

Throughout the night, Suyin had a lot of explaining to do for Qin Fuhua. How she endured the fight with Old man Wu to how she met the two siblings who saved her.

But there were no explanations about her coming to the Palace in the first place.

"Why did you come here under a different name?" Qin Fuhua inquired again.

Suyin couldn't delay the question any longer. The reason why she stalled for so long was that she didn't know whether or not she could trust him about Zhen An.

But, she knew that Qin Fuhua had always been there for her. It didn't matter if it was back at home or it was here, he somehow knew where she was at.

Carefully, Suyin clasped the teacup and poured some more rice wine into it, trying to down another drink before she wanted to say anything. Before she took the gulp though, Qin Fuhua put his hands on top of her wrist to stop her from drinking.

"Don't drink anymore." He softly said, lowering her hands so that Suyin couldn't consume it.

"Well." Suyin knew it already. She could trust him. He always protected her and she was happy that he saw her as an important person, even if it meant that it was only for his younger sister*.

(Author's note: Suyin conveyed that she's delighted that Qin Fuhua is a good person and he sees her as someone noteworthy, even if she's just someone who is there to help cure his sister)

"The sister of the siblings... she was here not too long ago. I wanted to find out why she was sneaking into the Palace and how she got gravely wounded... enough for me to worry for her."

Qin Fuhua didn't say anything, but he was staring at her with a calm expression. In a way, Suyin has never seen this side of him before.

The gaze in his eyes often intimidates people due to his intense, evil look.

His eyes were still sharp, gaping at her eyes, but Suyin wasn't frightened by these eyes. They were soft, and she knew that Qin Fuhua trusted her by the way he glimpsed at her.

Shy now that Qin Fuhua stared at her, Suyin couldn't look him in the face anymore.

Qin Fuhua glanced away as Suyin broke off the gaze. He was oblivious to how long he was staring at her. Was it because he wanted to memorize her face? Did he feel content that she was here next to him?

"Han Suyin, get it together!" She whispered to herself in her head. She shifted up to look at him.

"I'm glad that you came to find me... again," Suyin uttered the words faintly, but as soon as she finished her sentence to turn to Qin Fuhua, he was sleeping soundly on the table.

For the first time, the Prince of Qin was ignorant of his surrounding, enough for him to fall asleep in front of her.

Suyin leaned in closer, taking advantage to have a long look at his sleeping face.

He had a long, small nose, his lips red like a crimson flower, and his lengthy, flawless hair that appeared better than Suyin's hair. Although he may look beautifully handsome, he had such a broad, muscular body.

"Good night, my Prince," Suyin whispered, smiling at him as she gently patted his head. Suyin didn't want to bother his sleep since he must have been so busy and exhausted.

Suyin took another three toasts to the Prince, for their reunion with pleasure as she, too, fell asleep.

Momentarily after Suyin was soundly dozing, Qin Fuhua's eyes opened. It was true that Qin Fuhua did fall asleep, but it was a short nap. What woke him up was Suyin's statement.

Worried that he was just dreaming about Suyin coming back to him, he took notice of her toasting to herself under the night sky by herself while she drank until she fell asleep.

Qin Fuhua cautiously moved her hair behind her ears.

"How could someone like me, evil and selfish, deserve someone like you?" He softly said, barely uttering the words under his mouth.

Qin Fuhua raised his arms, and with his calling, Weizhe entered the scene.

"Would you like me to help you carry her to her room?" Weizhe requested.

Qin Fuhua shook his head. "Take care of this mess. I'll take her." He replied. Qin Fuhua took off his coat and wrapped it around Suyin's shoulders. He then carefully lifted her, her arms wrapped neatly around Qin Fuhua's neck as he walked her to her room.

Areum and Wu Fei cheerily giggled together, behind the wall of Suyin's room. They have been observing this whole time and arranged the decoration of the courtyard for their reunion.

Qin Fuhua carried Suyin, making sure that she didn't wake up from any movement. He quietly slid the door open, his eyes eyeing Suyin so that she didn't wake up, and cautiously strode into the room.

Qin Fuhua went directly to the bed chamber and lightly positioned her down on the bed. Suyin wasn't a great sleeper, her arms and legs flailed the opposite. One leg was up and the other arm reached out where Qin Fuhua sat at the side of the bed.

Qin Fuhua only shook his head. "Such a lady." He sighed. He slowly lowered her leg so that it would go back down, covering her with the bedsheets.

"I promised myself to never fall in love again." He massaged his temples, "I don't know if I can keep it."


The next day, there was a commotion in the scholar's quarter. Students began chitchatting with each other.

"I heard. That one Qin Prince, he came out holding hands with a guy!"

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