
Planning the Prison Break

QJ tossed the towel he had folded over one shoulder into his hamper and descended the stairs, two at a time. "Morning, Nan."

Anna looked up from the kitchen island. She held a small bundle in one hand, gently rocking while she sang softly. "Hey, QJ."

"How's Cale?" QJ grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and sat beside the pair. Since the baby was a developing LAI, Anna spent much more time in her avatar than she was used to.

"He's a good boy!" Anna's dimpled smile lit up the room. "Sleeps through the night, just like you used to."

"Need a bit of research done if you can squeeze it in." QJ grabbed a bowl and filled it with his favorite cereal. "Why is he all bundled up? He should go shirtless!"

Anna shook her finger at QJ. "Don't set a bad example!"

QJ shrugged slightly. "I'll teach him everything he needs to know." He scratched his chin as if considering different options. "First... We need to find him a kick-ass companion, someone like Anya."

Anna pretended to frown, but her smile seeped through. "Kidding aside, what do you need me to look into?"

"There's an NPC named Dax on the Phoenix server; see if you can find out his status on the other servers. Also, find out any information regarding a quest called [Gyspy Favor].

Anna glanced at the railing that looked out over the living room. "Your mom wants you to visit her at Naomi's lab during lunch."

QJ smiled; he already knew what she wanted. "I may be able to swing that. Ringo has put the kibosh on me until after we do Doubler Canyon again."

Anna chuckled. "They'd blink, and you'd be ten levels ahead of the rest of the server. We taught you well."

"Maybe." QJ finished his cereal and placed the bowl in the dishwasher. "I'm going to move out soon. Haven't told Mom yet."

Anna wrinkled her nose. "This girl isn't looking forward to that."

"Want to know a secret?" QJ paused at the bottom of the stairs.

Anna nodded vigorously. "I love secrets. Is this your secret or someone elses?"

"Someone elses..." QJ walked up the stairs, deliberately slowing his progress. "Know that guy, Felix Soma?"

Anna nodded. "We crossed paths a few times."

"He's got a thing for you." QJ trotted up the stairs and entered his room, ignoring Anna's questions.

"What? He barely knows me... Are you messing with me, QJ?"

[Welcome to Guns and Gore, The Phoenix Server]

Location: One Problem Guild Keep

Time: 0700 hours

Server Population 39,545 Your Current Level is 32.

QJ stepped into the OP Guild Keep a few moments later. Ringo and Dessi were talking near the entrance. Then, without saying anything, the blond-haired medic opened a trade window with QJ.

"200k?" QJ read the amount before hitting accept. He had given the 3rd years a large dome tent to use as a guild hall along with 30 acres of land where they could expand later. Although they discussed a lease, they still needed to finalize a price.

Dessi nodded. "That would be our annual payment if that's acceptable."

QJ shook his head. "This will get you three years, then we'll negotiate an acceptable purchase price."

Dessi's lips curved in a surprised smile. The 1st year Ace wasn't known for being generous to the 3rd years. "Thank you, QJ!"

"No worries. If you purchase the land, I'll subtract this from the amount."

Dessi pounced on him before he could move, hugging him tight before releasing him. A moment later, she summoned her mount and galloped away without speaking.

"Huh... She seemed happy," QJ pointed out.

"Indeed," Ringo agreed. "Let's head in." She paused at the door when she noticed two dark elves approaching.

"Can you get the door?" Ry Jol called out. He and his brother Eten were carrying large silver platters with engraved covers.

QJ smiled at Ringo's confusion. "Are those from Dave the Baker? Follow me, my brothers."

QJ led them to the horseshoe-shaped table and gestured for them to place the bounty on the table. "Thank you," QJ said sincerely.

A few minutes later, Ringo put up the server standings. Since Phoenix had been patching overnight, there weren't any significant moves.

"No change in ranking; let's grind those levels. We're on track to hit Doubler Canyon the day after tomorrow." Ringo stepped aside and gestured for QJ to continue.

QJ picked up a pastry from the table and took a huge bite. "Pastries are for everyone, don't be shy. I sent everyone a breakdown of our raid brief. Build up your BR for Doubler Canyon."

[OP: Breeze] Think how embarrassing it would be to wipe on this raid after completing it as noobs.

[OP: QJ] True! Grind those levels; you have the range and equestrian training after lunch.

[OP: Lotte] When are you rejoining us, QJ?

[OP: QJ] When we do Doubler Canyon, then it's full steam ahead.

[Mid-morning at the Riley Residence]

"No," QJ stated firmly, not caring that both women looked disappointed.

"QJ..." Tal's blue eyes studied her son. He had taken one glance at the application before pushing it away.

"Don't QJ me." QJ put on the scowl that had been passed down to him from his father. Oddly enough, both women averted their gaze. "I attended TAP academy like you wanted. Applying for a doctorate candidacy will take up all my free time."

Naomi picked up the application that she had filled out. "I've never forwarded a candidate before; I would be your sponsor."

"I've politely rejected your offer. Any further discussions regarding this topic will receive an alternate version of that reply." QJ opened the fridge and removed a sealed Tupperware bowl; after giving it the smell test, he decided that the hot wings from a few days earlier were still good.

"Sorry, QJ," Tal shook her head at Naomi. "Of course, I won't go back on my word."

"Besides that, he's a grown man and doesn't need anyone's permission to live as he wants." Quinn's voice carried from the top of the stairs. His normally easy-going demeanor was absent.

QJ bit down on a smile; his father speaking up would stop any further attempts at persuasion. "I'll work as a consultant on the apartment complex and give your lab permission to develop the eddy current mapping system I worked out."

"That's great, QJ." Naomi exchanged a glance with Tal before standing up. "Don't be mad at your mom. This was my idea."

QJ waved off her words. "I haven't been mad at my mom since she returned my spider to the pet store."

Tal smiled at the memory. "Let's go out for lunch, my treat."

Sometime after lunch, Anna knocked on QJ's door, waking him up from a nap. "Sorry to wake you."

QJ covered a yawn and motioned for her to enter. "It's fine. I'd be up all night if I slept any longer. Is this about the Gypsy quest?"

Anna bounced in and sprawled across the foot of his bed in a belly flop that made QJ grin. "Yes!"

QJ moved closer so he could read the hud that Anna opened up. It was a side-by-side comparison of all the servers; Dax was dead on all of them. Not only that, a lot of the gypsies were too. "Holy crap... What happened?"

"Armageddon," Anna replied.

QJ rolled off the bed and moved to his desk. He sent a quick message, and a man's face popped up within seconds.

"Hey, QJ." Felix offered a polite smile. "What's up?"

"You remember Anna. I asked her to research a quest line for me; you should listen in." QJ sent Felix the comparison data and motioned for Anna to continue."

"This starts with the Legends server. First, Dax, the Gypsy King, is executed for crimes against Prince Morbin. What follows is an all-out war between the two factions. Although the Gypsy faction is losing the battle, they still strike at Morbin from the shadows. This is a list of known casualties across all servers."

QJ glanced through the list, staring at the names. Unfortunately, several gypsies were absent from the other servers. "The names and circumstances of their deaths don't match perfectly."

Felix nodded in agreement. "There's no way it would, but the underlying pattern is spurred by data sharing. Anna, what are these MIA/KIA names?"

"Those are gypsies believed to be alive by their faction but are already dead." Anna explained further; "for instance, on Legends, Portia is believed to be imprisoned by Morbin. They've even gone as far as offering ransom for her safe return."

"But she's dead?" QJ noted that Portia was dead on all the servers except Orion. She died on the Phoenix server when Dax was taken.

Anna nodded. "With Morbin dead on Phoenix, the pattern he established on the other servers will be broken."

Felix swore under his breath. "Looks like I'm going to be busy. Could we touch base later, Anna?"

"Of course. I'll send you my personal hud link." Anna felt QJ grinning but refused to look at him.

"I want to free Dax from prison on the Phoenix server," QJ noticed Felix shaking his head. "I shouldn't free him?"

"Not if you want to stop the faction war," Felix replied.

QJ raised an eyebrow. "Morbin's dead on the Phoenix server."

"Of course, but his faction is still present. There are rumors that he may have an offspring or two hidden away." Felix obviously knew whether or not that was true but wasn't at liberty to say.

"Why does that matter?" QJ asked. "We've cut off their head; it's not likely they'll start a fight with the gypsies once they retreat."

"I know why," Anna stated before pushing forward five names from the Phoenix server.

[Portia: Presumed MIA, Status: KIA]

[Reggy: Presumed MIA, Status: KIA]

[Juanito: Presumed MIA, Status: KIA]

[Morgan: Presumed MIA, Status: KIA]

[Jesper: Presumed MIA, Status: KIA]

"Shit..." QJ immediately saw the problem. "Once Dax discovers these people are dead, he will go after the Morbin faction."

Felix nodded in agreement. "The gypsies were designed to be fiercely loyal."

QJ smiled suddenly. "Holy crap..."

"What?" Felix asked.

QJ shook his head. "Not sure I should share this with GnG's head of development."

Felix raised his hands. "Consider my developer hat temporarily set aside. I promise not to interfere in any scheme you may have."

QJ laughed suddenly. "Scheme? What makes you think I'm scheming something."

Anna was silent but rolled her eyes.

"My word is good," Felix stated.

"Fine..." QJ zoomed in on the comparison list. "Portia and Jesper are alive on the Orion server. Juanito and Reggie are alive on Legends and... Last but not least, Morgan is alive on Vesuvius."

"Damn..." Felix muttered. "Five more potential LAIs."

Anna frowned at the data. "What am I missing? There were single survivors on the servers before now. Why didn't they develop as LAIs?"

"With the addition of each new server, a layer of resources is added for the NPCs across the board," Felix replied. "Fusion, in the past, didn't have the necessary memory allocation to begin evolving. Unknowingly, we reached the tipping point with the resources that were included with the Phoenix server."

"None of this would have happened without adding a new server," QJ simplified the explanation. "That being said, I believe I can stop the faction war on Phoenix."

Anna's pretty face lit up. "You want to replace the five casualties from the Phoenix with their alternates from the other servers."

"It's possible," Felix admitted. "Once an NPC has no alternate existence on another server, they can be moved. I can't interfere, but I will say that freeing Portia from prison on the Orion server would not be easy."

[Later that evening, at the Songbird]

QJ sat with Ringo as Nightingale studied a schematic of Maelstrom's prison on the Orion server. The two officers from OP were able to add some insight since they had visited the prison on the Phoenix server.

"With our stealth ability and jetpacks, we should be able to grab the target. First, however, I want to know more about the lowest level." Nightingale glanced at QJ. "Bring Robin and me in."

[Welcome to Guns and Gore, The Phoenix Server]

Location: One Problem Guild Keep

Time: 1900 hours

Server Population 40,848 Your Current Level is 32.

[OP: QJ] Heyas.

[OP: Breeze] Aren't you banned from playing until after we do Doubler Canyon?

[OP: QJ] I'm not grinding xp.

[OP: Lotte] Hey, QJ!

[OP: Sato] Sup, QJ!

[System Message] Ringo has accepted your group request.

[Group: QJ] Scouting out Maelstrom prison again.

[Group: Ringo] I see you brought the big guns.

[Group: Nightingale] Hey, Ringo.

[Group: Robin] Hi!

[Group: QJ] Meet at the prison if you want to join us. I'll explain along the way.

QJ explained that five gypsies on the Phoenix server who were thought to be alive were already dead. However, the good news was that these particular gypsies could be found on the other servers.

[Group: Ringo] You want to round them up and swap them into the Phoenix server to avoid a faction war?

[Group: QJ] Our black market ring will be hampered by any kind of extended conflict.

[Group: Nightingale] Black market ring?

[Group: QJ] Yeah. We're currently doing a Gypsy faction quest. We could accomplish it by getting Dax released, but this will give us long-term stability.

Ringo was waiting near the prison entrance when she spotted QJ and two stealthed rogues.

****Author's Note*****

Group members in Exodus-compliant games can see each other even while stealthed.


Tucker was already off shift, but the night guard had no issues bringing two high-ranking royals to the lower levels. But, like his daytime counterpart, when QJ and Ringo entered the lower section, he slammed the door shut behind them.

[Group: QJ] I'm an eyelash away from leveling up, so I don't want to kill anything if possible.

[Group: Nightingale] That won't be necessary.

Nightingale dropped stealth and walked down the center of the corridor. A few prisoners peeked out of their cells, but one glance from the Songbird operatives sent them scurrying away.

[Group: Ringo] There's Dax. I'll talk to him.

Robin wrinkled her nose in disgust; the stench of decay and filth worsened as they advanced down the hall. "How many of these people will ever see daylight again?"

"Not many," QJ replied. "Tucker told me that prisoners will sometimes be dead for weeks before the guards find out about it."

The corridor ended with a vast open space filled from floor to ceiling with all manner of filth.

Nightingale ignored the stench, staring into the pile. "There's a passage under that, probably an unfinished hall."

Robin nodded in agreement. "We should remember that this is a new server; things may have changed quite a bit on the older ones."

[Group: Nightingale] Back up to the last cell, going to place some charges.

[Group: QJ] Don't bring this place down on our heads.

Nightingale's laugh echoed in the dark passageway. "How would I face your mothers if I did that?"

[Group: Ringo] Mothers? Does QJ have more than one?

[Group: Nightingale] Indeed, he has three.

[Group: Robin] They needed three to keep him out of trouble.

[Group: QJ] Untrue, I was a model child.

[Group: Nightingale] Glue, grease, tacks... You had to watch where you walked, sat, or stood.

[Group: Robin] Don't forget fly!!

[Group: Nightingale] Right. That one was pretty good...

It took a few minutes for Nightingale to set the charges, and after retreating to a distant cell, a muffled explosion sent filth flying in all directions.

A wide path, perhaps a few meters deep, instantly appeared. With progress made, Nightingale set more charges and repeated the process.

"Sweet Georgia," QJ scowled through the cloth he had pressed over his face. "Just when I thought the smell couldn't get worse."

Nightingale chuckled in agreement. "One more charge should do it."

True to her prediction, the path forward opened up after one more round.

"Didn't expect that..." QJ stared at the door. It was solid steel and locked with several heavily corroded padlocks. "Those locks are too far gone to pick."

Nightingale pulled a bottle from her pack and poured it liberally over each lock. Immediately the sound of sizzling filled the air, followed by the acrid smell of burning filth. The Songbird operative pulled out her lockpicks but, upon closer examination, opted to bash them instead. The corroded metal shattered like an ice cube.

Rusty hinges screeched in protest when Robin slammed her shoulder into the steel door. It moved several inches, enough for the orange-haired Songbird to squeeze through.

[Group: QJ] Leave Dax and come with us.

[Group: Ringo] On my way.

The door opened into a large cavern that branched into three separate passages. Each of these passages was blocked with steel portcullises.

QJ studied the barriers and the passages behind them. "This is Freeborn made. I didn't realize their territory extended this far."

[Group: QJ] The other servers' Freeborn has yet to be discovered. You could enter through the prison and then escape through the caverns.

[Group: Ringo] Remember, Dagmae was somewhat hostile when we first met him.

[Group: QJ] Let's head back; I'll contact Annabelle.

The trek back to the surface was uneventful. Robin and Nightingale discussed possible strategies for breaking prisoners out of the dungeon. In the meantime, QJ contacted Annabelle.

The small group paused on the Maelstrom portal while QJ made contact. Princess Lilianna's operative smiled when she saw QJ.

"QJ. This is a delightful surprise." Annabelle was dressed in black leather, and her face was covered by shadows.

"Are you breaking into something?" QJ hadn't spoken with her since receiving Cale from her care.

"Something like that," Annabelle admitted. "Time is short. How may I help you?"

"I need to speak with Tanu, the leader of the Freeborn," QJ replied.

"I'll have her come to Briar Rose in an hour; gotta go." Annabelle cut comm without speaking further.

The group made their way to Briar Rose; although it was already quite late, the dark elf craftsmen were still working. Aji met them when they came through the gate.

"Aji, this is Nightingale; you already know the others." QJ smiled at the blue-haired Songbird. "Lara, this is my majordomo, Aji Sai."

Aji bowed deeply. She wore leather armor, a belted six-gun holster, and carried a spear in one hand. "I've seen several improvements in the last few days, QJ."

QJ smiled warmly; she was the nicest dark elf he'd ever met. "Let me see."

Aji Sai

Level 38

NPC Class: Unknown

Strength 45

Endurance 33

Intelligence 38

Agility 45

Luck 5

Charisma 28


Tailor 100

Scholar 100

Spear 49

Revolver 26

"Very nice... stat increases, and you picked up the revolver skill." QJ tapped his chin while considering what she was missing. "We need to get you a CC skill. Anyways... A Freeborn named Tanu will be visiting shortly. I'll receive her in the gardens."

"I'll continue training until she arrives," Aji said, "then send her immediately."

As promised, Tanu arrived at Briar Rose a few minutes later. The pale woman had her white hair tied up in a ponytail, and her black eyes darted around in an effort to see everything. "Ringo and QJ!" The Freeborn woman greeted the duo responsible for introducing the Freeborn to the surface.

[Group: Ringo] How should we handle this, QJ?

[Group: QJ] No worries. Less is more in this instance.

QJ bowed respectfully. "I have a question that is going to seem odd. Unfortunately, I'm unable to disclose very much information. I hope that Ringo and I have earned some of your trust."

Tanu nodded. "You have. Please ask your question."

"If you and I were meeting beneath the surface for the first time, is there anything I could have said, done, or given you, to gain your trust without the princess present?"

Tanu nodded. "We give Frachmal amulets to our friends from other Freeborn tribes."

[Group: Ringo] There are other Freeborn tribes?

QJ smiled warmly. "Would you give me one?"

Tanu returned his smile. "Of course. I had thought to give one to each of you, but our paths haven't crossed since."

"Thank you, Tanu. I wouldn't want to fall into conflict with other Freeborn because of a misunderstanding." QJ accepted a small white stone with foreign letters etched into it.

"One more question, Tanu," Ringo spoke after considering their first meeting. "The ailment that the Freeborn was suffering from when we first met. The princess cured you with a standard purify."

Tanu nodded. "What caused the death of so many of my people is actually easily cured on the surface. Unfortunately, minerals close to our settlement have an adverse effect on our spirit. Now that we know the cause, those that remain below carry doses of [pure water]."

[Group: QJ] Available at the GnG market for a few credits.

"Thank you for your help, Tanu." QJ bowed respectfully. "Give my regards to Annabelle."

"Of course."

Aji escorted Tanu back to the entrance of Briar Rose while the group sat in the gardens discussing their options.

[Group: Nightingale] Robin, you gather the team. Everyone but Ren on this one. Orion server first; who's our target?

[Group: QJ] Portia and Jesper. We'll pick up as many [pure water] vials as possible.

An hour later, QJ and Ren sat at the bar in the Songbird while Robin briefed her team at a nearby table. The tavern was closed for the night, but the tap was still open.

Ringo accepted a beer when QJ slid it in front of her. "You're sister isn't participating?"

"She can't," QJ replied.

"Right... That's her TAP avatar." Ringo glanced at the Songbirds. "You really know them all?"

QJ nodded. "The ones on either side of Robin are Thrush and Wren."

"Wren is the blond?" Ringo asked.

"Yep, and Thrush has black hair. But, of course, you already know Lark, Nightingale, and Robin."

Ringo nodded in agreement. "We gave them the amulet and the [pure water]. What else are they waiting for?"

"Nothing," QJ answered. "You and I will secure Dax's release while the Songbirds do their thing."

[Group: Ringo] Then what?

[Group: QJ] We'll take the gypsies back to Ravenwood to talk to Yaya.

[Group: Ringo] I get to go to Ravenwood?

[Group: QJ] Yep, I'll arrange it with Leah.

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