
Klabautermann & Robin's Wish

Kokoro, Chimnie and Gonbe are on the roof of the empty Blueno Bar, They are looking at the burned Galley-La HQ and she also seems has predicted this will be happened and hoped that Iceberg to be okay. The CP9 have retreated far away by walking on the roof of buildings.

"Who is she? Why does she know the Rokushiki?" Blueno asked with very angry expression because he lost to me very bad. "She is the newest member of Straw Hat Pirate, Otsutsuki Sakura. We don't have any further Information." Kalifa replied.

"Don't be worry about her now. Focus our next objection, 'Franky'" Lucchi scolded them and Blueno tells them that Franky was at his bar but suddenly he goes to search the Straw Hat Pirate Group.

"Hey, we are very lucky now." Kaku informed them while pointed Franky's henchmen below them. Lucchi blocks them for questioning where 'Warehouse under the bridge' is.

Meanwhile in Warehouse under the bridge, Franky is crying loudly with Mozu and Kiwi after he heard Usopp's stories. Usopp is very annoyed by Franky's behaviours and he also states to Franky that he's not their friends anymore now.

Franky doesn't listen usopp's words while he still annoys Usopp by singing the tragic song. Usopp and Franky are talking about The money that has been stolen, the cause of the fights, Aqua Laguna, the sinking of Water Seven, sea train and the ship mechanic, Tom.

"So... bro... let's get to the big question. What do you plan to do after you fix your ship?" Franky asked Usopp. "I'm going to go adventuring with it, of course!! Then, one day, i'll return to my home in East Blue!! Though I haven't exactly gone around the world... I've been in The grand Line!! So that should be enough for triumphant return!!" Usopp answered.

Franky stops Usopp for doing that, he also tells him the evaluation of Galley-la is correct about the condition of Going Merry. He recommends himself as a dismanter to take it apart for usopp. Usopp is very angry with Franky's words, Franky doesn't care about Usopp's angry feelings.

He tells Ussop that Going Merry can't even get to the next island, he break a part of the ship and also throw Usopp down to underwater for he himself see the true condition of the ship.

Usopp still goes to fix Going Merry, Franky scolds Usopp that the damaged part of the ship can't be repaired by the amateur. Usopp suddenly shouts Franky to stop his words because he himself has already known for along time.

Usopp tells them about in one night someone fixes the empty ship poorly and he also heard the words of Going Merry's Incarnation "It's alright. I'll carry all of you for a little while longer".

Franky explains what Usopp saw, that's Klabautermann, a fairy that wears a sailor's raincoat and hold a hammer. He is the incarnation of the loved ship. Kiwi and Mozu are suddenly unconscious and hurt by CP9, Franky is very angry, he attacks Blueno but knocked off by Lucchi.

Lucchi explains why they here, who they are, and the true identity of Franky 'Cutty Flam'. Franky had bad feelings after Iceberg gave him that blueprint. "How's that idiot Iceberg doing?" He asked. "he's still alive but who know?" Lucchi answered.

Franky is very angry and attacks Lucchi, but got smashed instead, They all in the very important room for Franky about Tom, his teacher. Lucchi destroy part of this room because Frankie doesn't give the blueprint. Franky wants to resist but once again stopped, this time by Kalifa. Lucchi mocks Tom for what he did, that statement makes Franky yells at them all not to know anything at all.

Franky recalls his past about the creation of his battle ship, the unfavorable situation of Water Seven, the meanings of the ship, Tom's execution, the birth of sea train, the hope from sea train, the struggle of sea train's making process, the completed of sea train, the first run of sea train, CP5 Spandam's arrival, the Pluton's blueprint, Tom's worried feelings about Robin, Tom's trial, the spandam's trap, the regret of him, Tom's ship making ideology, Spandam's beaten, The proud will of Tom, the capture of Tom, the berserk of himself, the death and revived of him, the quarrel of Iceberg and him, got Pluton's blueprint from Iceberg.

CP9 get the call from their chief that wished to speak with Franky, Spandam orders CP9 to bring Franky and Robin ASAP to Anies Lobby. Usopp is still scared by Lucchi's glare, although he's trained with my auxiliary technique and got captured. Going Merry is tossed away to the ground by CP9 Kaku, Usopp is crying sad to see that event.

We all have escaped from this burned building, I have also healed Iceberg and Paulie in front of the mass of people to reduce the enmity of them.

Luffy wants to know why we don't go to chase after them to save Robin, I tell them that they will be surprised to hear some good news from Iceberg after he is awake.

Iceberg wakes up and orders the people to leave here and he wants to talk with us alone. He immediately explains us about Robin's changed behaviour, Robin's wish, the conversation between them, the power of buster call, The reason of Robin's betrayal, the choice of 6 lives & all people of the world and the important people in Robin's heart.

"My wish... Is for the 6 Straw-Hats excluding me, to get off this island safely." After hearing Robin didn't betray us, we all are very happy and ready to save her. They realize why I said the good news, and also know this is the power of Kenbunshoku Haki. They are more motivated than usual to train because the convenience of Haki effects.

Meanwhile Sanji is stalking CP9 and Robin at Water Seven's Blue Station, He also sees Usopp and Franky got captured. When we wants to look for Sanji, Iceberg gives us the information about there is a sea train that taking all government personnel and Robin will depart at 11 o'clock in this evening. Sea train will cease operation in an 1 hour for the incoming Aqua Laguna. He says this only our opportunity to leave this island and save Robin.

Paulie is also awake, he orders the people to help us, the mass of people protest about Paulie's decision. Paulie and Iceberg tell the people that Straw Hat Pirate isn't the culprit of the assassination, they're being framed by the real ones.

He also tells them that he and Iceberg can be still alive are all thanks to them. Paulie makes a lie about Lucchi, Kaku and the others are visiting home to the mass of people. We all go to Blue Station to save Robin.

When we all arrive at Water Seven Blue Station, the sea train has already departed for awhile. We exclude me are very angry to World Government Officials and also shout inappropriate words. The local people give us Sanji's letter that said Robin is on sea train with the captured Usopp and Franky.

This time Sanji has already defeated the representative of the last or final car on the sea train. One of the subordinates explains the cars on this sea train based on government officials in order and the representative of final car is the lowest or the weakest of ones.

The Aqua Laguna comes this time is more powerful than usual because it makes the sea around Water Seven island dried up. We come back to the highest place where everyone stands to look the powerful action of Aqua Laguna then it has destroyed all buildings on the backstreet and the bridge. Paulie is very worried about the future of Water Seven.

Hope enjoy this chapter.

steelgraycreators' thoughts
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