
chapter 6 part 2

" Get the bitch !" A guard said as two others started dragging Ella towards a metallic room. " She has a visitor. "

" You could say it nicer " Ella croaked as she was thrown inside. She sat on her knees , She felt someone huging her , she couldn't look at the person and just hugged back as she felt their grip grow tighter. She sniffed and  smelled something familiar , she felt her tears stream down her face as buried her face into his shoulder.

" Hey sissy " she heard him say as her tears streamed thicker. " I really missed you" his voice trembled as he let her go.

" I ... Missed you too..."  She said , her voice croaker than before because of crying.

"What did they do to you?" He graduated her face and started to check her wounds . He started activating his powers to help her feel better , but there was no way of fixing her voice.

"It's ok Anthonie" she said as she sat in his lap. Just like they did when they were young at the lab. He held her as tight as possible as painful memories started flowing into their minds. The crack in your screen got larger .

          A few minutes of uncomfortable silence passed , Ella was sleeping comfortably for the first time in months , He smiled and leaned his head on hers.

"Times up "The guards came and attempted to pull her away , but Anthonie made a barrier between them.

" Don't touch her " he said glaring at them. They tried to shoot through , but the barrier shot it back. " I'm warning you "

" .... " They backed up and left. He kept his barrier up just in case. He kissed her forehead and hugged her tighter.


" Max please!!" Jamie begged as she wore her shoes. " Just for a few hours!!"

" I have a test " he said . He heard her baby crying and his sister following. " Ughh!! Fine!"

"Thanks Maxie!!!" She blew him a kiss and left to her job. He sighed as he checked the news , more freaks were now showing their powers and are not afraid anymore. Mrs Giulia Robens , the owner of the ' seasonal ' fashion magazine was taking matters to her own hands.

            Ever since Ella destroyed half the city , The situation was tense , at least most of the public was on their side after how Anthonie fought his sister and the freaks betraying her and getting on her brother's side against her. He finished preparing his neice's milk and made sure it was the right temperature , a bit colder but good enough for a 9 months baby.

"Your third breakfast Elaine" he smiled as he put the baby bottle in her mouth , she started to drink the whole thing. " You have quite the appetit huh?"

" Remind me of someone " he mumbled after a short pause , Elaine held her bottle and pointed at it . " More? Well that's too familiar " he chuckled as he started to make more as she played with her teddy bear.

       His phone began to ring , he instantly picked up as he gave the baby her second round.

" Hello?" He asked as he watched her eat.

" Max " It was Anthonie , panting and the sounds of sirens behind him. He tensed , Anthonie never called , and practically hated him to say the least. " Meet m- oh shoot!"

"Meet us at Don's place! Please!!" Ella's voice echoed in his head. He threw his phone to the ground as he cursed.

           She was a monster , a monster , he saw her rip someone's heart out of their body while they were breathing , He watched her do even more horrible things During the battle that still got him nightmares. He wasn't meeting them , he wasn't seeing her , or he'll have to end Everyone's suffering once and for all. He picked up  Elaine and sat her on a small chair and turned on a playlist of cartoons on the TV. He sighed as he remembered the last time he saw her as a normal one.

She had just finished an interview from a program who just popped up in school for a surprise interview. She literally walked out of the class they were recording in when they started reading Everyone's comments on her. Most of them called her ungrateful , Rude and an untalented good for nothing who just seeks attention. He found her on the roof , just sitting there.

" I didn't want this you know " he heard her say " I never wanted to be famous , I just wanted to have a normal life. "

" It was your choice to be a celebrity " he said " that comes with the job " he stood beside her , he hated her but it was his job to make sure everyone was doing fine both Physically and mentally.

"No , mom said we were pretty and talented " she said " and we started from beauty pageants and talent shows.... Then in a few days , we were stars. "

" why didn't you stop or say anything "

" ... It's my job , I can't just quit "

" I don't know what I should tell you "

" Don't tell me anything . See you later " she turned and started to walk away.

" You can always stop if it's uncomfortable , you're not forced , you never were" she stopped and turned to him smiling. Something about it was different , she wasn't creepy or out of place . She was looking just like a plastic doll.

" thanks , but I can't. " She said " Brother deserves all the love in the world. " And left before he could say anything.

She was never like everyday , she was looking more human than ever,she looked vulnerable and was clearly tired , her face did look paler and she apparently hadn't eaten in days. A few days later , she passed out during her runway show and once she got up , she started confessing to the reason she has been rude . Apparently , she wasn't able to eat properly because of her tight schedule and the producers not wanting her to get fat , she couldn't sleep for days because of her photoshoots , practices and school. She got more backlash and ran out . A day later , half the city was destroyed.

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