
Chapter 17.

(POV Sanji)

As I came to my senses I felt a cool breeze and a tinge of warmth resting lightly atop my head. After retracing my memories I realized I had fallen into a deep sleep while I was tied up.

Upon opening my eyes fully I was greeted by a peerless, majestic orange sky. In my upward field of view was a matchless visage with eyes gently closed with her hand resting atop my head while slightly buried in my hair.

Calling her otherworldly or describing her appearance any longer felt redundant as my words would never bring justice to the world when describing this woman's grace.

In fact, I'm sure anyone could picture the loving scene between this husband and wife. Sharing the woes and boons in life as we laid before the rising sun.

This was definitely a scene forgotten in modern times; a scene filled with a romantic air. For such a fleeting, dream like scene to exist in a world where romance was dead was truly quite rare.

I could only remain in a trance and I could not bear to break this fragile instance of peace.

I felt at harmony with the world when I laid there with my head on her lap.

If I stayed in this very moment until the end of time, it would be worth it. It felt like I was complete; it was as if a missing puzzle piece in my heart was finally found and put in place. It was almost like it completed the grand picture before my eyes.

The emotions you could feel radiating from a painting would probably be the best way to put it.

If the world were to end at this very moment, it felt like it would only be us to remain. One could only be left breathless while watching the tranquil sun as it continued to rise while we shared this moment together. The sky slowly changed from a majestic orange to the familiar blue we all know and love.

No matter how one wishes for it, time waits for no man. All good things will inevitably come to an end. Realizing this I somewhat dejectedly lifted my head while a light giggle escaped from my wife's lips.

"You were awake?"

"Naturally, darling husband."

"That expression you made was quite adorable."

I felt slightly embarrassed at my wife's usual teasing manner.

"If you're awake, say so sooner. I didn't want to disturb my beautiful little wife's slumber."

"You seemed so enraptured that I just could not bear to tell you my dear husband."

A smug and prideful little smile hung on my wife's petite and delicate face.

After flirting like this for a moment, my expression suddenly went stiff.

"Little wife, am I still dreaming?"

"No husband you are definitely awake."

"Then how can this be possible?!"

"How can what be possible?"

"Am I clearly not a 2nd realm semi transcendent?"

"Yes husband you are, what of it?"

My wife played it off like it was no big deal, but waves were crashing inside of my head and I could only tremble in shock.

"The heavens have eyes." A small tear fell from my right eye as I looked towards the skies.

My wife's entire face continuously twitched at my grand proclamation like she had something she really wanted to say.

It was at this point I jumped to my feet and I put five meters between my wife and I before I exclaimed in joy. "My wife, my wife, I did it, I really did it! I broke through within a month. Now it is time to pay up."

I felt like a thug trying to bully a fair maiden, but an agreement is an agreement and what has been said has been said.

My wife looked at me with a perplexed look like she didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

She must truly be impressed with this prodigal son. Able to cultivate without actually cultivating. You can say it my wife, I know what you're thinking.

It is very likely to be along the lines of; "husband you are so mighty, defying the heavens at a breakneck speed and reaching such heights in under a month. Truly an unmatched existence."

Yes my wife. I know, I know, but enough of your stalling. It is time for me to become the pushed. That is right, you must be the pusher for that is our agreement.

I opened my arms wide as I voiced out "my wife, I am here, it is time to fulfill what is meant to be fulfilled."

My wife's eyes half closed as a teasing light emerged deep within. A mischievous, bewitching yet somewhat impish smile grew from her delicate cherry lips.

Seeing her like that I once again found my breathing grow ragged to the point where I could not breathe at all.

My body felt heavy as my heart leapt through my chest as my wife took one step at a time with her twisting willowy waist.

One jade leg stretched forward before the next came in tow.

Her stride was confident and with each movement, her arm swung like a pendulum without the slightest hesitation as she closed the distance.

Her hair swayed backwards as a gust of wind blew it upwards with each step forward. It was as if nature wanted to emphasize her beauty and apply a slightly wild touch to this picture perfect goddess who was far above this mortal realm.

No, but who are we kidding? Little wife, that was definitely you, right? Right? There is no way such a coincidental wind will just happen to blow your hair backward like that at this very moment!

Once she was directly before me, her eyes locked straight onto mine and she moved slowly towards my face as she quietly said in a gentle but confident manner. "Then I shall push as you wish my darling husband, just try to not cry when it's over my dear."

Why is my wife such a tease? Can't she just get it over with?

As her face approached, I closed my eyes almost fully, relaxed my body and prepared to finally graduate.

I could see slightly from my partially shut eyes my wife as she gently nibbled on my lower lip playfully while she let out faint breaths.

With her so close, her scent had completely overwhelmed all of my senses.

All I could think were how roses were the sweetest smell in all creation. The rosy scent she emitted pervaded the air and it invaded the very depths of my soul causing me to fall into a drunken stupor.

My wife placed her palm affectionately on top of my chest as she pushed me backward while still nibbling on my lower lip. She would occasionally pass her dexterous tongue over my lips exciting me further.

Perhaps due to my wife's consideration we fell backwards rather slowly until I eventually laid on the ground with my face towards the great skies. I don't think the earlier sunrise looked one tenth as beautiful as the sky above at this very moment.

I only thought to myself that this was finally it. I felt like I were about to pass through a great nirvana. Like a phoenix bursting into flames at the peak of their life and exploding out with a storm of passion.

While thinking such passionate thoughts I realized a few moments has passed, but something was clearly wrong.

When refocusing my attention I realized to my confusion... I was pushed down right?

Losing my cherry should be next, right? Then... why?


Why are you suddenly standing up? My little wife, is this some kind of abandonment play?

I could only show my little wife a pitiable expression like a dog begging for their owner to pay attention to them.

My wife returned my act with a tilt of her head as confusion littered her face.

"...my wife... is this some sort of new play?"

"What play?"

"Well the agreement was you would push me down right?"

"Yes it was."

"My wife..."

She tilted her head to the other side while asking back, "yes darling?"

"I think I might understand now to some extent, but what is the meaning of this?"

"Meaning of what?"

"Why am I laying on the ground by myself?"

"Because you asked me to push you down."

"My wife..."


"Is it fun playing your husband to death?"

"I don't understand my darling husband."

"My wife, we both know you do, right?"

"I really don't get what you're talking about husband, we agreed I'd push you down if you broke through to become a 1st realm semi transcendent. I just pushed you down onto the ground like we agreed upon."

I am handsome right? I must be for my wife to marry me, right? Do I lack sex appeal? Am I not provoking her carnal desires enough?

Thinking this far I decide to go all in. I put on a confident air as I laid out a great formation. Yes the name of this great formation, I call it the starfish formation.

It is the long lost art of my great forefathers. It is said, once this long lost art is used, not even the most beautiful woman can keep their legs together.

You may wonder what this starfish formation is. It is a simple posture and command.

That is right, I am using my trump card in the face of this adversity. I opened my arms and legs wide in the shape of a starfish as I yelled out towards the heavens disdainfully. "MY WIFE, COME OVER OBEDIENTLY AND SERVE YOUR GREAT HUSBAND!"

My ultimate technique seemed to show some results right away. My little wife trembled slightly upon seeing my actions and hearing my words.

My wife covered her mouth with her hand as she looked away. It felt like she was trying to fight the urge to come over and kneel towards this husband of hers.

Feeling slightly more confident in this ancient technique, I called out this time in a more gentle tone "come my wife I shall forgive you for your sins."

"Pffhahaha I can't, I can't, I really can't my dear husband! Are you trying to kill me? What a great "serve my great husband." Hahaha I can't stop crying! Husband, you are really trying to kill me right? That pose and "I shall forgive you for your sins?" Yes husband, yes husband please forgive this little wife for her sins. For teasing you to the point of you losing your sanity, please spare this naughty little wife of yours."

I was shocked by my little wife's reaction and I sat up with a composed face like it was all part of my plan.

"It is good that you understand the greatness of your husband, therefore reneging on our agreement is definitely a punishable offence. How would you like to accept your punishment?"

"Alright, alright my darling husband. I will repent, I will repent. I swear on my name. Just promise not to use that move on anyone else, it is too powerful in certain ways."

Hearing my wife's response I felt my secret technique was quite effective after all. Like it was said, it would bring any woman to their knees. No legs could remained closed just as the records had foretold.

Look at this little wife of mine on the ground in tears with her bum on the ground and legs sprawled in a w shape. If that was not the definition of what this technique was supposed to accomplish then may the heavens smite me down.


The moment I thought that, as if to slap me in the face, thunder rang out loudly from afar. What's with the random thunder all the time? Is the thunder my ex wife from a past life? Does the thunder always need to be on my ass for every little thing I ask the heavens to smite me down for?

I looked all around me but I appeared to be safe. Hmmp! In the end, even the heavens are trying to play tricks on this master of the heart.

"Husband, dear husband, I suddenly had an epiphany. I only now understand why you were so disappointed just now. Your wife is so heartless; I could not see the light before. Therefore, to make up for this time, let's make another agreement. If you break through to become a 1st realm transcendent within a month I will allow you to experience a night in a passionate embrace."

My eyes lit up and I immediately shook my head up and down to quickly agree while blinded by lust. I felt like a junior high school student who just got a date with his first love. Such an exciting feeling.

My wife narrowed her eyes at my response. A mysterious smile floated upon her face momentarily before disappearing as quickly as it appeared. It was such a rapid change that I rubbed my eyes thinking it was just a mere illusion.

I suddenly felt a bad premonition. I asked slightly suspiciously "you really mean it this time, right?"

"Husband, how can you doubt this wife of yours? This wife is dedicated to you in body, heart and soul. Even in death this little wife shall follow. How can you doubt a loving wife such as I?"

I felt slightly guilty towards my wife. I brushed it off and said, "it was a joke, I naturally believe in my wife's words. It's just, I hope we are both of one mind this time."

"Naturally we are oh husband of mine. Whether it be seconds, minutes, hours, days, months or years, this little wife only thinks of husband at all times. Naturally I know husband thinks the same. If this were not us being of one mind then what is?"


Months? Years? We've known each other for less than a month! Little wife, can you please be more attentive and not play with my glass heart?

I felt like my little wife was making plans to play further tricks. I secretly reminded myself to be more cautious when I broke through to become a 1st realm transcendent. I definitely don't want a replay of this embarrassing scene again.

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