

Sitting around the dining room table with John and Marcos was awkward. No one spoke and all you could here was the found of forks and spoons clinking the plates. John finally seemed to give up on forcing me to eat meat, which I was grateful for. Though he still wanted me to be very well versed in economics and the business. He wanted me to take over for him, because he was to take over a new position that would require most of his attention. He wanted to make sure that I was going to be fully prepared to take over the position of Boss before he assumed his new role. I took this on in silence, not caring about this at all but figured it'll give me something to do. Marcos had been staying by my side more often and hasn't really left my side since I got home. He keeps glancing at me with that worried look but doesn't say anything to John.

"Parker, how was your first day at the Academy? Did the other Bosses children greet you?" He asked stiffly.

I wrote down that it was okay and that the children were polite. He nodded his head and finished eating what he had on his plate before rising. He stood there for a moment and turned around.

"Parker you will join me for the Organization's meeting as the Park's new young master tonight. Please dress appropriately." John ordered before swiftly leaving.

I sat there in silence for a few minute before standing up and leaving the room. I heard Marcos' chair screech and hurried steps afterwards to follow me. I could feel the vein in my forehead start to throb in annoyance and this constant following. Gritting my teeth I walked straight to my room and slammed the door in Marcos' face. Locking it and putting a chair underneath the handle to prevent anyone from coming in. I rubbed my face and growled out of frustration.

"Why do I have to go to this stupid meeting? It's not like he actually trusts me to not do anything. All he wants to do is parade me around like some grand trophy that he captured using brute force. Oo look at me, I'm so important that I could even get my son back without any troubles. Ooh, bastard!" I mumbled under my breath.

Plopping down onto the bed, I laid back letting my thoughts run amok. I heard the agitated pacing outside my door, like a husband that was thrown out of the room on his wedding day. Could this guy at least pretend to be unaffected by anything? Sitting up, I look around the room and decide that I should get ready for the meeting. I went to the bathroom fairly quickly to deal with my lady problems and then went to the closet. Finding the most suitable suit was very interesting indeed. I chose a black suit with a red button down shirt. This should be fine, I don't truly feel like wearing white today considering the circumstances. I look down my body and notice that my chest was a bit rounder than normal.

I stood in front of the mirror for a moment and cursed the gods for finally now gracing me with this mounds to cause problems. I searched the entire room before finding the medical kit, I found a large ace bandage. Bound my chest down as flat as I could, I'll have to find a better solution soon or else things were going to get very awkward when the time comes. Once I had finally gotten dressed and looked myself up and down in the mirror. I decided that I looked presentable and moved the chair away from the door. Opening it slowly, there stood Marcos' in his muscled glory.

"I need to talk to you Young Master." He said hurriedly.

He walked in without waiting for permission and closing the door behind him. He went straight to the chairs and sat down. However, that didn't last long as he stood back up and began pacing along the window. I watched silently as he kept alternating between sitting and walking around. I waved my hand at him and gestured for him to sit down before sitting down myself facing him. I looked at him straight in the eyes and nodded for him to speak.

"Parker, I like you and want to date you." Marcos blurted.

Stunned I sat there, I swear my heart and brain stopped. Did I just get asked out by Marcos? What the hell? Am I dreaming? I pinched my arm and winced at the pain, I'm definitely not dreaming. Looking away to the window seeing the dark sky outside, I turn back to face Marcos. This guy showed me kindness, though he also has loyalty to John. Which shows that he is going against his boss by asking me these things, or he's doing this by orders from his boss. Black lines began forming on my face as the thoughts kept coming. I shook my head and looked Marcos straight in the face. He had this nervous expression on his face, like you would see on a high school kids face when asking out the hottest girl in class.

"I can't date you Marcos, you work for John. You are also older than I am, and we are guys. It's not going to happen." I said quietly.

" I am only sixteen, and I work for the family. So if you are the heir-to-be than I work for you as well. I also know that you aren't what you appear to be and that it's because of where you are that you are not showing who you truly are. Remember I wrapped your ribs after the fight? " Marcos stated quickly.

He's right he stripped my shirt off and helped treat my wounds after the fight. Wait he's only sixteen, how could that be if he's really sixteen than shouldn't he be in school like me? How long as this guy been working for the family? Questions came flooding in and I couldn't handle it all. I held my head in my hands and sighed before looking back up at Marcos.

"I'm sorry Marcos, at this present moment it would not be right for us to date. I don't see you in that way and I don't want to lead you on. I am sure that you are sincere in your confession but in the current situation I cannot start dating anyone. John will most likely use that against me later or someone else will." I whispered.

Marcos nodded his head and stood up. Despite my rejection, he had a look of determination on his face. Perhaps he was planning on biding his time until I was ready, though I am not sure that he will wait that long considering we will be going to a meeting for the Organization shortly. Who knows what will happen next, I certainly know that I don't. I stood up and followed Marcos out of the room. John stood impatiently at the front door tapping his toe in annoyance when he seen us walking up slowly.

"Took you both long enough, the meeting will start here in an hour and we cannot be late. Now let's go." John snapped.

Nodding my head, I feel Marcos hand on the small of my back guiding me to the car. My entire body stiffens at his subtle intimate gesture and I give him a look that would be close to shooting daggers at him. He was doing this on purpose I swear to test my patience. After John and I entered the back seat, Marcos joined Johns bodyguard in the front seat in silence. The car left quickly and the long drive down the driveway only seemed to be that much slower. Stupid boys confessing, now my head was a mess and I don't know if I can keep my concentration. Gritting my teeth I start fiddling with my new phone to pass the time.

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