
The Main continent

It took me a whole day to get the festival expenses from grandpa. I even had to promise him a souvenir.

We departed two days after.

A lot of things changed since I first flew to the island. My body is now larger that before and my total stamina improved.

Two majestic silver dragons could be seen flying through wast ocean area. At least, I was trying to look majestic for a few minutes...

Flying just few meters above the water, having fun splashing the ocean surface with one of my claws I failed to portray that image.

'Ahhh, this refreshing feeling of wind and drops of cold water!' I was way too relaxed.

The satisfying feeling of water sliding on the scales haven't changed since I was born here, it made me relaxed.

It might be influence of my old life, but I love showers. After all, I was a normal girl!

I wonder if I can find an actual shower here...

After some time, we could see the land. I could feel a nostalgic feeling while it emerged in the distance.

Even part of the Mountain of Sacred Dragons could be seen there. It's been so long!

Just as I was about to ask something, my mother lowered her altitude to match mine and slowed her flight. We were probably going to land on the shore, so I too slowed my flight.

"Let's transform into our human forms, to not scare the citizens" mother said as we landed.

"Okay~" I leaked out an exited reply since I still was in bit of a relaxed state.

Following her statement, we both transformed into our human forms.

The wings and scaled dissapeared, our bodies shrunk and what could be seen were two fragile looking girls standing, where the dragons should be. Our bodies transformed from those of a dragon into those of a human girl.

We walked a bit from the shore, before we set up a tent for the night. It's not that we couldn't go further, but mother insisted that we shouldn't stand out.

Does she even realize that nobody would camp in middle of a forest? With her, we will stand out just by entering a city...

I left my objections unspoken and closed my eyes.

Next morning, we continued our travel.

'If we mantain our current speed, we should be able to see the capital before sunset...' that was what I thought.

I would have been the case if those stupid bandits didn't show up. Since we are disguised as humans, it took us a while to beat them to pulp. After that, with a satisfied smile on her human face, mother asked someone to fetch the guards.

Good thing was, that she had her limiters on. If not, well...those bandits probably wouldn't be alive.

We had to wait another hour for the guards to arrive. I was getting bored while waiting.

When they arrived, everyone's attention was gathered on my mother.

Well, it's understandable since I look as 10 year old girl while she is silver haired beauty.

It took us another half an hour just to explain the situation. They were doubtful, that mother was the one who beat them.

While still observing her, they took the bandits and departed. They probably thought, that we were lying and someone helped us.

Thanks to this interference, we arrived 3 hours later than we actually planned. The darkness of night was about to descent, when we finally passed through the gate.

Entering through the western gate, we made it into the capital of Fleania Empire, the city of Mire!

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