
Chapter 2

A new Spirit has been born. It was born from the blossoming of the rare Arcadia Flower, a flower known for being the flower of faith. When two people exchange with one another the Arcadia Flower, it means the relationship between the two will last forever. No matter what happens.

The newly born Spirit stayed floating within the air, rain flowed over its newly formed body. It stayed like that for days, until finally, when the rain stopped. He opened his eyes. A pure purple colored shined forth from the Spirit's eyes.

The Spirit looked around once, and floated down onto the ground. The Spirit in the shape of a human man sat on the soft grass and opened his hands. He stared at every finger, opening and closing his hands. He then stood up, and jumped around.

Apparently satified with his new body, he smiled a blossoming smile. The face of the boy just so happened to be breathtakingly majestic. The flowers paled in the face of his charm.

The Spirit, seeming to remember something, brought forth his hands and immediately light gathered upon his hand. The light took shape and form. It resembled a simple bird. The light soon solidified and became very detailed.

The line of a beak was etched, the curvature of the head and body moved, and feathers ruffled. A gold bird was born, but this was not an ordinary bird. It was a bird made of pure light.

The Spirit set aside the bird, and brought his hands before him once again. And instead of light, air gathered on his palm. It took the shape of a small little fish. The air hardened and condensed. The fishes scales were made from wind, the fishes body was born from air. A small silvery green fish was created. It floated around here and there.

The boy set it aside again, and repeated what he did a few times. A gold bird, a silver fish, a brown snake, a black wolf, a blue owl, and finally a red tiger were created.

These creatures were born from light, air, earth, darkness, water, and fire respectively. The Spirit crafted each and every one of them by hand using the basic magical elements of this world. These creatures are not ordinary animals, having been handcrafted by a Spirit. Given time, they will be powerful.

But since this Spirit is still young, and his creations are newly formed, they are still naive. With time, they will be very powerful. The Spirit looked at what he made and looked at each creature one by one and then he spoke.

"Your name will be Go, Si, Bru, Lack, Aoi, and Riri. Ok?"

The animals listened attentively to him, and all nodded happily. Since they were created by him, they are forever connected to him, as he is to them. They will follow his commands no matter what, and the newly made animals priority instinct is to protect him. They will protect him from any danger.

The Spirit, very satisfied with his work, laid down to rest. The animals huddled around him and slept next to him. This image, if seen by a passing traveler, would cause the traveler to be in shock by the sheer beauty of it. Though, people may just call it very cute.

The sun set, and the moon rose high into the sky. It was twilight now, and the Spirit woke up. The animals felt his movement and awoke instantly. The Spirit still groggy from having just awoken, took a few small looks around, and instantly smiled.

He grabbed the animals all around him and hugged them. The boy smiled, happiness clear on him. The animals shared his happiness and snuggled into him.

They stayed like this for a bit of time. And the Spirit soon stood up, and walked around the forest. After a bit of walking, he seemed to have remembered he could move around by flight. And started floating around. He passed around the trees, through the trees, beneath the bushes. He traveled all around the forest, until the Spirit decided to stop. He soon landed on the ground and began digging. The animal born from the properties of earth, began to help him dig. Bru, knowing his Master's thoughts and mind, knew what to do and when to do it.

A huge crater was soon dug, the other animals surrounded the edge of the crater and looked down at them. It was apparently very entertaining. The animals were all smiles.

After digging very deep and for a long time, the Spirit and Bru soon stumbled upon a metal ore. This ore is known as adamantium ore. The hardest known metal in the world. Legendary items and weapons have been forged by this ore. This ore is known as "Heroes Ore", the strongest metal has to be wielded by the strongest people. This ore was used many times to forge weapons that have become myths and legends.

But the spirit doesn't know that, it was sheer luck he happened to have found one. The Spirit, dug out the entire ore, and with the help of the other animals, he managed to carry out all of the adamantium ore. The Spirit knocked on the metal once, and knocked on it a couple more times in other places.

He doesn't know exactly what it is, but Spirits being born from pure Spiritual energy, can sense the energy in other things. He can tell that this ore is very special and very powerful just by instinct. The Spirit brought out his hands once more, and soon began crafting.

It is impossible to mold adamantium ore without a strong heat source, but he is doing it with just his hands. It appears to be related to his unique Spirit power.

The adamantium ore was molded, blended, mixed, refined, and carved. It soon took shape into the form of a tall and large human man. A body was carved from pure adamantium. The large body was one solid color, dark gray. It looked inhuman, but the Spirit wanted it to look human.

The Spirit used the earth to create skin, used the darkness for hair, the wind for the eyes. He blended them all together, and soon, the large body of a human man began to take life.

It looked alive. It was alive. It is alive.

The Spirit crafted every crease and fold. He took very great care. And he soon realized with shock, the man, his first real friend was naked. And that he didn't have any of the necessary parts that could define him as male.

The Spirit's face grew red, he blushed. The Spirit was embarrassed at having to design this feature too, but he soon shook the thought from his head. This man will be his first friend, and he will be perfect in every inch of the way. In both body and mind.

The Spirit began to craft every detail, but suddenly stopped. He realized he too had no clothing as well, but this was not what he was thinking. The Spirit stopped at first because he wanted to look at his own male feature. He was thinking, 'Should… I make it smaller then mine?... It would be a bit embarrassing if it's bigger then mine for some reason…'

The Spirit looked towards the body of his first friend, then looked at his.

"... If the proportions aren't right, then it would just look weird…. It's okay… If it's bigger then mine! It is only right! Since, he is taller then me!"

The Spirit said, apparently hardening his resolve to allow his friend to have a larger male feature then him.

The Spirit turned back to crafting every detail. And finally, it was time for the clothes to be made. The Spirit brought forth his hands once more, and sewed the darkness and intertwined it with the air. Beautiful garments colored black with specks of silver were soon formed.

The Spirit dressed himself first, and soon dressed his friend. The large man, now fully clothed and fully formed, was ready to awaken. There was only one more step.

The Spirit, instinctually knowing what needed to be done, brought forth his hands and held them close to his heart. Unlike the animals, who were formed just by the pure elements themselves and into the shapes of simple animals. Did not need this step.

The next step was to create a mind. The body has been formed. And now, all that is left is the mind. To create an intelligent life, a life needed to be shared, and the Spirit shared his very own life. He didn't need to use his own life, he could've used another's, but since he was ageless and timeless. He has a lot of "life" to spare. And he had a want to make, he wanted his first friend to be like what he always dreamed.

Someone who would be there for him whenever.

Someone who could give him a hug whenever he felt sad or bad.

Someone who he could talk with about anything and everything.

Someone who actually loved him for himself.

Someone who could give him shelter if he felt scared.

Someone who could comfort him.

Someone who could protect him.

The Spirit brought forth all these ideas and thoughts and ideals and wants, and collected them all onto his hand. The collected thoughts were transformed into pure spirit energy. They condensed, but stayed forever soft.

The Spirit brought forth this collected energy and pushed it into the forehead of the large man's body. The energy entered his head, and circulated and pulsed throughout his body. A powerful aura could be felt being emitted from the tall man's body.

A heart began to beat, a body began to breathe. The Spirit succeeded in making his first friend.

The body slowly opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was a pale face, covered in messy black hair, with beautiful purple shining eyes. The large man's first thought was "beautiful".

He knew this boy.

The boy was someone he had to take care of forever. The boy was someone he had to forever protect and cherish. The boy was someone he loved and will love forever. The boy's lips turned into a smile, and opened up.

"Hello. I am Atlas, and you are Ciel. It is nice to meet you finally." The Spirit spoke, the voice sounding sweet and soft.

"Hello Atlas, it is nice to meet you too." The large man said and immediately moved his just made arms, and took the boy into them and gave him a hug.

The hug said many things that words could not.

"I've always wanted to meet you."

"I've been with you forever."

"I will always be with you."

"I will not let anything hurt you."

"I love you, Atlas."

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