
The Wife’s Thoughts

The only thing stopping the Young Mistress from picking up the dog girl, tying her spread eagle over a table, and starting the sewing process, was the horrid stench the girl was emitting.

The Young Mistress could not even catch her breath a whole 10 metres away from that disgusting creature, much less a few centimetres away from her lower lips. There was no way she was getting close and personal with the girl to start the sewing process under such circumstances.

The doggy girl would first be bathed in herbal medicine for a week before the Young Mistress summoned the doctors and started the surgery.

This was for three reasons.

First, the herbal medicine would completely neutralize the bad smell, and even make the dog girl smell ripe for plucking.

Second, herbal medicine would soften the skin, making it appear much younger, allowing for it to be more easily penetrated by her sewing needles.

Third, herbal medicine was incredibly good for healing injuries to the skin. Why did this matter now? The Young Mistress was going to flay this bitch thrice a day, every day, for an entire week. While herbal medicine would prevent any scarring and completely heal the skin, the healing process would hurt like hell depending on the severity of the injuries.

The Young Mistress was thinking of flaying every single piece of visible skin on the dog's body during the course of this week.

Even if she flayed off all the skin on the doggy girl's body, the herbal medicine would at most take a single day to heal everything. If she did things in moderation, only flaying half the skin, she could barely squeeze in three visits a day. Only after doing this and sewing the girl's excretory holes shut would the Young Mistress be satisfied.

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