
chap 35) Underground war

flying through the skies, Kiana and co made their way through the skies of vale before arriving at their destination outside the city.

As they reached their destination, they all jumped out of their ride and landed as a group.

Looking around, the group only saw a barren city as they checked their surroundings. Feeling that it was safe, they dropped their guards and looked at Professor Oobleck to listen to what he had to say.

"Ladies, Jaune! You may be students but as of this moment, your first mission as huntresses has begun. From this point forward, my orders alongside your leaders orders are absolute. Do you understand?" (Oobleck) And upon saying his speech with a steadfast demeanour, he looked at Kiana who was still carrying her bag, even if he mentioned previously to leave it on the transport.

"Kiana! I thought I told you to leave your bags on the transport!" (Oobleck)

"...….." (Kiana) Saying nothing merely looked at Professor Oobleck with an interesting gaze. But internally she was just laughing with Draig saying 'wait for it.'

5 minutes went by with Professor Oobleck raining words down onto Kiana. Finally, the being n the bag could take it no longer. Being disturbed in its sleep, it wearily poked its head out of the bag and looked at the source with weary eyes.

Professor Oobleck as a history teacher, saw Bennu and was intrigued as he had never seen such a bird. Moving closer, professor Oobleck tried to get a closer look. But as his head closed towards Bennu, the annoyed phoenix let out a breath of fire. This fire passed over Kianas shoulder and hit the unexpecting professor.

After letting out the breath of flame and shutting the annoyance up, Bennu returned into the bag to sleep. As for professor Oobleck, he was puffing out steam as his entire face was burned black. Although his aura had protected him, his face was still burnt black.

"Hahahaha!" (Kiana, the twins, Draig) Seeing the professor burnt black by the bird and unable to say anything made the Quad laugh out loud while the others tried to hold it in.

"...Kiana what was that..." (Oobleck) After being blasted by the pheonix, Professor Ooblecks mind went into full drive as he wondered what it was that had blasted him. A grimm only had the capability to do what it had done, but it had no miasma so no form of grimm came to mind. He trully wondered what species of birds it was.

"Its a Pheonix, a bird of rebirth capable of resuraction upon death and living a new life. Fire is its main attribute but it can also be birth with other attributes such as ice, darkness, etc. Its my familiar Bennu a rare breed of pheonix that can use a diffrent attribute after every rebirth. Also it hates being disturbed in its sleep." (Kiana) Trying to hold in her laughter as she gave him an answer.

"...Magnificent! Utterly magnicifent! This pheonix is an utter wonder of life itself! Capable of rebirth, elemental control, these are unreachable powers and your pet has both of them utterly magnificent! But if its so powerful, why is it not recorded in history?" (Oobleck) Taking a moment to process whatever Kiana had said, looked at her with an amazed glare as he knew the significance of such a beast.

"Hahaha in order to see such a being you might as well try your luck conquering all of remnent. From what i remember, to find even a feather of a pheonix would require massive luck, let alone an actual pheonix. Also due to their rebirth ability, they do not need to reproduce, leading to a massive shortage of such species this is not considering that they live in their own makeshift worlds or in a diffrent dimension. So you can imagine how hard it is to find one, let alone leave any records of them." (Kiana) explaining it to Proffessor Oobleck.

Hours passed as Professor Oobleck and Kiana discussed about pheonixes and their mythology. As for the team, they were clearing out the grimm without Kiana as she stated that they especially Jaune needed the experience. Funnily enough, the twins and Pyrrha had to save him whenever he got overunned or when he fought something larger then himself.

Finally night came as the group managed to find a reletively safe spot to spend the night in an abandoned building. In their sleeping bags, most of the group with the exception of Kiana were asleep.

Finally with all of them asleep, Kiana rose up and ran south. Upon their arrival, Kiana found a entrence underground, something she wanted to investigate. But due to her group, could not.

With Bennu sitting on her shoulder, she finally arrived at the entrence where she saw multiple white fang. Feeling that it was the right place, she send Bennu back towards her team while she stalked them.

Walking forward, the ground suddenly opened up as a sinkhole formed. Knowing that it was an express trip down, she just winged it.

Finally after a minute of dropping, she finally reached the bottom. Looking around, all she saw was darkness, but with the help of her draconic eyes, she knew that she was in an abandoned storeroom. Exiting the storeroom, she walked around the complex until she found the exit to a spacious area. The area was underground and instead of being dark, was lit as bright as daylight.

Looking around, she noticed the sound of heavy machinery and people. Walking towards the sound, she found the white fang loading dust onto the train. Alongside that was Roman Torchwick ordering them around. Craving for a fight, she exited her cover and unleashed her battle intent. Wielding her Fall Edge, she charged at the stunned white fang and Roman Torchwick.

Due to their heightened senses, the faunus managed to figure out that Kiana was here, but due to that were also paralysed. Sensing that something was wrong with them, Roman looked at what they were looking at and saw his worst nightmare.

Raising his staff, he started to fire dust after dust at her. This managed to wake the white fang members up as they picked up arms and fired at Kiana. This proved rather effective as she moved a lot slower while cutting up their rounds.

"You animals stop firing and get the atleasian knights! There the only effective weapons we have! Get this train moving we have to do it now!" (Torchwick)

With that said, 2 atleasian knights came from the container as they continuously fired at Kiana. Torchwick on the other hand started to run towards the train.

"Kiana!" (Oobleck)

Hearing this, Kiana turned her head and found that her team had finally caught up. Feeling that she had enough playing around, she entered the fire and started running towards one of the knights. Bennu alongside its master, flew towards the other while growing in size and its feathers started becoming fire.

Using her blade, she sent several wind blades flying towards the knight, slicing it into several pieces. As for Bennu, after it grew to the same size as the knight, it released its flames which easily melted the steel of the knight. Both knights were easily destroyed by Kianas Fall Edge and Bennus flames. As for the white fang they were mercilessly defeated by both Kianas team and Professor Oobleck.

With all the threats finally dealt with, Kiana ran towards her team while Bennu grew back to its miniature size and sat on Kianas shoulder.

"Right on time guys. Roman Torchwick is on that train and from what im seeing, the stolen dust is loaded inside it." (Kiana)

Just as she said that, they suddenly heard the sound of motor and looking back, saw the train start to move.

"We have to stop that train!" (Oobleck)

With that said, everyone started to run at it.

Fast forward.

Azure_god_monarchcreators' thoughts
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