
Miss Cheng and Beauty Su

Redakteur: Atlas Studios

Cheng Anya had never experienced traveling on the sea for a few days and nights. While she was not seasick, she, however, felt that she had lost track of time on the ship. They had departed from France and would reach Riyadh in a matter of days through the Red Sea. Beauty Su received word to pick up a person en-route and changed their route at the last minute. By the time they reached the Atlantic Ocean through the Panama Canal, she had already lost her bearings and had no idea where she was.

Beauty Su was not the best travel partner, and the boat in question was a private cruise ship that was opulently decked out. Although Beauty Su was always dressed in white, giving an impression of nigh holiness and being above the things of the world, Cheng Anya realized that he was quite a hedonist.

The ship was even more luxurious than a six-star suite as it was kitted to the teeth with an impressive entourage that fulfilled even the most unreasonable demands.

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