

In was still an hour passed midnight. Jack's and Helck still immersed in their discussion. The surrounding air was just like 1930s Police Inspector office in the gangster movies, full of smoke from the clove cigarette, serious conversation, and scattered parchments.

Jack exhales his smoking. "It was very complex, wasn't it, Helck ?"

"Well, I am not finished yet, Jack." Helck respond at him. While Tyas had slept using Jack's thigh as her pillow. "Let, me continue!"

"There was even a story about Myerlion beloved one, Rara Ayu, which is taken over by Price Vastu Yuda. Rara Ayu was the first love for the innocent Meyrlion. At that time he did not know Rara Ayu's ambitious character.

Vasta Yudha, who knew the existence of this peerless beauty, immediately taking over her by asking for help from his father, The King himself to propose to him as his wife. And Rara Ayu's parents accepted. This also cannot be separated from the interference of Franc Zonk and Fritz Hayes. Both of them are on the faction of that Prince.

Prince Vasta Yudha won a love competition for Rara Ayu against Meyrlion. And this made a deep wound for Myerlion to make him reluctant to establish a new relationship with any woman.

A year later, Prince Vasta Yudha found her ambitious character, then decide to get rid of her. She later known dead in a bloody conflict between Prince Vastu Yuda, Myerlion, Franc Zonk and Fritz Hayes."

"Seems like the prince are jealous of Meyrlion popularity."

"Slow but sure, the deep grudge between Hayes - Zonc descendant into Titan Family grows into irreconcilable stages. While the second mage war broke, triggered by Empire Jung Kulon second attempt invasion into Magelang Kingdom, Fritz Hayes and Franc Zonc request a position as Field Commander opposing invasion force."

"The New King, King Magelang XIII Ranu Yuda approve their request with no slightest doubt about their hidden intent. These were to become a great disaster for Titan Family. Many of them dies in the enemy ambush or reckless suicide battle as ordered by their commander. Including Ferlon's only son, Nindya's husband, Guntur died heriocally."

"Some of them even killed outside the battle by an assassin. This group called Sandyakala were responsible for this dirty job. While Cargeo Flamas were no doubted play an important role in the slaughtered. Even Ferlon's family in law were massacred during the war by Cargeo Flamas, including Nindya's sibling and cousins. This secret was kept hidden. No one knows, even Ferlon himself, up until know."


Jack was shocked hearing those facts.

"Ferlon play an active role to outcasts the invaders in this second great mage war. He and his group were nicknamed as Death Angel by his foes. There's even a military notes found at Jung Kulon army noted about their victim were no less than fifteen thousands soldiers, include magic knight units."

"So, it was revealed that the conspiracy to weaken the Titan family has began from since the previous war broke out." Jack can't hold to comments.

"Yes." Helck responded again. "I can not deny those conclusion."

"One more lasting, this is very important, Prince Vasta Yudha had just sell the country to NTUC through Red River Agreement. This agreement said that NTUC will help Prince Vasta Yuda ascended the throne but with four conditions. Kingdom Magelang had to hand over the pepper monopoly in Magelang held by NTUC and had to get rid of the merchants of Perxia, Hendia, and Sinosia. Kingdom Magelang had to pay 600,000 pieces of gold if they broke their promises, and Kingdom Magelang troops who controlled the coast and inland areas were immediately withdrawn."

"They really dare to shown their true nature." Jack shocked.

"Yes. Soon a bloody civil war will be roused again in this Kingdom. What a stupid little prince." Helck close the parchment, sealed it and give it to Jack.

"Thank you for your order, Jack" Helck bowed.

Jack take out another golds from his winning cash bag.

"Helck, find me information about people behind NTUC, their decision maker, their clients and their stockholder. How they do their business and their trade lines. All I need was a complete profile and how to him each person."

"It was easy. Give me time until dawn."

"Take tour time."

"Good night, Jack."

"Good night Helck," Jack said while carry the little Tyas into their room.


Four hours passed in a blink of an eye. A new day has come. The silent, foggy and cold morning slowly getting broke up over the sound of morning birds, rooster, goat and even dogs.

Jack has just finished his morning exercise, take a bath then enjoying his morning coffee in front his room. Just like his previous lifestyle, he started his morning with coffee and reading a newspaper. But, there are no newspaper here except a new parchment delivered by Helck himself.

He read this parchment carefully while Helck sit at the guest seat in front of the door room.

A sudden scream broke those silence morning.



Those are voices of man and woman come from Meyrlion rooms. Jack and Helck hurriedly run toward that room. And forcefully open the door.

Brack !

Plak !!!

The sound of a face being slapped with a palm sounded echoing. Then they could hear a female voice is sobbing in.

A woman was crying in the bed while covering her body with a blanket. Her clothes, armor and accessories were scattered on the floor.

A dumbfounded Myerlion sat freeze in edge of the bed without any cover and a trace of palm in his face.

And, a tangled white bedsheet with a few bloods stain.

"Is that bloods stain in the bedsheet ?" Jack and Helck had a dumbfound face, did not fully understand what happened.

"I am sorry, I was drunk, I remember nothing! I will take full responsibility!" Meyrlion bowed to the woman.

She was a woman with appearance in her mid twenty, with dark long hair, teary eyes, snow white skin and a pair of long ear. In Jack opinion, she was resemblance Arwen Undómiel which was peerlessly portrayed by Liv Tyler.

"Where is Cargeo ?" Jack asked.

A glare from that woman immediately answered his question. She released a heavy sigh and restarting to sob.

"Don't tell me ..." Jack mind started to think different.

"She was Cargeo, wasn't she ?" Helck recklessly come into his conclusion.

"Who's that Cargeo ?" Myerlion put a dumb face.

"Don't try to shift the topic !" The woman shouted angrily to Jack. "You are fully responsible for this!" She pointed her finger into blood stained tangled bedsheet.

"Uwaa.... sob... sob! My chastity ... " Shouted her while throwing her armor, her shoes and anything her hand able to grab into Myerlion.

"Wait.. wait.. stop, Lady ! I was drunk.. I did not remember anything! I am sorry ! I''ll take full responsibility.."

"No, way.. you did it to her, Brother ?" Jack dumbfounded.

"Shut up you Jack, If it's not because your drinks!"

"Ghosh! Lucky, I was drunk too, but not end up in this room. Other wise I would had been raped by him.." Helck commented recklessly.

"Who's dare to rape you, Gorilla !" Myerlion shouted back angrily.

"So, it was true that you intend to rape me ? Uaaaa..." once again she point her index finger to Myerlion.

"Wait no, lady, stop you wild imagination!"

"Dont call me lady, I was just a lassie before !" She shouted again.

"You took something I've been protecting for years !" She gripped the bloodstained bedsheet, lift them up and shown them into Myerlion.

Then she fainted, probably due great shock she just gone through.

Jack release a heavy sigh. "These things are now become very complicated.."

After a moment of silent, Jack talks "Come on Brother, Let's have a bath, we should continue our journey.."

"Wait, wait.. what about her ?"

"Ofcourse, she had put her self under your care. Howcome you order me to handle her ? Didn't you look how brutal her when she is angry ? Do you want me to become mince meat, Bro ?" Jack laughed.

"Oh bastard !" Meyrlion put his palm into his face.

"Didn't you said that you will take full responsibility ? Man should not lie from his word, correct ? as de facto, she had just become your couple, your wife bro. It just need approval from out dear mother, right ? Well congratulation Brother.. hahaha.."

Myerlion put annoyed face and then throw him a pair of boots.

Jack vanished quicly behind the door, with his annoying laugh.

Myerlion release a heavy sigh.


An hour later, they continued their journey. This time their group had expanded one member, with fainted Cargeo tied up in Myerlion's back.

Dear my Silent Reader!

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