

After the I gave out all of the Summoning contracts and ate my fill, I decided it would be nice to wander around Konoha for a bit by myself

I had been walking around for maybe half an hour at the most, seeing things like Ichiraku and a teenaged Teuchi, and other Nin that I haven't seen before

I was just walking by a small training ground when I suddenly saw something that caught my ringed eyes

It was a man - around 20 to 21 years old - In a tight green Jumpsuit, and Orange leg/arm warmers. His hair was a deep raven black and was cut into a Bowlcut that made it reflect everything it came across. He had a deep focused look in his eyes while punching a Training post

I snuck up from behind him on a nearby tree and started to watch him

He went on punching for a few hours until suddenly he stopped and put his hands in a Boar seal

"GATE OF OPENING - OPEN!" He shouted and a green glow suddenly enveloped his whole body

I was surprised for a moment before a smile that nearly split my face appeared

"I finally found him" I muttered to myself and jumped down from the tree to meet the man

"Yo!" I said, surprising the man into dropping the first gate and moving into the Strong Fist stance

"Who are you?" He asked warily

I put my hands behind my head and chuckled slightly "Name's Jack Uzumaki! I was watching you training there for a bit. What was that green glow?" I asked, tilting my head slightly

He widened his eyes "Ah! Jack! I've heard so much about you from my colleagues, HAHA!" He laughed and looked at me "That green glow was me practicing my new technique. It opens up the eight chakra gates, providing the user with more power!" He explained with a wide smile

I rose an eyebrow "Oh? You mean like this?" I opened the first gate casually and a deep green color enveloped my entire body

His eyes widened "You can do it too? How??"

I laughed "I've been training my body practically since I was born. One day I found a scroll that was just laying in the middle of the road, and they were instructions for how to open each of them. I've only been able to use up to the third gate without any problems though.." I mused

"Scroll? Just lying there?" He asked suspiciously

"Yep!" I nodded with my large smile still plastered on my face

The man just started laughing "HAHA! YOU MUST HAVE SUCH YOUTH TO BE ABLE TO PRACTICE SUCH TECHNIQUE AT SUCH A YOUTHFUL AGE!! HAHAHA!" He shouted and gave me the nice guy pose

I rose an eyebrow slightly "Thanks, Mr...?"

"Might Duy! Such a youthful person such as yourself may call me Duy! HAHA!" His teeth are so white...

So I was correct, this was Duy. I don't know why I would have been suspicious though, nobody else in this village was crazy enough to style their hair like that or wear that Jumpsuit besides Guy or Lee...

"Care to have a spar Duy-San? Taijustu only?" I asked the man

"Waah! I would love to my Youthful Friend!" His smile got brighter somehow

I grinned "Great! Lets start!" I gave him no warning and charged at him in the Strong Fist stance

His eyes widened and he got into his stance to block

It was almost useless to do so against my Kage Level strength, but before he was blown back from my fist he pivoted - grabbing onto my wrist and flipping over my body, preparing to hammer kick me in the back

I didn't let that happen though. I rolled forwards and pushed towards Duy with my hands, legs outstretched and tried kicking him back while he was in the air

He grabbed both of my legs and threw me away towards the far side of the grounds, and Duy put his hands in a familiar Boar seal

"GATE OF OPENING - OPEN!" He shouted and the green glow enveloped his body once again before getting back into the Strong Fist Stance and charging me

I got up and charged back, both of our fists cocked back...

We both punched each other's fists at the same time and below us a giant crater formed from the pressure it released

Duy suddenly coughed up a little blood and started to laugh again "HAHA! IT SEEMS I NEED TO TRAIN MORE TO MATCH UP TO YOUR YOUTHFULNESS MY FRIEND!" He shouted with a wide grin

I just chuckled at his antics "Haha, Duy-San, you were a good match" I told him to which he shook his head

"I know you were holding back Jack-Kun. You are filled with much more youth than this Man"

"Maah, Duy-San, please don't feel bad! I've really been training my body extremely hard for the past 13 years" He looked at me in shock "Hey, what say you come to the Senju Compound and eat dinner with us? I make a pretty bomb Karaage"


I smiled "There's the Duy I know! Come up to the compound around 7, The barriers should be down for you by then" I picked Duy up from the ground and he gave me a firm handshake and nodded

"Alright, see you then!" I said before jumping off into the trees, out of the grounds

'Well then, that was easy...' I said before heading home

It was around 7:15 when Duy arrived - His usual attire replaced with some nice looking formal clothing

"Ah! Duy! Come in, please" I told him from outside the main house on the porch

"Jack-Kun! It is nice to see you again!" He said and we shared a firm handshake before I led him inside, introducing him to everyone else

"Alright everyone!" They all gave me their attention "We have a guest for tonight! Everyone meet Might Duy!" I introduced him and he waved to everyone

I'm quite sure most of them were just interested on how he got his eyebrows so rectangular, but I have no clue..

"Duy, This is Akei Shinji, one of my best friends" Shinji waved at him and they both compared strength with a handshake

Shinji grinned when they let go and turned to me "I like him already"

I just smiled "Next up is Shirogane Nanami, our resident in all things scientific and my other teammate" They both bowed slightly

"Next up are the two girls, Konan and Kushina" Konan bowed a little and Kushina just waved with a small smile

"And the two other boys, Nagato Uzumaki and Yahiko" They both grinned and waved at him

Duy just laughed "HAHA! Such YOUTHFUL Children!" Everyone raised an eyebrow at me and I nervously scratched the back of my head, chuckling

"Ah, now Duy, please don't freak out when you meet the next two people? They are 100% real, and I don't need someone to have a heart attack in the kitchen" He rose an intrigued eyebrow and tilted his head

Then Hashirama and Tobirama both dropped their Henges "Duy, meet Hashirama and Tobirama Senju..." I weakly said...

He looked at me, and back at the previous hokages, then back at me before he fainted on the spot

Mito pouted "I didn't even get to introduce myself..." I laughed a little at that

When Duy regained consciousness, he bowed to the two brothers and apologized immensely, before completely fanboying out for a bit

When he finally calmed down with that we got to eating

I coughed a little "So Duy, What are your view on the current Hokage?" I asked him

He looked at me "Well, I think he is a Youthful man, but there are some things that I can't help but be suspicious about him. Things like the ROOT program that he let go on, and the growing relations on Iwa and Kumo? I don't really know. If you're asking if I trust him or not? I don't trust him fully really, but he is still our Hokage, so I guess." He answered

I looked over at the three adults in the room with a questioning gaze and the three of them nodded

So we began to tell him everything that's happened around the world and Konohas involvement in it all. The things with Uzu, Ame, Danzo, and everything in between..

By the end of it his face was a mixture of Tobirama's when we told him and complete shock

"I can't believe I didn't see such unyouthfullness before..." He finally got out after a few moments

"It's not your fault for not noticing, Duy-San" Mito said to him "There were many factors in hiding the deeds that they did from the public eye"

Duy just shook his head "I'm not blaming myself for the deeds that this village did, but the Ninja for not saying something, as well as our Hokage for authorizing something like that... I don't think I can serve a village like this any more.." He explained to us

Hashirama put a comforting hand on his shoulder "That's why we want to ask you to join us when we all leave this place" he said

Duy was shocked. The first hokage wants HIM to go with them?

"Why?" He questioned "I'm not powerful, nor am I a chunin or a Jonin, so why would you want me to join you?"

Hashirama just put on a large grin "Because, Duy. You are one of the ones who actually realizes what is going on in this place."

Duy widened his eyes for a moment before giving a large smile

"I would love to go with such a youthful group of people!"

Tell me your thoughts on this spar against Duy. What should I change, and what is good?

Should I take Sakumo and Kakashi? It will add another chapter to the Konoha arc but I think it might be worth...

Faveryycreators' thoughts
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