
Chapter 3) Attending The Academy

The professors look at Seoru and wonder who this rude person is. They make eye contact with Seoru and look away quickly with cold sweat running down their forehead. "Are you professors alright? You all are sweating a lot." Thea ask the professors. "It's nothing little Thea. We are just hot that is all." They reply. "Hot? But this is in the middle of winter?" Thea ask. "Ah~ Ha ha... Never mind that! Ahem! So who will be attending captain!?" A male professor ask. "Young miss Thea and this little maid of her. *Point at Aiyana*" Said the captain. "And what about this man here?" They ask without look at Seoru. "He is young miss Thea bodyguard." The captain reply. "Oh! Then 2 people it is then!" The male professor write down Thea and Aiyana name. "Here is your uniform." Another female professor hand them their uniform that appear out of nowhere. Thea gladly accpet her uniform while Aiyana still hesitate. Seoru walk up to the female professor and grab Aiyana uniform. "Eee!" She let go quickly of the uniform and ran to the back. *Gulp* All the professor just look and did not do anything, they were too scare. "We will escort you to your own dorm. This way. Thank you captain!" The male professor thank the captain. "We will be leaving then." The captain and his men left. "This was miss Thea." Thea was lead to her own dorm while Aiyana was lead to her own dorm. They got to their dorm which was pretty much next to each other. "Thank you professors!" Thea thank the professors. "Umm! We will be leaving. Use the remaining time to look around the academy. And if you ever need help. Just crush this talisman." The female professor hand Thea a talisman then all the professors left leaving them to their own. Thea look at Aiyana. "Go to your dorm and accompany me in 5 minute!" Thea said. "Yes young miss Thea." Aiyana reply. Thea went to her room and everything was there and ready for her already. She quickly change into her uniform. Which was pretty nice for a uniform. It was a knee length dress with a pretty long sleeves shirt. Thea finish changing and walk out just to see Aiyana and Seoru there waiting for her. Thea glare at Aiyana because she could see that Aiyana had a much better figure than her. Aiyana had much whiter skin and after cleaning the dirt from her face and look much better than Thea. She hated this but did not show her anger as she could see that there was many students here. "Follow me!" Thea said.

Aiyana and Seoru follow Thea to wherever she goes. As Thea pass by, she can hear people talking about her. "That is Thea! The genius can is said to be the perfect match for Prince Naviv!" The students said. Thea was using their words to boost her reputation to even more extent. "But who is that girl with her!? She is so beautiful! Such a nice figure also!" The students switch to Aiyana. Thea glare at Aiyana who is not aware of this. But when the male students want to approach and court Aiyana they stop as they can feel a dread feeling pour over them. "Such a strong man!" The girls said. Seoru ignore what the students said and just look straight forward with his cold look. "I'm hungry! Go buy me something!" Thea said. "Yes young miss Thea." Aiyana left to go buy something for Thea. Seoru follow after Aiyana. "You stay here with me monster!" Thea shout at Seoru but was ignore by him. Seoru and Aiyana got to a stall to buy some sweet for Thea. "A monster!" A man shout and point at the sky. *Screech* The monster flew down and target a middle age woman. "Seoru! Go help her!" Aiyana said. Seoru dart forward and appear in front of the woman. He take out his sword and fly head on against the monster. *Screech* The monster open its claws at Seoru. *Zing* Seoru slash the monster and cause a heavy cut on its abdomen. The monster was weak but keep falling toward the ground and straight into the woman. *Whoosh* Seoru appear in front of the lady again and point at the monster. His sword levitate. Seoru spread his arms and multiply the sword into 9 swords. He point at the falling monster and the swords fly at the monster. *Zing zing zing* The monster was turn to nothing. Seoru hold his finger to his mouth and blow out a massive fire that turn all the remain into ashes. He unsheathe is sword and look at the middle age woman. "Gahhh!" His head began hurting. "My baby! Let me see my baby!" He can hear a woman calling for her baby. "Seoru! Seoru! Are you alright!" Aiyana ask. Seoru steady himself and look at the woman. "Is your friend... Son..." The woman feel a connection between her and Seoru. "My friend is alright ma'am. Thank you for worrying." Aiyana thank the woman.

"Mother!" Prince Naviv arrive with his men. "Mother! Are you alright!" Prince Naviv ask. "My baby...!" Farah reach out to Seoru. "Mother. That is a stranger! Your son is here!" Prince Naviv said. Farah ignore her son and look at Seoru. Seoru and Aiyana bow to Empress Farah and Prince Naviv. "We are sorry Prince Naviv. We will be leaving." Aiyana said. Prince Naviv hear a soothing voice and look to see a beautiful lady with a man. He fall in love at first sight upon seeing Aiyana. Aiyana bow at them then quickly left with Seoru. "Wait!" Prince Naviv call out to Aiyana but she was already gone with Seoru. "My baby! Come back!" Farah call out to Seoru. "Take my mother back. Her disease had return." Prince Naviv said. "Yes Prince Naviv!" The soldiers escort Farah back to the palace. Prince Naviv look at where Aiyana went and follow after her. "What took you you long!?" Thea ask. "We meet a monster on the way." Aiyana reply. "Hmph! As if!" Thea snatch the sweet away from Aiyana hand and began eating. Thea finish the sweet and threw the sticks away. Aiyana pick up the sticks and toss it into the trash section. "She is a servant to miss Thea!?" Prince Naviv said from afar. "Heehee!" Prince Naviv can hear giggles behind him. He turn around and saw a lot of girls giggling at him. He smile awkwardly at them. He nod at them a few time before leaving. They got to a restaurant and went inside. Thea order a few dish while Aiyana just stand at the back. "Here is your meal miss." A waitress lay down Thea meal. Another waitress enter. "Here is your meal sir." She lay down Seoru meal. Seoru hold out his hand to Aiyana. She was confuse as to what Seoru want. Seoru reach out and drag Seoru to sit with him.

He gesture for her to eat. "I..." Aiyana did not get to start her sentence before they were interrupt by Thea. "She is not allow to eat!" Thea said. Aiyana hear this and lower her head. Seoru ignore Thea and hand Aiyana a spoon. He gesture for her to eat. Thea was about to say something when someone walk in. "Mind if I join in?" Prince Naviv ask. Seoru gesture for Prince Naviv to sit with Thea. Prince Naviv was about to say something when he notice Thea. "Hello there miss Thea." Prince Naviv nod at Thea. Thea nod back while blushing. "What do you want to eat Prince Naviv?" A waiter ask. "The usual." Prince Naviv reply. "Will be done as soon as possible..." The waiter retreat out. "Mind if I sit here?" Prince Naviv ask. "Sure!" Thea said. Seoru shake his head and point at Thea. Prince Naviv look over to Thea who is blushing. "Ehhh...." Prince Naviv was not sure if he can do that. "Just a short chat that is all." Prince Naviv sit down anyway. "Ahh!" He fall down. He quickly got up and saw that the chair was push away. He glare at Seoru. "He is the prince Seoru! Let him sit. A small chat would not hurt." Aiyana said. Seoru give Prince Naviv a death stare. *Gulp* Prince Naviv could feel him being strangle by an invisible hand. *Pak* "Sorry about that Prince Naviv." Aiyana apologize to Prince Naviv. "No no! It's alright." Prince Naviv said. He look at Seoru who still give him a death stare. "I guess sitting with miss Thea should be fine." Prince Naviv went and sit with Thea. She was so happy that she began eating with manner. A waitress brought in Prince Naviv meal. He talk with Thea but it was really hard to understand her when all she did was just ignore him and giggle. "Uhh..." He look over to Seoru and Aiyana. Aiyana was speaking casually with Seoru but Seoru only look at her. He look back at Thea who is blushing and giggling. He scratch his head in confusion. He quickly finish his meal. "I will meet you tomorrow if we get the chance miss Thea." Prince Naviv excuse himself and went away.

Prince Naviv got home and went to see his mother. He got to her room and could see that his mother look lifeless again. "Has mother recover yet?" He ask his sisters. They shake their head. "Mother had been like this for the whole time she was brought back..." One of his sister said. "Hua. You and Cua. Get mother medicines." Prince Naviv said. "Mother refuse to eat." Cua said. "My baby... Where is my baby?" Farah repeat the same phrase over and over again. "Hua and Cua? What does mother mean by that?" Prince Naviv ask. Upon hearing their brother question. They lower their head. *Thud* Farah collapse due to exhaustion. "Mother! Mother! Call a doctor!" Prince Naviv said. Hua went to call for a doctor while Naviv and Cua stay behind to tend to their mother. The doctor soon arrive and check on Farah. "Empress Farah is fine... She collapse due to exhaustion." The doctor said. Naviv, Hua and Cua sigh in relief. "What happen!?" Aiden rush in. "Mother is fine father. She need some rest?" Naviv said. "Thank god!" Aiden went to Farah side and hold her hand. "Father!" Naviv said. "What is it son?" Aiden ask. "Mother keep repeating a phrase about a... baby... What does mother mean by that?" Naviv ask. Aiden was taken aback by this. "It's nothing. It's just her disease that cause her to talk like that. Don't worry too much about that. Leave and let your mother rest." Aiden said. Naviv and his sisters left to give their mother some time. "Baby... Where is my baby...? Give me back my baby... Let me hold my baby..." Farah said in her sleep. "Shh shh shh... It's alright Farah..." Aiden calm his wife down.

Naviv got outside and look at his sister. They look away and left quickly. "I will find out what that mean!" Naviv also left to investigate this matter. Aiyana while in her room look out the night sky with countless of stars. "If only mother was here... *Sigh*" Aiyana said. *Thud* She hear a sound and look outside. "Just a frog... Ahh!" She felt a hand cover her mouth and drag her back. *Thud* She was thrown against the bed. "Haha! Never thought that such a beautiful student would a~" The man head fall to the ground. *Zing* More slash appear on his body and cut his corpse to pieces. *Poof* His corpse was set on fire and nothing was left of him. He existence is no more. Aiyana was so scare not because of the scene but because of what will happen to her. *Whoosh* Seoru appear and kneel down in front of Aiyana. "I was late!" He cut his palm for being late. "You're not late Seoru! You're on time!" Aiyana tear off her right sleeves but cannot. So she tear off the bed sheet instead. She went to Seoru and cover his hand. "I will not be late again." *Whoosh* Seoru disappear into the darkness. "Seoru! Seoru!" Aiyana call out but no reply. "Haha! Hope that bitch get what she deserve." Thea lie down on her bed very happy. "Why do you ask that?" Farah who is recover now ask Naviv. "Who is this baby you keep talking about?" Naviv ask his mother. "You found my baby!? Where is my baby!?" Farah ask while shaking Naviv. "Not yet mother. But if you tell me what happen then I will be able to find your baby." Naviv said. Farah shake her head and went quiet and back to her lifeless pose. Naviv will not get any answer out of his mother. Naviv walk out and went back to his room. "Hmm, is this baby my older brother or sister?" Naviv ask himself but as unsure. *Thud* Naviv went to Hua and Cua room. "What are you doing Naviv!?" They ask. "I want answers!" Naviv reply. "There is no answers." They said and shut the door.

Naviv was really mad. He care a lot about his mother but his mother seem to never acknowledge him as her own son. "I will get to the bottom of this!" Naviv left back to his room. Next day. Thea went to her class which was an elite class. "Did you hear about what happen last night!?" A students ask. "About Professor Biad?" The other ask. "Yes! It is said that he just vanish and cannot be trace." The news quickly spread and reach Thea. "Seem like that asshole fail!" Thea said to herself. "I will get that monster to get away from her. And I will make sure that she is humiliate in every possible way." Thea said. Aiyana arrive to her classroom and walk in. The students look at Aiyana in awe. They have never seen such a beauty like this before. "Such nice figure, skin and looks!" They boys said. Aiyana went and sit alone. "Ahem! Guys! Let me show you how to win a lady heart." A boy said. He walk close to Aiyana but suddenly a dread feeling pour onto him. "Blaa... Blaaa...." He feel like throwing up and rush out the classroom. The other boys laugh as it was too funny. "He lost his chance. Me next!" Another boy said. "Blaaa!" He also rush out with the same dread feeling. Then the next one, next one until all the boys were outside. The professor walk to her class and saw the boys outside all pale and not feeling well. "Are you boys alright?" The professor ask. "We are fine ma'am... Blaaa!" They return back inside and did not make another attempt. The professor was confuse but walk into the class. "A moment please Professor Julia?" Another female professor ask. "Sure..." Professor Julia went with the professor. "What is it?" Professor Julia ask. "I don't think I will live longer Julia." The professor said. "What do you mean by that!?" Professor Julia ask. Her friend did not reply and look around, looking very paranoid. "Kim! Why are you saying that?" Professor Julia ask. "Look Julia! My brother, Liam. Uh *Look around* apparently got himself involve in a unknown matter. *Look around* He just disappear without any trace. Eee!" Kim was very paranoid now.

"What what what!?" Professor Julia ask. "His action has cause the whole Glass clan to disappear in one night. I survive because I was working overnight... Huff! I'm afraid I'm next Julia! Help me please! I don't want to die!" Kim said. "Alright! Calm down! I will get the head..." Professor Julia suddenly saw two eyes that appear behind Kim. The two eyes were shroud in darkness. Professor Julia turn pale as this pair of eye is draining her energy and causing fear in her. Professor Julia try to break eye contact but cannot. "Julia! Don't scare me like that!" Kim shake Professor violently. This cause her to break eye contact. "Why are you... Gahh!" Kim look down and saw blood coming from her chest. "Hu!" Kim was lift into the air about 2 feet. "Help me Julia!" Kim beg. Julia reach out but the same pair of eye cause her to stop mid action. Julia cannot do anything and was force to watch her friend death. *Whoosh* Kim flesh was suck into her chest and what was left was just her skeleton. Julia look in horror of what she had just witness. *Poof* Kim skeleton was set on fire and turn to ashes. *Thud thud thud* More professors arrive only to see Professor Julia frozen in fear looking straight in front of her. "Professor Julia!" The professors shake Julia and finally woke her up. "Ahhhh~!" Out of nowhere, Julia scream at the top of her lungs. "Gah!" All the professors cover their ear. The students came out to see what happen. "Get back in class!" A male professor shout at the students. They all quickly return to their classroom. "Take Professor Julia to see Headmaster Anaximander!" A professor said."I'm here already." Said Headmaster Anaximander. "Greeting to Headmaster Anaximander." All the professors bow their head to show their respect. "Uh Headma..." A professor was about to speak but Headmaster Anaximander stop him. "I already know of this matter." *Whoosh* Headmaster Anaximander suddenly feel a dreadful energy pouring out from the classroom to his left. He open the door and the dreadfulness got more intense. He walk in and confuse many students.

Headmaster Anaximander look around and spot Aiyana. *Whoosh* He could also see a dark aura leaking behind her. The Headmaster Anaximander suddenly feel a dreadful feeling pour over him. "Blaaa!" All the students rush out as the dread feeling is going to make them unconscious. Aiyana was confuse as to what everyone is doing. Some professors cannot take the dreadful feeling anymore and ran out. Headmaster Anaximander stare at Aiyana and kind of scare her. But he was not looking at her. Rather, he was looking straight behind her. *Whoosh* The darkness devour the whole classroom and only Headmaster Anaximander can see the dark aura. The other professors and students cannot see this. "Such strong hatred! Such power!" Headmaster Anaximander said to himself. "Who are you!?" Headmaster Anaximander ask. "Uh... me?" Aiyana ask. Headmaster Anaximander did not answer. Headmaster Anaximander instead shoot out a light at Aiyana. Aiyana was scare for her life as she can feel the power in the light. *Pak* A dark figure appear and grab the light orb. "Finally show yourself ehh?" Headmaster Anaximander said. *Crack* The light orb was shatter to pieces. *Whoosh* The shadow disappear with the air. For the other, they only saw the light orb stop in midair then was crush to pieces. "You! Come with me!" Headmaster Anaximander point at Aiyana. *Whoosh* The dreadful spread even bigger. "Blaaa!" The students and professors ran even further. Headmaster Anaximander can also feel his soul being drain now. He steady himself and coat himself in light. His light repel back the darkness but the darkness slowly devour the light. "Show yourself and we can talk this out. I come in peace only." Headmaster Anaximander said. Aiyana who was standing up was very confuse. *Whoosh* A figure appear from Aiyana shadow and in front of her.

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