

"You wait here, I'll go get the car," Lucas said and didn't wait for Jen to say anything before he walked into the rain. He did not run to his car, but actually calmly walked to it and slid inside.

"What up with that guy?" Jen murmured to herself, but still smiled despite the situation. Lucas got out of his parking space and stopped the car close to the restaurant entrance as he could. 

Jen quickly got in the car, but even though she tried to be quick, she managed to get a few raindrops on herself.

"I shouldn't have left my umbrella in the car," Jen said as she gestured at the umbrella in the backseat. Lucas could only chuckle as he wiped off a raindrop from her cheek.

"You're much drier than I imagined you'd be," Jen said as she used a handkerchief to wipe off some raindrops on his suit jacket and his hair. Lucas' eyes bored into hers and Jen stopped her movements.

"What is it?" Jen asked after gulping nervously.

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