
Julian Vs Lorelei (1)

Announcer "The first pokemons to start this battle are Electivire and Cloyster, and it looks like Lorelei is at a disadvantage"

Lorelei "Are you really going to use Electivire from the start, and here I thought that you are going to save it for last"

Julian "Well Electivire really like to play so I think to keep him waiting isn't good"

Lorelei "Hmpf, your typing advantage is completely useless against me today"

Julian "We will see about that"

Lorelei "Cloyster use Ice Shards"

Cloyster sends out numerous Ice Shards at Electivire flying at full speed, each and every one of them is sharp and pointy.

Julian "Destroy them"

Electivire sends out a wide area of Discharge and shreds each and every Ice Shard into pieces.

Julian "Thunder Wave"

Electivire's Thunder Wave sends sparks everywhere and Cloyster is found paralyzed, unable to move as electricity sparks all over its body.

Lorelei seeing her Cloyster paralyzed greeted her teeth and called it back.

Lorelei "Cloyster return"

Julian "What, switching so early?"

Lorelei "Its no of your concern"

Julian "Whatever you say"

Lorelei "Go Jynx"

Julian 'Looks like she wants to eliminate Electivire as soon as possible, well let's see how she is going to accomplish that'

Lorelei "Jynx use Ice Beam"

Julian "Counter it with Thunderbolt"

Two attacks collide creating explosions and shock wave.

Lorelei "Now Perish Song"

Julian 'Shit'

Julian "Electivire return"

Julian quickly calls back.

Lorelei "Hee, who would have thought that you would back out"

Julian "Anyone would be an idiot to face Perish Song upfront"

Announcer "Looks like Julian called back Electivire right on time if Jynk was able to perform that Perish Song we would and seen Electivire fainted after a few seconds"

Julian 'Who would have thought that Jynx could use Perish Song, well looks like I need to eliminate it, well looks like its time'

Julian "Snorlax"

Snorlax enters the field asleep and crashes down on the Ice field leaving some cracks behind.

Julian [Sleep Talk]

As soon as Julian sends a telepathic message Snorlax sit straight up but still sleeping.

Announcer "This is new, this is the first time we see a new pokemon from Julian and it's a Snorlax"

Lorelei "Hmfp, do you think that sleeping can help you avoid Jynx Perish Song"

Julian "Go ahead and try"

Lorelei "As you wish, Jynx use Perish Song"

Jynx starts to sing as the Lorelei waits for Snorlax to faint but to her surprise, Snorlax is still sleeping sitting still without fainting.

Lorelei "What's going on"

Julian "Well you see, when my Snorlax is sleeping he ignores every type of sound, you can say that he goes deaf temporally while sleeping, so your Perish Song is completely useless"

Lorelei grits her teeth then she throws a question at Julian.

Lorelei "If Snorlax cannot hear that means he cannot battle"

Julian 'Well that was one of my concern when I found out that it's useless to use sleep talk on Snorlax as he won't be able to listen at all'

Julian "Are you sure"

As soon as Julian said this Snorlax who was sleeping suddenly stood up while his eyes where still closed, then he suddenly inhaled air inside his mouth and the next second a humungous Hyper Beam was sent towards Jynx, Lorelei didn't even know what happened but her Jynx was found planted deep inside the wall behind her completely fainted, there was a devastating trail left behind on the ground as smoke raised for it, half of the ice on the battlefield had completely disappeared.

The whole stadium was silent with no sound, all of them were completely petrified by the power of that Hyper Beam.

Julian 'The answer to my concern was, Telepathy still worked while he was in the Sleep Talk state'

Lorelei was stunned she didn't even know what happened, she only felt extreme pressure for a second next to her and next she saw the devastated battlefield and her Jynx was nowhere to be found, she turned around to see a huge crater on the wall and her Jynx was right in the middle knocked out.

Inside the unknown room, the remaining member of the elite four where complete stunned at what they were seeing.

Bruno "What a Monster, that Snorlax should be illegal"

Lance "I think even my Dragonite cannot withstand that"

Agatha was the only one who was frowning.

Agatha 'Why did that Snorlax attack all of a sudden, from what I saw Julian never gave any command'

Back to the stadium, Lorelei calls back her Jynx into its Pokeball.

The Referee also snaps out of his trance and quickly announce.

Referee "Jynx is unable to battle, Snorlax wins"

The crowd also come back to their senses and burst into excitement, while Snorlax was still sleeping soundly.

Julian 'Well that was over in a second, I think I should not use him, its just overkill'

Julian "Snorlax return"

Announcer "Looks like Julian is calling back Snorlax, what is he planning to do?"

Lorelei also comes back to her senses, she looks at Julian.

Lorelei 'Why is he calling it back so soon, from what can I see it could have easily swiped my whole team'

Lorelei had now completely given up on this battle and she hadn't realized it at all, she then called out her next pokemon.

Lorelei "Go Dewdong"

Julian "Infernape"

Announcer "Both the trainers have chosen their third pokemon, them being Dewdong and Infernape. Julian is in the lead as he hasn't lost a single pokemon whereas Lorelei has already lost her Jynx"

Julian "Infernape melt the rest of the Ice"

Lorelei "Don't let it happen, use Waterfall"

Dewdong brings down a huge amount of water crazing towards Infernape, Infernape looks up and blasts Flamethrower at the incoming Waterfall, they collide and suddenly the whole stadium is covered by fog, nothing is visible as not even a single drop of water escaped as the Flamethrower evaporated it completely.

Julian [Flame Charge]

Lorelei didn't expect this as Infernape suddenly crashed into the distracted Dewgong and sent it rolling backward and crashed into an Ice boulder.

Lorelei "Dewgong are you ok"

Dewgong slowly gets up and nods its head stating it is fine, seeing this Lorelei sighs in relief she didn't know what happened just now but she had a rough idea.

Lorelei 'His pokemons attack without his command all of a sudden, are they just like that, or they received some kind of signal, if this goes on I won't be able to counter'

Julian "Flamethrower"

As Lorelei was still thinking she heard Julian's command and quickly called out a move.

Lorelei "Counter, Ice Beam"

As Dewgong waited for a Flamethrower to come at it but suddenly it felt the ground shaking and the next second it was thrashed by a Stone Edge from underground sending it flying in the air, Dewgong then came crashing down.

Lorelei couldn't tell what was happening at all.

Lorelei 'I clearly heard Flamethrower but why did Dewgong suddenly get hit by a Stone Edge, this makes no sense, is his pokemons retaliating and ignoring his commands?'

As the fog slowly gets cleared Lorelei sees Julian smiling at her and she realized

Lorelei 'His pokemons aren't ignoring his command but doing as he said, it looks like he could command his pokemons with some different method, he used that Flamethrower command as a cover for that Stone Edge. If this is really the case I really don't know how to counter him'

Lorelei grits her teeth and continues.

Lorelei "Dewgong are you able to continue?"

Dewgong struggles to get up, that Stone Edge really did a number on it. It struggles for a while as it gets back up.

Lorelei "Dewgong full power Aqua Jet"

Julian "Focus Punch"

Dewgong launches itself towards Infernape as water surrounds its body, the Aqua Jet comes down full speed. Infenape also sprints towards the coming Dewgong, his right hand glows blazing yellow.

Both attacks meet head-on, the collision sends shockwaves and blows away everything in the surroundings, the Ice shards, broken pieces of rocks, small machine parts, even the referee is pushed back by the shockwave.

Next moment both Pokemon comes to halt and stare at each other then suddenly Dewgong collapses and faints.

Referee "Dewgong is unable to battle, Infernape wins".

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