
After The Fall - 1

Two days passed since the invasion, Destruction spreaded throughout Vale, Many died while more lost their homes. This was the greatest disaster to hit Vale since the last great war. What made the situation worse is that the other three kingdoms refused to help Vale. They even went as far as closing main roads between their kingdoms. Now the only way to move from a kingdom to other is by walking through grim infested lands.

Many of those who came to watch or participate in the visteval were trapped in Vale unable to leave. Since Beacon had to close after the damage came to its facilities and the death of the headmaster causing some of the students to have problems to where they should stay as they were trapped as well. Pyrrha, Ren and Nora were among the students who didn't have place to go to, luckily for them Ruby and Yang invited them to stay at their home. Their home in an island outside Vale, thus it didn't suffer from The White Fang attack.

" I can't take this !! " Nora said as she looked at the other 4 sitting around her silently. Her friends were all depressed and silent all even if she took Ren as standard, they are below it which made her go crazy.

" And what do you want to do? " Yang asked her, she looked quite angry and sad at the same time.

" I don't know, it just I don't like how are we acting. It's too depressing " Nora replied.

" Yeah, since Vale got attacked, we lost who we thought they were friends, the school destruction and Ozpin death. We should celebrate " Yang added sarcastically

" Don't be like this Yang, things will eventually get better. Beside we don't know why Blake left " Ruby joined the conversation

" It doesn't matter, she left us and ran away " Yang eyes turned red remembering Blake

Ruby looked sad, she didn't like how the things turned out to be. She didn't know how to cheer her sister nor her friend, especially Pyrrha. Pyrrha barely spoke anything for the last two days which worried Ruby.

Ren sighed hearing the girls talk, he then looked toward the silent Pyrrha, he could see only emptiness in her eyes which terrified him. If he saw sad, anger or despair, he would be worried but that was still fine. But Pyrrha looked like someone gave up, she didn't eat or sleep well. He knew Pyrrha witnessed the death of Ozpin, but he didn't understand why she became like this.

Ren calmed himself then said " Pyrrha "

Pyrrha looked at Ren lifelessly, he continued " You shouldn't be hard on yourself, it wasn't fault. You couldn't have done anything against that monster, even all of us combined won't be able to do anything "

Pyrrha and the other 3 listened to Ren, they didn't doubt Ren words in the slightest. There is no way they could fight someone like Mesa or Centos, The difference was too great to even consider the possibility.

Pyrrha sighed and said " I know that, I saw Centos strength with my own eyes. Even Ozpin was defeated without being able to land even a single hit "

" About that… um-m ... how did Ozpin … " Ruby said as she wanted to ask about that night but pyrrha interrupted her question " fight? Die? "

Ruby nodded her head slowly, the others were silent. They were curious how the fight between their headamster and centos went like.

Pyrrha said " I don't know, I couldn't see anything "

" I thought you was there the whole time" Ruby said

Pyrrha replied with a self mocking tone " I was but couldn't register anything "

Her words confused her friends, Pyrrha looked at them lifelessly as she continued " When Centos came, I was standing near Ozpin. Mesa and Ozpin started talking about something then Centos called Ozpin lier and evil. I became angry at how he talked about Ozpin so I refuted him. Centos focused his conversation with me, he continued bad mouthing Ozpin and told me to leave because I was not worth of his time. Suddenly I saw a blur of green passing from my side heading toward Centos. The next thing I saw was Ozpin's cane on the floor and Centos surrounded by the purple energy. I wasn't sure what happened, I then heard groaning sound behind me. I turned around and saw Ozpin leaning on the wall. His face was pale and his aura shield flickering. The fight between the two of them didn't even last 1 second "

Ruby and the others were shocked, Ozpin was defeated so fast and easily. Pyrrha continued talking " Ozpin told me to run, he said I can't fight Centos. I knew he was right but I attacked Centos anyway. It only took 1 move from Mesa to destroy my shield and leave me in the state you saw. Ozpin yelled at me to leave, he said Centos treated people like insects. Centos replied saying he doesn't otherwise he wouldn't have acted like this. Ozpin mocked saying he wanted to see how would Centos do if he was an insect. Can you guess what Centos did? He created a purple arm then used it to toss Ozpin the air and while Ozpin was moving on the air, he slapped Ozpin into wall killing him like insect. He smashed Ozpin like we do to insects. After seeing Ozpin's death, I couldn't think of anything, I just ran and ran. I didn't dare to look back I…. "

By this point, Pyrrha was crying, she couldn't continued talking. Ruby went there and hugged, while the others were shivering slightly. They didn't want to imagine such a gruesome sight.

Pyrrha calmed down a little then continued speaking " I can't stop myself from remembering Centos. I keep thinking if I didn't cause Mesa to leave Vale. Maybe the things wouldn't have become like this. Maybe Ozpin wouldn't have died and the school wouldn't have been destroyed "

" Even if he was there, we will be lucky if the situation didn't get worse " A man's voice drifted from the front door.

The group looked at the front door, Qrow and Taiyang were standing near the front door, the group didn't know when the two of them arrived.

" Pyrrha, I know it's hard to accept what happened and knowing there might be a chance to make it right but missed it hurts. It keeps dragging you in your own misery and self loathing, it will make you make decisions that you will regret later. I know that better than anyone " Qrow said as he looked at Pyrrha

Pyrrha didn't respond she just stared at Qrow. Yang tried to lighten the conversation as she joked " I didn't know you and father are old eavesdroppers "

Qrow didn't seem pleased with Yang words " I'm not old, your father is. Beside you were speaking loudly and in the middle of the house, it was hard to not listen. Also Pyrrha, I'm sure if you know the details of the brainwashing freak appearance during the invasion. With all honesty, I'm glad you fought with Mesa and got him leave Vale. After hearing what the guy did to The White Fang and Ironwood's sexual life change, I shiver when I ever think of the possibility of the three brothers attacking together. Two of them caused damage nearly as much as an army of grim and that while not being full serious"

Qrow took his wine flask and drank. Pyrrha and the others thought about what they saw and heard from Mesa previously. They remembered Mesa's destructive semblance and what would happen if he used it in the middle of Vale. They shivered slightly at these thoughts, the consequences would be unimaginable. Especially Pyrrha, after reaching this line of thoughts, for the first time since she broke up with Mesa. She was glad she did it. Between Mesa leaving because of a misunderstanding and traumas and between Mesa joining the battle against them, it wasn't really a hard choice to make.

Taiyang paid more attention to the sexual life part, he couldn't help but ask " Qrow, What do you mean by sexual life change? "

Qrow visibly shivered, he drank again then looked seriously at Taiyang " I feel like puking every time I remember that …..."

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In the previous day, Qrow, Glynda and Ironwood were discussing Vale situation and the kingdoms weird reactions.

" I can't believe it, why are they closing the borders like this? What is going here? " Glynda asked angrily

" I don't know, The council sent me an order to return to Atlas with what left of my fleet. I tried talking with them, but they didn't even talk back. They ignored me completely " Ironwood answered, he was angry and depressed. The past two days were hell for him, his fleet was used to attack Vale and what made it worse, before he could take control again, he lost all ships flying directly over Vale, which consisted of nearly half of his fleet.

" You should leave James, your army caused us enough problems already " Qrow added

" I know I'm in wrong, but I do want to help " The general replied

" And we appreciate it, but I have to agree with Qrow. If you stay here the politic issues between Vale and Atlass will intensify " Glynda added

Ironwood sighed, he looked at Qrow and said " I understand, I will leave with my army. But I just don't want to leave like this, when there is a fight and ill feelings between us"

" Since when you cared about this ?" Qrow asked wondering what was wrong with the general today

" I always did " Ironwood replied sincerely

Qrow felt the world turning upside down. He replied " Ok, no ill feeling. You can leave without worries "

Ironwood gave a happy sincere smile, he then got closer to Qrow and gave him deep passionate kiss on the lips.

Qrow opened his eyes as wide as he could before reacting fiercely pushing Ironwood away as hard as he could. On the other hand, Glynda was staring with her eyes wide opened.

Ironwood straightened himself and said " See!! You still hold it against me "

Qrow looked livid, he pulled his sword out and directed it at Ironwood " I will kill you fucking bastard "

Glynda tried calm herself as she said " Calm down Qrow, and James …. I didn't know you have such a …. Habits. I'm disappointed with you "

Ironwood looked like he had received his greatest injustice, he responded to Glynda " I know I was in the wrong. But I really wish to make up with my wife "

Glynda lost her composure again while Qrow screamed " Who is your wife you fucking dogshit. I'm straight, I like women Oh god. I have to find women "

Glynda wasn't sure what to do, she said awkwardly " I didn't know you have such a relationship. I will leave you to talk to each other alone "

Ironwood gave Glynda a grateful node while Qrow became crazier " I have no relation with you. Did you turn into idiot? I will kill you if you get closer to me"

Ironwood seemed at the verge of breaking " Dear, I know you are mad at me after what happened with our beloved Oz. But you know I love, I always did and always will. When the three of us married, we swore to stay together forever " Ironwood looked at Glynda then said " Glynda, you were there, remind him "

Qrow turned redder, he didn't feel this kind of anger before. He was truly going to kill Ironwood. On the other hand, Glynda was staring seriously at Ironwood thinking silently.

When Qrow was about to attack, Glynda spoke " Qrow, calm down. I think there is something wrong with James. James, you said I was there when you guys married. I was a witness right? "

James seemed confused as he answered " Yes, you were there "

Glynda nodded then asked again " What else did I witness? "

James became thoughtful a little then answered " You were with us most of time. When we met, when we married. When we were not allowed to adopt a child "

" Okay, James became crazy officially " Qrow said

" No, I think this is the effect of the brainwashing Mesa talked about " Glynda said

Ironwood wasn't an idiot, he understood what Glynda was saying " You are saying, I'm not in love with Qrow and this is the effect of that monster. How could this be? I always like men and I remember our lifes in detail, our feelings, emotions and memories. There is no way they are fake !!! "

Qrow was silent, he looked at Ironwood as fear was building in his heart. To Qrow, this is an utter bullshit. How could someone do something like this. Changing a man sexual life, and add memories and feelings. This ability is too scary.

Glynda didn't look good, she said " What you are experiencing is similar to what Mesa told us. The victim won't realise lies and truths in their memories. The victim's nature, dreams, desires and everything can be changed without even realising it. The most important question, what did he do to you beside this? "

Ironwood didn't speak, he dropped on his knees. This was too much even for him

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" Do you understand now? I'm glad Mesa wasn't here when the whole bullshit occured " Qrow said

" That is too sick " Nora commented

" I agree " Ren agreed with Nora

" That get us to the more important question. Did any of you notice change in behaviour for the rest. I'm afraid you might be among the victims. As far as I know, many students had extreme change in behaviour after the incident " Qrow said

" Who changed? " Yang asked

" I don't know the details, but I heard from Glynda about team CFVY. Glynda said the girls in the team seemed to switch personalities. The leader became shy and meek while the faunus became raffian that won't hesitate to cause any trouble. And they were not the only teams " Qrow said

" Blake sudden leave probably related to this !!! I know it Blake would leave us without reason " Ruby said excitedly

" We don't know that yet, and if it is true, I'm more worried to what changed in Blake" Yang said destroying her sister hopes

" Okay, enough of this. Let's eat " Taiyang finally said, he didn't like the continuous talk about this dark topic.

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