victors, which Nurse Joy had no doubt of, she buried her frustration against the three sluts as she resumed what she had been working on before the battle started.

Currently she was waiting for a link between her computer and and an external transmitter to establish, which was taking a torturously long time. Thankfully the battle ate up quite a bit of that time, and Nurse Joy only had to wait a few more minutes before it finished.

"Finally!" Joy exclaimed excitedly as she hit a few keys, before footage of one of the room within the Pokemon Center came into view that showed the bed in the room.

It was one of fifteen different cameras she had set up in the room she had booked Ace earlier, purely for research purposes of course. After all, a wife had to learn more about their future husband, didn't they?

Nurse Joy scrolled through the different camera angles to ensure each and every one was working properly, before she switched to bathroom cameras starting with the shower cam.

The moment she did that Joy paused with her eyes widening as she saw Ace in the shower, the water running off of his perfectly sculpted body as he rinsed himself off. A line of blood ran from Joy's nose as she took in his rear naked figure, from the numerous scars crisis-crossing across his muscular back, past his cute butt and down to his toned legs.

"Ace." A voice suddenly said through the speakers, jerking Nurse Joy out of her stupor as she saw not one, not two, but ALL THREE of the SKANKS entering the camera's field of vision to join HER Ace in the shower.

And as she watched them all seduce him with their slutty bodies, Nurse Joy began planning how to dispose of them when her mind stalled to a halt, due to Ace turning towards the camera for the first time.

And when she saw the thing dangling between his legs that didn't match one belonging to a boy his age, more blood ran from her nose as Joy instinctively compared it to every single one she had seen until now(through her job at the hospital of course).

A feeling of arousal began to well up within Joy's body as she watched the scene play out before her, as two of the whores began to alternate making out with HER Ace, while the third one knelt down before him.

"Let us show our appreciation for helping us kick those jerks to the curb." The green haired whore said, before she took his rapidly growing and hardening cock into her mouth as her head began bobbing back and forth.

It was only then that Joy noticed something about the current scene that didn't add up. Given his age, Ace shouldn't have all that much experience with the opposite sex, especially given that he lived in such a small hamlet like Pallet town. She herself had had to deal with numerous young men who had accidentally popped boners or became flustered for one reason or another in front of her.

Ace however didn't show any of those signs as he was attacked by the three sluts, instead readily using one hand to fondle the blue slut's Miltank-like tits, while his other hand disappeared between the red slut's fatty butt cheeks.

Without her realizing it, Nurse Joy found herself reclining back in her seat as her hands found their way up her dress, and her legs parted slightly.

She imagined it was her sucking on Ace's magnificent cock as he fondled her tits and fingered her cunt, as her own fingers found their way into her panties to rub up and down her rapidly moistening slit.

Soon the green slut took her beloved Ace's cock out of her mouth, and turned around to point her butt at him invitingly while the red and blue sluts pulled out a condom to wrap it in. Without any further ado, Ace ceased his fondling and fingering of the other two sluts as he grabbed the green one's hips, and thrusted his entire length into her at once without any hesitation.

The green whore's cry of ecstasy was so loud, that Joy could hear her through the walls as well as over the speakers.

That cry was just the first of many though, as Ace savagely fucked her like the whore Nurse Joy knew she was, his eyes glowing brightly amber as he did so. The little whore's screams echoed throughout the Pokemon Center with the slapping of flesh over the speakers as they rutted like savage Pokemon, and Joy's fingers furiously worked her cunt as she watched the rutting take place.

It seemed like a paradoxically long yet short time later that Ace finally came with one final thrust, filling the condom with his seed instead of the whore's womb, which Joy considered the only saving grace.... At least until he pulled his cock out of her to reveal the shredded remains of the condom.

Instead of harping over the destroyed condom though, the other two sluts quickly replaced it with a fresh one before the blue slut guided his cock into her this time, filling the Pokemon Center with her moans to take the place of the green haired slut's.

And when he finally finished with her, breaking another condom as he did so, it was finally red haired skank's turn as he donned yet ANOTHER condom and went to town on her.

After finishing with her as well, Nurse Joy assumed that would be it since any guy would be exhausted by this point. Nope.

Forgoing the condoms altogether after he broke THREE of them, Ace and the sluts continued fucking for what seemed like hours, transitioning from the shower to the bed as the mindless rutting continued.

Nurse Joy had lost count of how many times she made herself cum from watching the stream coming from Ace's room, but she was left more satisfied than she had ever been in her entire life, and she hadn't even been the one to take the cock inside her.

"To think....." Nurse Joy tiredly uttered to herself after the three skanks finally threw in the towel, and admitted defeat to Ace. "My future husband would be such a stud...."

Thanks for reading!

Harry_Dresdencreators' thoughts
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