
Safe and sound

She could hear someone calling her name though it was faint since the static was currently overpowering her sounds... even so she was glad she wasn't in this hell alone anymore...


She felt someone grab her from behind.

Her vision slowly started to become normal as the spirals slowly started to dissolve one by one. The static began to fad as well. But she'd slowed her comprehension of her situation...

With her semi blurred unstable vision the person in front of her...in desperation she'd hoped it was her prince that had come to save her in the depths of hell.

...but then why'd the surroundings look a little like red grave and neros house?

Was Nero holding her? ...no it couldn't be he had a demon arm

[currently still has one]

And that shit glows when he's worried about something.

Was it really Dante had this all been an elaborate prank set up by her council? Had the plan worked? Was he home?

Unable to tell as her eyes were trying to adjust to light from the terrible trip she just had...

She opened her mouth to speak but instead of being able to form a sentence...

"He- hmph?...."

She was silenced with a kiss

My heart skipped a beat.

The way he was kissing me...the way he was holding me close it was so like him at least it felt like it was...

I felt myself relax and steadied my breathing in his arms

(I missed you...)

Only Dantes ever held me like that it's always made me feel so safe and happy...

As he vision had slowly started to stabilize and the static sounds had began to dull down slowly but surly being replaced back with the normal sounds of her surroundings. She could hear muffled talking and the outline of someone dear coming back into view...

Though not the one she's expected.

...re you even listening to me? Lily can you even hear me right now?"

I saw her face go pale she was already pretty fair to begin with but this made me panic that something even worse was happening to her.

She was cold.

Her hair was a mess.

Her hands are bloody bruised and missing her fricken finger nails as well as bruising up to her for arms...

Her heart rate sounds alarmingly fast.

I bit my lip and attempting to pick her up

Intending to rush her to the nearest hospital not wanting to be picky about it.

Humans are fragile.

They're just to dam breakable even their own body's could turn on them in the correct conditions.

Her trembling cold little arms were trying to keep me at bay.

Though useless as the gesture is I can't forcefully take her anywhere I'm not entirely sure weather this damage was her own doing or something else's.

"No your not...no I'm...."

Unable to make much sense with everything that's been happening to her she just fumbled with her fingers trying to draw vergils attention to her ring.


He had been over taken with emotions when he saved her and in the heat of the moment kissed her.

(-.-ll this makes matters harder...)

Though intending to woe her over he honestly did question a bit how she'd still managed her faithfulness since usually women fall for the hero that saves them.

"I have no time for this. You calm down or I'm taking you to get help."

"Hunn? Uh umm?"

*she looks around dumbfounded by her surroundings it's as if she's somehow forgotten were she is and is just now realizing it's not where she's supposed to be.*

*Vergil raised an eyebrow at the odd reaction*

"Is there something wrong? You do know where you are right?"

"Mm mm"

*She shakes her head at him*

"Where do you live"

"With Dante"

"Do you remember me and everyone else?"

"Yes and Cerberus"

(...Kay that's not entirely bad perhaps she just forgot she went to neros apartment? Well that's reasonable.)

"And you know that your..."

"Having Dantes baby's"

Alright she's still somewhat fine though...-.- mmm.

*currently envying the fact that Dante has the dang baby's but he's got a adult child that he's had nothing to do with for 19 years*

"How did you get all that damage as well as nearly falling off the balcony?"

"Something bad happened...."

Not wanting to be dropped off at an insane asylum she try's to avoid the topic.

But this only makes him worry more.

"Why don't we get you fixed up while we talk about it?"


*vergil sighs before gently taking her hand and guiding her outside*

"I'm sorry but I have no idea where anything is there and quite frankly if your not willing to speak right away which is fine. But I can't keep you there something might be amiss in there."

Lily tried to calm herself down while they walked back to devil may cry. Though she ended up not being able to think of a way to make herself sound more sane when explaining to Vergil what happened to her though the walk would have given her plenty of time due to her bsing skills and L like logic she was busy staring intently at the hand who was holding her own.

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