

Few Days after Vincent's Funeral.

The Marcog's Cemetery, Capital City of Magelang.


Governor General Cowan spent his days brooding over at Vincent's cemetery. His vague mind was still trying to gather the pieces memory of his late son. The face of young Vincent's scattered from his mind. He still remembered the little Vincent running around here and there and calling up his name, father.

Sometimes, a heavy sigh could be heard from Cowan's mouth. As if a huge burden tried to be released from the bottom of his heart, it could not. The more he tried, the more pain he felt.

It's been few days passed but Cowan could not be able to free himself. Visiting Vincent's grave has become his daily routine. He was never thought before that regretting over something lost could be so painful. Moreover, he never realized before that someone could be so precious after he left.

Once again, tears flew in his cheek without a permit. His back staggered over and over again. His heart felt as if had been crushed into pieces. His mind goes blank, and he should rely on his stick to prevent him from falling.

If only he knew that Vincent would be gone so sudden, he would never allow him to go that day. He would never agree about him entering a private military academy. His proud over Vincent's graduation felt so painfully ridiculous now.

It's too late to realize that he only wants Vincent alive rather than Vincent's outstanding achievement. Now, he just a mere father rather than a commander. No more.

"Sir!" It's Captain Herman Dirkse Hendepoel's voice. He walked over toward the Governor General from his behind. Hermans' face looked so worry.

Cowan's heard his call but pretend not to hear. His minds still in mourning mode. He still immersed in his thought and wanted to be alone, standing in front of Vincent's gravestone.

Herman release a heavy sigh. He put his hat off. "My deepest condolence, Sir!"

Herman put a step forward and put his mourning flower arrangements into Vincent's gravestone. Then he took a step backward and administered the Nevernian military salute.


This time, Cowan felt touched.

He took a deep breath and released it slowly. His broken heart became a little ease and slowly changed his mood. Somehow, his blank mind became clear; there were tons things to do after Vincent left.

Part of them were his responsibility as Vincent's father, another ones were his responsibility as a top commander of NTUC in Vajya.

"Is there anything you want to say, Captain Herman?" Cowan said without turned his back yet.

" Our spy network has confirmed the old King's whereabout. He was under protection of Duchess Nindya. Her forces were also confirmed as the resistance group toward new King. Therefore, the elimination of this resistance forces had approved by King Vasta."

" How about Vincent's killer?"

" Sir, there were solid proof gathered by our spy team that the suspect were the member of Duchess Nindya's forces."

"How strong are their forces ?"

"According to our intelligence team, their force hiding in this capital were counted as one battalion. "

Cowan dumbfounded. "That many? How can they escape from our monitoring before?"

"Sir. It's not only us who shocked about this fact. This so-called white tiger brigade had been hidden inside capital for years without no one realize. Their huge number really had surpassed any noble's private force in the Capital. These were very dangerous.

Therefore, to suppress them, Prince Nohan, Prince Nandana, and Prince Darya had agreed to mobilize their private military force to join us. Even the King himself supported us by mobilizing his own secret forces.

Not to count Earl Fritz Hayes mobilized his assassinations forces, Sandyakala to join us.

Including other participant army from various nobles, the total count could surpassed three battalion."

"Well done, Herman. You did good to gather so much forces. That's a good job."

"I also had coordination from Lord Francois. He was on his journey to Betaphia and Zev-Marg, for request some sufficient backup forces if the situation went wild. But since it would take time, we could not rely on their fast response."

" That's all right. It was good you had thought so far. How was our own forces, The Marcog's Army ?"

" Currently, we only had a two company of forces available. They were sixth and seventh companies. Total number were five hundred men, consist of Infantry and cavalries."

" What about our weaponries ?"

" Trust me Sir, we are over the top. We have twenty canon, one hundred muskets, two hundred archers, five hundred swords, three hundred crossbows and hundred of mage knights."

" That's enough. I believe we have the greater numbers and weaponries."

" Yes, Sir ! When will we attack ?"

" Soon. Now, gather all of our forces outside Los Ary Village of Paques Sub-district. Everyone should be ready before tonight. We will hold a a strategic meeting in the midnight. By the dawn comes, we crushed that Duchess's residences in Magelang. Let they paid what they had done toward Vincent."

" Yes, Sir!" Hermans administered the Nevernian military salute, turned back and walk away.

The dusk was falling and the evening wind was blowing, bringing frozen air to the capital. The dim light of the sun seemed to signal the coming of a war disaster.

The era will soon move, while human destiny is swayed like waves in the middle of the sea.

The cold of the evening wind accompanied Cowan's return from the cemetery. His mind returned glum, filled with stories of sweet stories with the little Vincent. His heart was return into grieving mood. If only he could turn back time…

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