

"So, what did you want?" Alex asked the three goddesses seriously, despite his still towering erection.

For a moment none of them answered, their gazes focused on the large object between his legs, until Athena coughed awkwardly and muttered wth red cheeks,

"C-can't you put t-that thing away?" Alex cocked a brow at how flustered the usually hot headed goddess was, before the edge of his lips curled upwards in amusement.

"Put what away? I'm afraid you'll have to be a little more specific." He replied with a teasing tone, making Athena's previous discomfort vanish as she became angry again, her cheeks becoming even redder. Before she could say anything though, Hestia quickly piped up,

"I thinks she means your penis." Alex glanced at Hestia before muttering,

"You're no fun..." Rather than cover himself though, Alex merely leaned back in the chair as he asked,

"What's to be embarrassed about though? It's not as if you three aren't going to become 'very' familiar with it soon anyways." This earned him another series of blushes as the three goddesses then tried to avoid eye contact with him, making Alex's smirk widen.

Of course this was far from their first time seeing a man naked, as people had been VERY open in Ancient Greece, but the fact that, as Alex already pointed out, they were all now considered his wives and were obligated to eventually sleep with him made them a lot more conscious than usual. Even Hestia, who had joined his harem voluntarily, had red cheeks as she looked away.

Seeing as Alex was intent on making them uncomfortable though, Artemis then tried to forcibly change the subject by stating with as much composure as she could muster,

"We were wondering about any responsibilities or work that would be asked of us here." Though Alex was tempted to make a remark about their 'responsibility' in bed, he held himself back as he seriously thought on their situations. He then glanced at Hestia as if silently asking her what she thought, to which the goddess stated,

"As long as I am able to watch over my hearth, then feel free to use me however you like." Alex smiled wryly as he began mentally making plans to move her hearth to the Misty Manor, and replied,

"All I'd ask of you is to watch over and protect my home and family, while we may occasionally ask your opinion on any architectural projects we may be working on." As the goddess with divinities of home and architecture, along with her hearth and fire divinities, Hestia flashed Alex a warm smile at the thought of being able to give her impute regarding future projects Asora worked on, which would also allow her to see different styles of architecture.

Alex then turned his attention to Artemis and scrutinized her for a moment, making her fidget under his gaze slightly before he asked her,

"One of your divinities is related to midwifery, right?" As Artemis nodded her head slowly Alex then followed up by asking, "And the huntresses that follow you will also be moving to Asora, right?" Though she hesitated to answer for a second, Artemis reluctantly said,

"They were spread out all around the world, so many are still traveling to get here after receiving my message. They'll be here within the next several days though." Though he was tempted to ask how many huntresses followed her, Alex decided to wait and see for himself as he instead stated,

"Very well then, firstly whenever able I want you to assist the hospital in Asora with safely delivering newborns. While we can heal any damage or deal with any complications, I would prefer it if we had a specialist on hand to help prevent them in first place." When she heard this Artemis nodded in agreement as one of her greatest priorities had always the well being of women, and she was skilled enough at delivering children that she had even delivered her own twin brother Apollon only moments after she had been born herself.

However, that was just the tip of a very large iceberg as Alex conjured a holographic map of Asora, showing just enough of it that they could see the Academy, New Raisen, Yukiguni, and the Capitol.

"This is the other thing I want from you and your huntresses." Alex continued, before the three goddesses watched as the holographic map began to slowly zoom out. And out. And out. And even further out still.

Slowly their eyes began to widen as they beheld just how large Asora was as Alex continuously zoomed the map out until you could no longer even see any sign of and of the cities, only seemingly endless expanses of ocean, and different types of wilderness. Even as they watched the map in amazement Alex stated,

"The last time I asked, Barakiel of the Grigori told me that their instruments stated that Asora had roughly the same surface area as the planet Jupiter, and it's only grown larger since." With the three now looking at him in alarm, Alex continued without looking away from the map,

"Each time I grow stronger Asora grows in size, wether there's a limit to how large it can grow or not, I couldn't tell you. But I can say with certainty that so far we've only explored a VERY small percentage of it, and categorized only a few of the unique creatures that also call it home." With each word Alex spoke and the longer she watched the map zoom out, Artemis' heart began to beat harder and harder in excitement, and anticipation.

This only increased as the map briefly zoomed back in to focus on a massive bear-like creature with cinnamon colored fur, and a long barbed tail. And as the bear came upon another woodland creature it quickly flicked its tail to send a series of large barbs flying at the other creature, impaling it to the tree behind it with no way to escape as the bear slowly approached its next meal.

While she was most well known for being the goddess of the hunt, maidens, and chastity, Artemis also represented the wilderness itself, and all who called the wilds their home. While she and her followers were in fact hunters, they had also dedicated the last several thousand years towards protecting the wilds, and its inhabitants.

With such an impossible amount of land to cover, and a variety of strange new creatures like she had never seen before, how could she not become increasingly excited as it became obvious what Alex was going to request of her. He then confirmed her hopes by stating,

"When they get here, I want you and your huntresses to explore, map, and catalogue as much of Asora as possible, as well as each of the creatures you find on your travels." The words were barely out of Alex's mouth when Artemis seized his hands and practically shouted,

"Yes! YES! A thousand times YES!" Overcome with the prospect of being able to not only hunt new creatures for the first time in centuries, but to also be the first to explore an expanse of wilderness spanning over hundreds of thousands of miles, Artemis hadn't realized she was currently gripping the hand of a man that was still naked with a towering erection.

When she did though, Artemis turned completely red as she quickly let go of Alex's hand and flusteredly tried to back away from him. Alex smirked in amusement at Artemis' reaction, while Athena cocked a brow at her sister questioningly due to her behavior.

Putting aside Artemis' cute reaction, Alex then glanced at Athena as he seriously considered what role would be best for her. Though they went there Freya and Brigid were fairly obvious, as the former would most likely want to be involved with the Valkyries, and the latter would would obviously want to build her own forge to try out any new materials and techniques available.

Athena was the only one he had concerns about due to her attitude, but then again she was also extremely wise and smart when it came to advising others. If Alex had to think of a comparison, she was like the person who gave all of their friends excellent dating and relationship advice, but was the only one out of the group that was unable to get a date or hold a relationship themselves.

Thinking about it, there was only one place Alex could think of that would fit what Athena had to offer everyone else, so he decided to give her the benefit of the doubt when he said,

"As for Athena, I think I'll talk to Sona about giving her a position at the Academy." Athena's jaw dropped when she heard that, as she and the other two goddesses gaped at Alex in surprise, especially after what he said about Athena earlier.

Alex then launched into an explanation of what it was he wanted Athena to possibly teach at the Academy, which surprised her even more.

Sona's original goal in building a school was to create one where even middle and low class Devils could attend to learn about the Rating Games, compared to the schools that already existed and only accepted high class Devils. Though the current realization was different from her original dream, Sona still wanted to encourage her students to grow as strong as possible while also teaching them about the games.

Supporting her in this endeavor, both Alex and Sairaorg assisted Sona in establishing a peerage system to use both in the Academy, and outside of it. Unlike a normal peerage though, which was based on a master and servant system, this peerage system would operate more like a captain in charge of a squadron.

The process they had decided on was that any student, regardless of status or wealth, would be able to become the captain('King') of a peerage as long as they were able to qualify by passing both an academic and a combat test. As for the members of their peerage, it would be entirely up to the 'King' who joined them as long as they both signed a contract protecting the peerage member from abuse and mistreatment at the hand of their 'King'.

Another difference was that this peerage system wouldn't involve reincarnating those that used it into Devils, instead merely granting them the boosts that came with their respective pieces, just like during the Azazel Cup. Hopefully with the creation of both a junior and senior division of the Rating Games being planned now that they were connected to more worlds, more and more people in Asora would seek to grow stronger.

As for Athena's position, as the goddess of wisdom and strategy Alex thought there was none more suited for teaching potential 'Kings' about the knowledge and tactics they would need to know to better command and lead their peerage. This was an opportunity that she found increasingly hard to pass up the longer she thought about it.

"Very well...." She said after Alex finished explaining their plans for the peerages, and what he expected from her in particular, before concluding while trying not to sound too eager, "I will consider your offer."

Her response was met with a series of wry smiles from Alex, Hestia, and even Artemis at how difficult Athena was trying to be, making the goddess harrumph at them when she noticed the looks she was getting. Athena then turned to leave with Artemis on her heels, when Alex suddenly said,

"Could you stay for a moment Artemis? There's something I wanted to talk to you about in private." The moon goddess paused slightly when she heard that, conflicted on wether or not she should stay or leave, when the door slammed closed as both Hestia and Athena left her behind with Alex.

Swearing to get revenge on the two later, she turned around to face Alex, who was of course still naked, and asked,

"What is it?" Alex, who was still acting completely serious, conjured another chair for her to sit in across from him, and asked after she sat down in it.

"What do you actually know about your chastity divinity?" Artemis blanched at his question before a healthy shade of red colored her cheeks as she demanded,

"And what exactly is it you want to know about that?!" Instead of directly answering her question, Alex projected the image of a beautiful purple haired woman dressed in a maid outfit with metallic shackles on her wrists. He then explained,

"This is Virgo, the Maiden, one of the spirits that my wife and 'Pawn', Lucy, has contracted with to summon. Similarly to you she represents virginity amongst the twelve zodiac spirits she is aligned with, though she technically isn't a virgin." As he continued, Alex explained to Artemis how he had actually slept with Virgo before, and experienced the effects of her status as 'The Maiden' himself.

From what he experienced Virgo was in fact able to have sex despite being the Maiden, however, every time Alex had pulled his penis completely out of Virgo's vagina and tried to reinsert it, her chastity would be intact once again. This meant she had to lose her virginity every single time she had sex, which Alex suspected was the source of her masochism since he didn't doubt the number of masters she probably had to 'serve' over the years.

Artemis of course displayed a variety of reactions as Alex explained his sexual past with Virgo, even telling her the different plays they had done together to experiment, until she finally snapped,

"And what exactly is the point in telling me all this?" Alex stared at her pointedly before saying in exasperation,

"And so, what if you are the same way? What if every time we consummate our relationship you have to experience the pain of losing your virginity all over again, until you start to begin turning into a masochistic pervert like Virgo?" When she heard that Artemis paled as she briefly imagined herself turning into a filthy pervert who got off on experiencing pain, prompting her to immediately demand,

"Then what are we going to do?!"

While normally she would be glad to avoid having to give up her virtue, Artemis was supposed to one of Alex's wives. Even if they hadn't been officially wed yet their union couldn't truly be 'official' until she and Alex slept together, meaning that she'd have to choose between failing the 'duty' assigned to her, or becoming a pervert.

Seeing her begin to fret, Alex made a placating gesture as he hurriedly said,

"There's no need to freak out, I've already begun working on a solution for Virgo. That's why I was asking about the specifics regarding your divinity of chastity, so that I can see if the same solution can be used on you." Though Artemis looked noticeably relieved at Alex's words, Alex himself was still skeptical despite appearing reassuring on the outside.

Artemis and Virgo were beings on completely different tiers with one being a spirit, and the other being a literal goddess. As such, there was unfortunately a very large chance that the method Alex had been working on for Virgo wouldn't work for Artemis. She also seemed to notice this based off of what Alex said, and asked,

"Can you tell if the method your working will work for me or not? Though many have tried over the millennia, none have been able to steal my virtue so I couldn't tell you the specifics." Nodding his head slowly in contemplation, Artemis felt as if she suddenly got whiplash as he then requested,

"Ok then, please strip and spread your legs for me."

"W-w-w-w-w-WAIT A MOMENT!" She declared with a crimson red face, though wether it was from anger or embarrassment Alex couldn't tell, before demanding,

"Why do I have to strip and spread myself open for you!?!" Alex however just dead panned at her as he then countered,

"Well how else am I supposed to determine if my method would on you without examining that place first? Don't worry, I won't push you to go all the way with me, yet." Though only a little, Artemis felt somewhat relieved when Alex said he wouldn't push her into sex just yet, but she still hesitated at exposing her body before a man for the first time.

The only time a man had seen her naked was when someone would accidentally catch her bathing in a river or stream, and every single time Artemis found out and killed them. Now however she was forcing herself to strip in front of a man for the very first time, her shaky hands slowly moving up towards the straps at her shoulders holding her gown in place as she stood up.

With a flick of her fingers she undid the straps of her gown before she could stop herself, allowing the entire thing to slip downwards and pool around her feet as it completely exposed her body due to her lack of undergarments. For a nearly a full minute after dropping her gown Artemis kept her eyes completely closed as she awaited any remarks from Alex, but instead there was only silence.

Opening her eyes slightly, Artemis found Alex staring at her body with scrutiny, but also a level of appreciation that she would have expected from a man. From her neck down Alex admired Artemis' bare breasts that he estimated were about a lower B-cup, which he figured was right between Athena's smaller bust and Hestia's massive marshmallows, as well as her dark red nipples that began to harden under his gaze.

His eyes then made their way down Artemis' abdomen, across her navel, and down to her completely hairless and smooth mound. Though he briefly wondered if gods and goddesses even had pubic hair, as Nyx was the same way, Alex quickly pushed that thought out of his mind as he focused on the goddess before him, the only words escaping his lips being,

"How beautiful." If she wasn't already as red as a tomato, Artemis would have gone even redder when she heard that as she was only used to men looking at her with unhidden desire and lust. Instead she was only met with Alex's firm and respecting gaze, which made him seem more like he was examining a work of art than the naked body of a goddess, though he considered them one and the same.

For another couple of minute neither of them move or said anything, Alex from admiring her body, and Artemis from nerves, until the former asked with a wry smile,

"So am I going to examine you, or should I just admire you for a while longer?" Jumping at the sound of his voice, Artemis quickly sat back down on the chair he had conjured for her earlier, her legs tightly pressed together as if to protect what lay between them. As that was counterintuitive to their purpose though, after taking a moment to catch her breath, the goddess then forced herself to spread her legs open, slightly opening her exposed lower lips as well.

Again Alex took a moment to admire the sight that greeted him, before he stood up to make his way to Artemis. The moment he did so though Artemis' expression blanked as, due to her own nerves, she had completely forgotten that Alex was already naked as well, his penis still towering as if preparing to angrily tear her open.

As panic began to settle into her heart, Artemis was again surprised as Alex lowered himself until he was face level with her open crotch, filling her with a very brief sense of relief until she saw his face slowly approach her most precious spot. Alex however, seemingly unaware of the alarm that Artemis experience a second prior, unhesitatingly moved his face closer to Artemis' secret garden, before he gently pressed his lips against her lower ones.

"!" Artemis' entire body jerked in surprise at the sudden contact, and even more so when Alex's tongue pressed against the end of her slit, right above her taint, and began to slowly work its way up.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" She roared while also trying to fight sensations that surged through at the contact with Alex's tongue, wondering what part of this was supposed to be an 'examination'. Alex however seemed unperturbed at her reaction, and stated plainly after taking his tongue away from her,

"I'll have to stick my finger inside of you to properly 'examine' you, so to do that you need to get wet first otherwise it'll be really uncomfortable." Though she wanted to say that Alex was full of bullshit, Artemis had no way of knowing if that was the case or not. As such, she could only grit her teeth as Alex began going to town on her lower half once again, sending several waves of pleasure thorough her body as he did so.

For nearly a minute there was only the sounds of Alex's tongue working on her, as he eagerly licked and slurped up every drop of fluid coming from her, going for quite bit longer than he probably needed to. Soon however, without her even seeming to realize it, sounds of pleasure began to escape from Artemis' mouth as she slowly but surely fell to the expertise of Alex's tongue work.

Soon she even had her legs draped over Alex's shoulders as his tongue worked her, while one of her hands began to run through his hair while also trying to push him further into her crotch. Of course, Alex wasn't prolonging things just out of enjoyment, as something caught his attention as he ran his tongue over every single inch of her increasingly hot and wet mound.

Once Alex began to probe his tongue even deeper within Artemis' vagina, he felt a curious sensation tingling up it, like a really weak shock, that grew stronger the deeper he buried his tongue within her. Though he was tempted to dragonfy his tongue to plunge it even deeper within, Alex decided against it as he instead pulled his face away from the divine pussy he had just been enjoying.

"What's wrong?" Artemis asked when the sensation of Alex's tongue on her disappeared, only for her question to be answered as he held up a single finger.

Having already become accustomed to the pleasure Alex had been bringing her, Artemis didn't even argue it as his finger slowly approached her entrance, secretly eager to see if he was as skilled with it as he was his tongue. She hadn't gotten the chance to see though, as once Alex's finger entered her folds, and approached her hymen he suddenly jerked back as the same sensation his tongue felt sot up his arm, sending a wave of intense pain up it before numbing the entire thing.

Feeling him jerk his hand away, Artemis became more alert as she looked at him, and asked,

"What happened?" Alex however only smiled wryly as his body began to heal the slight damage caused to his arm, and replied,

"I found out the method that I've been working on for Virgo won't work on you, that's what." Standing up and shaking his arm to get some feeling back into it, he then continued,

"Even though you've accepted me, at least for the moment, your divine powers themselves are working to protect your chastity, meaning you can't give it up even if you wanted to." Artemis' mind blanked when she heard that, before she asked,

"So what does that mean?" Alex was silent for a moment as he thought on the sensations he experienced, before slowly saying,

"That means, that if any of those men had succeeded in subduing you to steal your virginity, the moment they actually put it in they probably would've died from the backlash." Artemis' eyes widened at the information, before her lips formed a smug smirk as she recalled all of the attempts to r@pe her over the years, some of which had even been orchestrated by other goddesses like Hera, and Athena.

But then her smugness faded as she asked,

"What are we supposed to do then?" One of the things she and Athena had been told to do is bear Alex's children, so this meant that it was impossible for her. This time however Alex appeared slightly smug as he replied,

"It'll take a while, but I can probably use my Spirit magic to work on a way to circumvent your divinity, in the meantime however there is an alternative we can use." Alex then whispered in Artemis' ear about this 'alternative', which made her blush deeply even as she turned around, and bent over with her butt pointed at him.


Though quite a bit of time had passed since they were left alone, when Artemis opened the door to the room she and Alex were in, she found both Hestia and Athena still in the hallway outside. They hadn't stayed behind to wait up for her, but apparently Alex had used a certain spell to speed up the flow of time within the room so that next to no time outside had passed.

While the incongruity caught Artemis by surprise, even though Alex already told her about it, both Athena and Hestia looked back at her as the former remarked,

"That didn't take long." Though there was nothing suggestive in the way she said, Artemis turned completely red as she recalled the things she and Alex did together. They may not have gone all the way, but they still did enough for her to be embarrassed.

With her butthole clenching around the toy Alex left in it, Artemis quickly fled from her sister and aunt to rejoin the party, leaving Athena to narrow her eyes at Alex as he too emerged from room, now dressed in his earlier shorts.

"What did you do to her?" Athena demanded, rightfully assuming that Alex did something to make Artemis act in such a way. Instead of telling her though, Alex merely said as he glanced out a nearby window,

"We were just admiring the full moon together." Though his words and gaze made Athena's think he was simply referring to the real moon, Alex instead recalled the other 'moon' he had recently been admiring, as he had Artemis bend over and spread her ass for him to play with.

Thankfully though Alex hadn't had to worry about accidentally turning into an Oozaru ever since he mastered the SSJ4 form, meaning that he would gaze at the full moon and be around Artemis all he wanted without worry. His children however were different story, but he'll have to talk to Artemis about that later.

Instead, Alex merely made his way past Athena and Hestia as he too went to rejoin the party, leaving the two goddesses standing there as the former glared in his direction. Though she hadn't detected any falsehoods in Alex's story of 'admiring the full moon', Athena was still suspicious of what Alex had been doing with Artemis until the sound of Hestia sighing caught her attention.

"What?" Athena demanded, making Hestia shake her head in exasperation as she said,

"You know, if you keep acting like this the only one that'll be unhappy is you. Instead of trying to find fault in everything he says and does, try to find the positives and support him. Remember, it was Zeus that gave you to Alex, he himself didn't do anything to wrong you." Though Athena wanted to bring up the way Alex humiliated Olympus in their battle, she held her tongue since she knew it would be counterintuitive.

Of course she understood as well how 'difficult' she was being, however since Alex was the one reaping all of the 'benefits' of the current arrangement, she had no problem making her frustrations known to him. What Athena didn't know though was that Alex already had an idea of how to get her under 'control', one involving several days of just nonstop fucking after her thousands of years of abstinence.

Unaware of the plans Alex had for her, and not wanting to admit the truth in Hestia's advice, Athena simply harrumphed as she too returned to the party despite Hestia slowly shaking her head. Meanwhile Alex was busy getting himself a drink after returning to the party, where he saw people were still enjoying themselves greatly with the different forms of food, drink, and entertainment they had provided.

"I can't begin to tell you how impressed I am, and proud." A voice suddenly said next to him, calling Alex's attention to Azazel as the former Governor General approached him. Azazel then continued,

"I never in a million years thought that a couple of brats that I'd get involved with would grow to this point, one actually growing enough to find a woman willing to put up with him and bear his child, and the other going on to subdue the entire world and beyond." Though he didn't go on, Alex knew there was much more Azazel was proud of as one of his old teachers, such as him establishing a world of peace despite it being filled with people who had been warring against each other for millennia.

Alex simply smiled wryly at Azazel's comment, and replied,

"I wasn't alone. The people with me helped me every single step of the way, and at certain times they did most of the work for me while I trained or something." Azazel nodded slowly in agreement, before he said,

"True, but typically no matter how hard working others are, it's hard for them to get anywhere without a good leader." For a moment neither of them said anything as Alex took in what Azazel said to him, before he asked the fallen angel,

"So how's your new position treating you?" Azazel lit up as he happily commented,

"I love it! There's so much new technology and artifacts for me to research, that even if spent the next thousand years researching them I doubt I'll uncover all of their secrets!" As he listened to Azazel go on about all of the exciting things he had seen and looked into in Asora, Alex found it a bit funny that Azazel didn't mention the hostile style he took over the research institute with, in which Barakiel came to work one day to find all of the things in his office unceremoniously thrown out of the window.

One thing Alex was concerned about though with Azazel moving to Asora was how quickly he and Hajime seemed to become close, which was a partnership he was fairly scared of now that he thought about it. At the same time though, Alex was excited to see what the two madmen would create together.


As the night wore on Alex and Azazel continued talking as they caught up on all the things that had happened since the last time they had properly spoken, back before the latter was sealed with Trihexia.

Though Azazel told Alex a few stories of the more interesting moments of their battle with the apocalyptic beast, it was mostly Alex who did the talking as he told the Fallen Angel more about their travels than he had already, such as the Great Labyrinths of Tortus, to even the 'less interesting' things like some of the fish they caught during the boys trip Alex usually organized in each world they went to. Being an avid fisherman himself, Azazel was just as interested in the monster fish Alex and the others caught as he was in the magic and technology they had seen.

Of course he noted though that the parts Alex was most excited to talk about was his children, as he readily told Azazel about the progress they were making during their training as well. With Alex using Regeneration magic to give picture to his stories though, even Azazel couldn't help but to be impressed when he saw the things that Alex's young children were now capable of.

They continued talking even as everyone else began to slow down, before several people began leaving to retire for the night. Eventually things came to a close as Alex as well went back home with his wives.

Thanks for reading!

Harry_Dresdencreators' thoughts
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