
Mysterious Store


I heard the sound of my alarm clock and that make me woke up from my sleep.

"Akhh ...." I woke up while yawning.

The morning sun pierce my bedroom window and hit my eyes.

Today is Sunday and of course we are off today. I grab my geniusphone to see my facebok.

Geniusphone is a magic tool that copied human tools called Smartphones, yes indeed there are many human tools that we imitate with magic.

Yes maybe because that's our real talent, magic. We are cannot make some tools like humans did, because the differences structure of the world.

Ok, lets keep going.

I usely wake up in the morning and check my facebok, because it had become my habit to check facebok after waking up from sleep in the morning.

Well, There is 4 notifications?

I check the 4 notifications.


1.Kaenjiii just posts something (5 minutes ago) .

2.Writerz just dislike Kaenjiii post.

3.Mamat  just post something (3 minutes ago).

4.AnimeLoverz just share a



Well let's we check Kenji status.


Oh right, another anime fanboy post. How can I not know?

Then I read Mamat post.



Mamat : LOL, i just found a wallet yesterday.


Kenjiii : What so funny about that?

Mamat : So, i yelling "Hei did anybody just lost a wallet?"

Kenjiii : Then desu?

Mamat : Then someone showen up, and he said it was his wallet.

Kenjiii : So u give that to him desu?

Mamat : Yeah, i gave that.

Kenjiii : So desu?

Mamat : Its empty

Kenji : Lol desu

Mamat : Yeah cool right, i lied to him.

Kenji : Yah, what a great story

Mamat : Yeah i was pretty good at lying right?

Kenjiii : XD

Mamat : And i lied too to you

Kenjiii : What?

Mamat : Yah, i just boring, i dont know what to do

Kenjiii : Stupid

Writerz : Dont be mad he just like the other kid on facebok


After laughing at Mamat post, I read a post from the Animeloverz group.

Holly molly, 'The son of son of son of son of Naruto' anime finally release?

Wait, i see my Dad just commented this post.

He was in this group too?

What !?

Suddenly a rumbled sound heared.


My father's voice immediately make my room vibrated.

"Yeah, yeah!" answered me.

I quickly washed my face in the bathroom.

"Ha, what a wonderful sunday, what better should i do?" I whispered while staring at the mirror.


My phone is ringing.

I immediately check my phone. "A message from Kenji."

So now he want to hangout with me?

I reply back. "Where are you going?"

Shortly afterwards, Kenji replied. "Yesterday i shopping with my Mom, and I saw a really interesting shop. So I want to go there, you want come?"

Let me guess, he just saw a new anime action figure in the store and he want it now.

I answered, "Oh, okay, however I have free time. Just come to my home, im going to have breakfast first."

"Oh okay," Kenji answered via chat.

Quickly after I washed my face, I walk straight to the dining room.

"Mom, what are you cooking this morning?" I asked curiously.

My mother smiled a bit. "Here, i cooked your favorite food spaghetti."

"Ow, where do you learn cook spaghett? I eat it now!" i answer cheerfully.

I immediately eat the spaghet.

Huh? Something weird in my mouth, the spaghetti is so sticky.

My mouth feels very sticky, even to chew is very difficult.

"How is it Fritz, is it delicious or so delicious?" asked my Mother with her sweet smile, which forced me to say 'yes'.

I answer with this sticky mouth. "Yeah ma'am, it's delicious, just a little sticky."

"Huh? I tought it has baked in the oven," answered Mother with a little confused.

Spaghetti its baked?

I See my father is holding his laughter while eatinga a junk food.

"Mother i go, my friend is waiting me in outside."

"Finish your breakfast first," my Mother said while I stepped away.

"Oh, just give it to Daddy."


My father spout food from his mouth.

"Bye sucker Dad, bye shitty Mom"

"Don't be late at home," said my Mother while cleaning the food at the table.

"Yah, Mom."

Hei its Kenji, i can see his shadow from the window.

I open the door.

Kenji smiling at me.

"Lets go desu," said Kenji.

"Yeah sure," I replied.

I start stepping my feet to follow Kenji.

Why we are not fly?

You know flying is pretty boring.

"So where we are going Kenjiii?"

"Oh, we are going to Writerz house."

"What do you want to do with Writerz?" ask myself.

"I want to invite him too desu."

"Really, why you thing he want to?"

"Sure he would, because he oftenly always at home every day desu"

"Whatever," I replied just like dont care.

After a couple minutes, we arrived at the Writerz house.

"Writerz!" shoted us.

"Writerz! Your friend is calling you ... darling ...," the voice is come from inside house.

Wait, darling?

"Yes Mom, I open the door!" We instantly recognize Writerz by the voice.

The door to is opened, and someone that opened it surely Writerz.

"Owh ... Ifritz its you, what do you want?" asked Writerz with his sleepy face.

"Ha! We want to invite you to a walk," Kenji answered with enthusiasm.

"Oooo ..." the Writerz answered while yawning.

Me and Kenji look at each other.

"Okay, sounds fun walk, i never have walk before, really i never walk before in my life, beside i'm not busy now."

When did he ever busy?

"Oh oke lets go!" said me.

We started walking to the place, the place that we call MegaUltraMALL.

After few moment later we arrived at the mall.

When walking, our eyes is looking at the store that sells a lot of magictronic items except Writerz, his  eyes just straight forward and empty.

"Hei Writerz look, there's the latest Naruto action figure desu--"

"Lame!" Suddenly there was a boy who interrupted Kenji.

Our eyes immediately turned to the boy who mocked Kenji.

"Hah, there are also a lame kids in this Mall," mock the boy.

After seeing the boy face i just knew who he was, he was a student from the same school like us, but he was on the 7A class. The boy who the highest rank in the school, the boy who won 6 time succesly to the highest rank in the school. His name is Mario.

Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, if i, Writerz, and Kenji were from 7B class.

"Hah, you guys from 7B class, right? Not surprising Mamat can got the first Rank," Mario sneered.

Slowly the Writerz pull out Kenji.

"Huh? So this is a nerd kid who got hihghest rank because of his hobby to reading books?" Writerz just replied his mocking.

"Huh?" Mario was surprised to hear the answer from the Writerz.

Suddenly many boys gathered around us, because looks like the voice of Writerz is preety loud to can be hear by those boys.

"How dare you? Whats is your rank so you can talk to me like that? You don't know who I'm? Im the golden student"

"...," Kenji and me.

"Hahaahahahahhahahahahahahaha." The Writerz laughed, even he fall to the floor cause laughed.

We have never seen a Writerz laugh like this.

Kenji and I turned to each other and wonder.

"Excuse me, what you said?" asked Writerz.

"I said! I was a golden stu--"

"Hahahahahahhaha." Writerz laughs again.

Mario looks annoyed to hear the Writerz laugh.

"Enough ...!" shouted Mario with his face reddened.

Writerz slowly stop laugh.

The Writerz get up slowly, then approache Mario slowly and say, "Hey dude, Rank is just a number you know."

"Damn ...!" i and Kenji just get shocked.

Sure Writerz is not a student who wins first place in a school, but he is very superior in everything  he likes, he such smart person, i dont know what happen if two of them get to conflict.

"Hah? Hey did you know who i am?"

"Yeah, you just an arogant cockroanch that read a book."

"Im not done yet! I was the smarts people in the school, i knew everything about subject school and i, i the highest rank in the school. And then what you got?"

"No-no, the question is what you can do?"

"What? I--i i can finish the exam with the best result."

"No i mean, what you can do in real life?"

"What!? Of course i can do anything i want to."

"Like what?"

"Like--like, you know ... however, when i graduate from school, i can take any job i want and rich."

"Is that your point of life?"

"Of course!"

"Oh okay-okay, now tell me." Writerz come closely to Mario."Did your highest exam can hold my kick to your ass?"

"What!? U want fight me?"

"No i want kick you."

"What a stupid boy thats just only can use a violance?"

"No, its strategy."

Mario looks confuse, and the crowd of children immediately look at Mario.

Mario's mouth trembled and he answered haltingly, " I-im t-the one t-hat goi-ing to kic-ck y-you."

"Hahahahahhaha." The crowd is laughing.

Yeah, LOL

Mario face is looks kinda cute.

"Well, its pretty clear righf? Your intiligent just like a book. If i be your mom, i rather to buy a robot then make a child like you," mocked Writerz.

"..." Mario.

"Hahahahahahha." The crowed is laughing, again and again.

Mario fle while holding his shame, i can see his cheeks is getting red.

"Yah, now let's keep going," said the Writerz casually.

"Oh ... yeah sure," we both replied.

The three of us start walking, but I cant stop thinking about the incident.

"Eh Writerz, isn't that too sadistic?" ask myself.

"Yes, Writerz, what if he be back to avange us desu?" continued Kenji.

"Huh? You want him to look down you on your entire life on that goblog boy?" answer the Writerz.

In our world, goblog mean stupidness.

"But Writerz--"

"Whatever," said Writerz cutted my word.

"Eh, are we going upstairs or not?" persuade me.

Without an respond of us, Writer just come in to the Magic-Lift.

Well, i and Kenji just folowing him.

We are in now, and then i press the button.

A while later.


M-Lift start take us up floor by floor.

And after a moment later.


The M-elevator door opens.

Soon three of us left the M-Lift.


My geniusphone rang.

There is one notification, Jordan has just posted the status.


Jordan : Hei guys Mario just get rid by Writerz?


Ronald : Oh... that sad XD

Marhum : Yeah he just like "Ma-ma-mario..."

Clemen : Oh that arogant boy?

Mario : Hei!!! Erase this post or u will pay it


It seems like Jordan was in the crowd.

"What it is Fritz desu?" Kenji asked.

"Jordan just posted something about what just happened before."

Kenji looks surprising but Writerz just sighs.


My geniusphone rang for a second time.

There's more notification


1. Jordan just deleted the post.

2.Marhum has just posted something.


Well lets check Marhum post.


Marhum : Hei, I still got the screnshot o(╥﹏╥)o 



Jordan : Hei guys did u know Mario just get rid by Writerz?


Ronald : Oh... that sad XD

Marhum : Yeah he just like "Ma-ma-mario..."

Clemen : Oh that arogant boy?

Mario : Hei!!! Erase this post or u will pay it



Jordan : Not me XD

Clemen : Thats dope

Mario : NGAAH!!!!


"Iftitz, how about we go there desu?" Kenji asked.

We walk around at MegaUltraMall for a long time.

We riding Magic-Horses, playing Magic-GoCar, looking for the latest geniusphone, bought a film 'GNOM Will Drag U To Hell', playing Anime War cards.

And then Writerz ask us to go to some place.

"Lets just go there." Writerz point his finger to the shop, which pretty weird and mysterious.

We nodded and began to slowly step our foot into the shop.

The shape of the store building

strange and looks very dark, very minimal lighting.

Suddenly a strange gloomy feeling come to our bodies, just after we put our foot in the shop.

"Welcome." Someone greeted us from the shadows of the cashier's desk.

Without thinking, I immediately asked the cashier, what he was selling here, because the items were very strange to us.

"Oh, this is a Supernatural Shop, a shop that sells a Supernatural items."

"Supernatural?" ask me.

"Yes, the items we sell can make someone connected with humans."

After hear that all of us get suprised.

"Is it true?" at the same time we asked, yes including the Writerz suprised too.

Suddenly the cashier who was in the darkness came out and then appeare a body and head that resembled to human skeleton.

Then he answered. "Of course, not."

"....." Me, Kenji, and once again including the Writerz were silent confused.

"Of course i sell it."

The gloomy suddenly turned into a confusing.

In the this confusing I asked once again about the mystical thing.

And suddenly the skeleton ...

"Who are you calling skeleton?"

The three of us were confused, with who the cashier spoke?

"One more time you call me a skeleton i going to ..." Skeleton sighs.

"Ehem." Skeleton just cough.

"Well, before something bad happen, let me introduce myself," said the Skeleton.

The Skeleyon begins to introduce himself.

"..." Skeleton was silent for some reason.

"..." Alright, the person who looks like the Skeleton that looks like a Skeleton but doesn't want to be called a skeleton, seems to want to say something. I hope.

"My name is Jerry."

And as soon as Jerry introduces himself-

"That's Jerry's right! Jerry! ma name," Jerry said.

And as soon as he introduced himself, Ifritz, Kenji, and Writerz began to introduce themselves.

"Oh, so you guys are Ifritz, Kenji, and Writerz huh?"

The three of us were confused, how could he know our name, even though we hadn't introduced ourselves.

"Okay, do you want to buy something?" Jerry asked.

The Writerz quickly asked. "What do you have?"

"If you want to see or ask something, you better ask my assistant Jester."

"Jester!" Jerry shouted.

After the shout disappeared, a child appeared behind the shadows of the door, which on the door there is some sign that written assistant.

"Hi hi hi, did they are our customers?" said someone who behind the shadows.

"Hei, if you want introduce yourself, you should also show yourself," I said.

"He's right Jester, you have to show yourself if you want to introduce yourself, come out of the shadows, so they can see you," said Jerry.

"Hi hi hi, alright I'll come out."

Jester came out of the shadow,

the figure we saw from Jester was pretty shock us, he was like a clown but he did not have a clown nose, he did not have frizzy hair but instead war a long hat, a make-up smile like a clown, very fit with his smile 'JESTER'.

"Hi hi hi, I know what did people like you want," Jester said.

The Writerz looks suspicious of Jester.

Then just show a little box from his left hand, and he open the box.

Then what inside the box is a shining ring.

"This, ring portal, this ring can use a magic that can summon portals. Portal that can connect to the human world."

"Really? Then where did you get this thing, then who are you guys?" ask Writerz.

"Where? Who are we?" Jerry said.

"From where, these items are a legacy our ancient tribe that can connect this world with the human world," replied Jerry.

"If who are we? We are Boodoo, an ancient tribe that can connected with humans,"

Jerry continued.

"Well back to business, you can get it for free, but ..."

"What do you mean about 'but ...', even though you said it was free," asked Writerz.

"It's a business boy, besides my 'but' is not a difficult thing," Jerry answered.

"So what are is it?" ask myself.

"You have to be Jester friend."

"Huh? That's it?" ask myself.

"Of course, unless you want some extra thing."

Writerz became more suspicious, seen from the expression on his face.

"So you want it or you want leave it?" Jerry said.

The ree of us turned to each other for the first time.

And we answered in unison.

"Yes, we agree."

"Well then, Jester gave them the ring," Jerry ordered on the Jester.

"Hi hi hi, here's the ring." Jester gave me his portal ring.

The ring glowed with gold when I wore it on my middle finger.

Jerry immediately explained how the ring worked. "Well, this is how things work, look for the place of humans you want to go to, then use the ring to open the portals, so if you enter that portal, you will automatically move to the human dimension."

"Understand? If not, reread the dialogue above," Jerry said.

"Dialog?" Three of us more get confused.

"Okay , so we have to be friend with Jester, right?" Kenji said, who had not been in dialogue for a long time.

"Sounds simple but ..."

"You understand right? When I said friend?" Jerry continued.

"It is not friend just like human thing friend it is. Only people they have ever known," Jerry said.

"Yes, I understand." Writerz answers confidently.

"Okay then, now you can go to home, kids like you should be home now,"

"Okay," I said.

"C'mon Writerz, Kenji," said me.

And then three of us step away from the store.

But, when are getting close to leave the store Jester says something.

"Now we are friend hi ... hi ... hi, remember we are friend, friend, relationships that are tied to the end of the universe, ha ha ha!"

The Writerz stop his step and waved his hand up.

Soon after, we left the mystical shop and left MegaUltraMALL.

In the middle of the trip I rambled by myself.

"Is it true that ring can connected into the human dimension?"

"Let's try tomorow after school," said Writerz.

"Yes, we've separated here," I said.

"Oh yeah, your house isn't in the same direction anymore, bye desu." Kenji wave his hand.

"Bye, Writerz, Kenji."

"Yes," answered Writerz.

After a few minutes, I arrived at home.

"Dadd-" I almost said Daddy.

"Mom! I'm home" shouted I.

I entered and went straight into the room.

I looked at the ring and suddenly a flash of gold appeared and disappeared at a glance.

"Fritz, come here! You should eat something" my Mother shouted from the kitchen.

But i just ignored it because I'm still staring at the ring.

A few minutes later I came out of the room and went to the dining room.

When I was at the dinner table I ate the food that my mother cooked.

My Father seems to want to talk to me.

"IFRIIIIIITZZ Huk huk huk ..." My father suddenly choked on food.

"Daddy don't talk when you eating," said my Mother.

My father drinks immediately.

"Mom, Dad, I've finished, I want to work my homework."

"Yah and sleep as well if you done your homework." my Mother said.

I went straight to the room and after I finish my homework, I immediately lay on the bed.

There is a button behind this ring, this is definitely the button to open the portal.

From this window I can still see the human world with magic eye.

I want to try this ring, but if I do it, it's like betraying my friends.

My sense of curiosity overcame my control. I have pressed the button and the ring is launched a laser and ....


The portal appeared magicly front of me.

There is boy on the portal who glared at me, his gaze was terrible.

The boy slowly approached the portal and turned to crawl and ran to the portal.

I tried to close the portal but I don't know how.

I tried everything but the button was only one.

My eyes are focused on the ring and I think hard, the button is only one meaning, the button has 2 functions, closing and opening.

I immediately pressed the button.


Portal closed

I looked around. There were no signs of that boy.

"Hah, almost." My body is trembling and tired.

I immediately lay on the bed and covered my body with a blanket.

"Almost almost ... Zzz.


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