
Broken Facade

"What is that commotion?" Zhao Lifei wondered to herself. She raised her head from the computer desk. She was finishing the homework Zhao Moyao had assigned to her yesterday. 

Through the balcony window, loud chatter could be heard. Out of pure curiosity and the desire to shut the french doors, she clambered off the chair and approached the balcony. She looked down and her eyes brightened at the sight of a luxury car. Was her grandfather coming earlier than planned?

To her disappointment, the door opened and revealed a young boy. He seemed to be four or five years older than her. 

She wished it was Zheng Tianyi. It had been a couple of days since she had last seen her Tiantian ge-ge. Two years ago, he hated the nickname that she gave him, but it finally grew on him and he reluctantly accepted it.

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